Speaking of pulling out the demonic energy for the ink pocket is not a simple matter. Originally, he himself was the descendant of the combination of Dragon Race and Rakshasa Clan. In the bones inherited a large number of demons. Sha Force and True Dragon Bloodline.

Although he is in Yellow Springs World with his own attributes, the cultivation complements each other. But when the cultivation progress reaches a certain level, it becomes difficult to make progress.

Now he wants to change the attribute and find another opportunity from the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique. There is no way. You must know that the life essence of the demonic beast is extremely long. If the cultivation base has been stagnant, then you can only watch your life essence deplete little by little until you escape into reincarnation.

So whenever there is a glimmer of hope, these high-level monster cultivators will try it, anyway, the life essence is still very long, even if it is a cultivation base that drops a realm, it only takes a little more time to make it up. .

The purification process performed by Yi Tian is not so simple. In the Liuyang trapped formation, Yi Tian performed the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique and slowly injected it into the ink pocket. The demons remaining on his body will remain. The evil force was extracted a little bit and then purified.

From the beginning to the end, this cycle lasted for seven days before it cleared more than 90% of the evil force from the ink pocket. What remains can be resolved by itself after the cultivation Buddhist Sect secretion operation. The spiritual pressure fluctuation on the ink pocket has weakened by more than 30%, and the cultivation base seems extremely unstable, between the eighth and the 9th level. These all are the repercussions of clearing the evil spirits, and they had predicted it early in the morning, so Modou naturally didn't care too much about it.

Later, Yi Shun communicated with him. They are both Dragon Race and they are studying Buddhist Sect secrets together. There are also many places where they can communicate.

Yi Tian walked aside and opened the Formation alone and started to rest. After a few days, I heard Yishun’s sound transmission in his ear: "There is a change in the ink pocket, come and see to the end. What's the matter."

hearing this Yi Tian opened his eyes and opened the restricted Formation, then stood up and looked at the two people below. I saw that the ink pocket at this time absorbed all around a large amount. Spiritual power, these spiritual powers came so rapidly and finally all came to his forehead.

There is also the location of the spiritual repair Niwan Palace. It is expected that the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows after the ink pocket Human Transformation is where the demon infant is stored.

The crazy absorption of spiritual power like this can only be withstood by a strong demonic beast body. If it is Human Race spiritual cultivation, the body may not be able to hold a large amount of spiritual power and flood until it bursts. Body died.

Soon I saw the body of the ink pocket bulging as if it was inflated. The skin on the body bulged up, and you can clearly see the protruding blood channels under the skin. Those spiritual powers constantly scoured the meridian in his body, and an unusually painful face could be seen on his face.

Go forward to Yi Tian and stretch out his hand to stop Yi Shundao: "This is receiving the Spiritual Qi infusion. I guess the ink pocket is originally the body of the black winged dragon, and the body is stronger than ordinary people should be able to survive this One level. It’s just that he seems to have some seeking instant benefit. The original lost cultivation base can be slowly repaid through long-term repairs. However, although his seeking instant benefit grows fast, he still needs a lot of training spiritual power afterwards. Achieve an effect that perfectly fits the fleshy body."

After one hour, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on the ink pocket tends to ease, and his body shape has also retracted to a normal state. When the ink pocket came back to his senses, after looking at it, his face was surprised and said: "How come this Buddhist Sect cultivation technique is so powerful that it can absorb so much spiritual power to replenish myself."

Yishun's complexion condensed and walked forward: "Do you know how dangerous you were just now? The most taboo of the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique is the cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds. Just like you, it absorbs a lot of it all at once. Spiritual power said that he would not explode and die."

The ink pocket stretched out his hand around the replied of the sorry hair: "Many thanks Fellow Daoist for pointing me, I believe I won't be like this next time."

Yi Tian stepped up and looked at it and said: "In fact, everyone has different cultivation methods. It is not a bad thing to rely on the strong body like Fellow Daoist to absorb a large amount of spiritual power at one time and replenish itself. "

Modou hurriedly asked: "How do you say this? We are absolutely knowledgeable and not as good as Fellow Daoist Yi. Please help me out."

"Yes, you don't often say that the most taboo of cultivation is advanced by leaps and bounds. This will cause the foundation to be unstable," Yishun also turned around and asked, "Why do you say this today?"

Thinking about Yi Tian said with a smile: "In fact, I can guess the reason," he said, reaching out his hand and pointing to the ink cup: "For example, Fellow Daoist Mo's original cultivation base is already at Level 9 is above, just like ten zhang's wooden bucket with water pouring two points out of it, and it is bound to fill in quickly, because it is the most stable state to reach fullness but not overflow."

The two of them, the ink pocket happily said: "Then my current cultivation base has been restored to its original state?"

"It's still a lot worse," Yi Tian shook his head and replied: "First of all, the spiritual power attribute will definitely give you a digestion process. Second, even though your body’s spiritual pressure fluctuates, Level 9 category, but unstable. Refining is required, otherwise the cultivation base will fall to the eighth realm again anytime and anywhere. "

After listening to these ink pockets, the joy on their faces faded, and then moved towards the two people bowed their hands and said: "Many thanks, two support, Mo Mou will have today's free body." "

"In fact, although we have fought against each other, I still admire your strength very much. If it weren't for the cultivation technique attribute, it would be very difficult to defeat you with a half move." Yishun is a humble replied.

"It is true, I found such a problem when I was playing against Yan Qiu," Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "There is a question that has always been around me. In my heart, forgive me to speak bluntly. I don’t know when Fellow Daoist Mo signed the contract with Yan Qiu. Why is your cultivation base so close? It should be noted that when looking for Spirit Pets, either both parties are willing, or the cultivation base is slightly higher and suppressed strongly, otherwise once backlash is not a joke. "

The ink pocket replied with a straight look: "In fact, when I first met Yan Qiu, the cultivation base was already at the top of the eighth level, but at that time, Yan Qiu had just merged into Early-Stage. "

"Then it will be suppressed by force," Yishun said.

"Those are old things and don't mention it," Modou said, "In fact, this time we have gone through a catastrophe. After that, it reminded me of some past events. My ancestor was originally responsible for guarding Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace Panlong Realm, but only fled after the war. "

Yi Tian raised his brows when he heard the news from Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace, secretly said in one's heart: "This is really an opportunity to be delivered to the door. It seems that doing good things every day is really rewarding." "

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