Yi Tian was stunned by Ji Xuanyuan for no reason, but he couldn't show his true thoughts in the eyes of the people around him. Since everyone else is gone, just let him go, he can't control himself anyway in Monster Realm.

Then put away the jade slip Yi Tian is lightly saying: "Since it is the request of Senior Brother, and Spirit Realm three sects same qi, connected branch, I will naturally leave here as a member of the Taiqing Pavilion. The Fire Palace takes care of it. It’s a Virtuous nephew, so you can rest assured."

Anyway, speaking of which is a crown spring, I don’t feel tired, but it’s an extraordinary and respectful replied: "thanks you Martial Uncle size, when Sect Master left, Martial Uncle can go to Lihuo Palace to mobilize all resources at will.” After speaking, he took out a jade box and handed it over.

It seems to be something Ji Xuanyuan left for him, but I don't know what exactly is inside. Yi Tian glanced over and found that the ban on this was exactly the same as the one on jade slip. Needless to say, it must be a ban set by Ji Xuanyuan instructed to personally cast it, and it cannot be opened unless the door of Lihuo is opened.

On the other hand, Cheng Bufan's expression is indifferent and he doesn't know how much internal details he knows, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth is slightly sighed helplessly. After receiving the jade box, lightly cast a spell to unlock the ban, then opened the lid of divine sense and scanned it and found that there was a simple token inside, and the three characters Lihuo Palace were written on the front. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and turned it over and looked at the back that was engraved with Ji Xuanyuan's name.

Didn't expect that he will leave the identity of sect jade token to himself, so the meaning is intriguing.

Close the lid, Yi Tian put the jade box away and turned around and said: "I know everything that Senior Brother Ji has entrusted. From now on, you only need to remember to do your duty and leave the Fire Palace in Ten Thousand Monster City. The pioneering situation can be maintained."

"Listen to the teachings of Yi Martial Uncle," Cheng Bufan replied: "If there is nothing else, Martial Nephew, I want to retire first."

Nodded after the nodded signal, Yi Tian asked the King of Golden Retriever to send him out of the house, and then Alone sat in the hall holding the Ji Xuanyuan identity jade token in his hand and began to think about it from time to time.

It seems that Ji Xuanyuan is aware of his true identity, but what he did is also intriguing. Speaking of which he is also his own enlightenment in the lower realm, or he is a master artist. In terms of seniority, he is the Eldest Senior Brother but the Little Junior Brother himself, but from what he did, it seems that he also encountered the problem of two Wuye Sect Founders.

Regardless of the white clothed black clothed Wuye, the dísciple received by Wuye is a direct line from the fire palace, and the two Sect Founders must reintegrate back together in the future. From this point of view, Ji Xuanyuan knew more about his inner affairs than Li Huo, not just a little bit.

Thinking about his Avatar leaving rashly this time, Yan Qiu will be targeted by Yan Qiu, they are old enemies. At this time, Yi Tian really had the color of hesitation in his heart. He hoped to see the end of their both sides suffer from it, and he couldn't bear to see Ji Xuanyuan's Avatar fall.

While hesitating, I suddenly noticed that there is a spiritual light wrapped in Communication Talisman, passing through the layers of restrictions and coming to me. Reached out and took the magic talisman divine sense and quickly looked at it and found that it was the news from Xiong Erbao, but the above content was reported on the situation of the black winged dragon ink pocket sensing the body.

Yi Tian knew that something happened because he hurriedly took out Communication Talisman informed Xiong Erbao, but his silhouette disappeared in the hall.

hundred breaths afterwards, an azure and a black and white escape light outside the city of Ten Thousand Demons galloped towards the south. It is Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao in the escape light, and at this moment, the moved towards the boundary of the gate flies straight.

The direction of the two people is also in accordance with the guidance of the ink pocket Avatar. He learned from his mouth that the spiritual pressure fluctuation on the body seems to be a sign of instability. Needless to say, they must be working with people. .

And the person who can make his shot with Yan Qiu's identity can be counted on one's fingers in Ten Thousand Monster City, among which is included Ji Xuanyuan Avatar who is about to leave.

Speaking of which Avatar's strength is between the late stage of distraction and early-stage integration. If you use any divine ability, you may be able to display the body's three-point strength. But for Yan Qiu's cultivation base strength, it doesn't have much effect, and the addition of magic pets to assist is naturally unmatched.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan was able to call Number One Person in Spirit Realm's Mahayana Stage, naturally, it has its own uniqueness. He came to Monster Realm with an Avatar risk this time, he will definitely not be assassinated, maybe there are other unknown methods secretly.

Split a Strands of Divine Sense to the Xumi space bucket and transform Taichung into its own illusory shadow. At this time, the Avatar of the ink pocket hurriedly flew forward and said: "There is a message from my body. It seems that Yan Qiu has approached Ji Xuanyuan, but at this time the strength of the deity is not enough, and there is someone beside Ji Xuanyuan to help, Yan Qiu is eager to get off."

"Really," Yi Tian was a while. Suddenly, secretly said in one's heart, it seemed that Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan would not fight a battle of uncertainty, but he didn't know who this gang was. After thinking about it, I asked: "Your avatar is now fighting with others?"

The Modou Avatar immediately replied: "It is the Avatar of Ji Xuanyuan."

" What about Yan Qiu? Who held Yan Qiu?" Yi Tian asked.

"It seems to be a Monster Race cultivator, it should be clansman," Modou Avatar replied.

"The most likely chain is Huolian. It seems that he contacted him early in the morning and asked him to wait for an opportunity here," Yi Tian said solemnly: "If Huolian helps the battle, I’m afraid Yan Qiu It’s all in vain again."

"When can you help my body get out of trouble?" Motou Avatar asked, "It seems that something happened to my deity recently. When I contacted me, I always felt The spiritual power maintains intermittently, and is very weak."

Yi Tian naturally knows the inner reason, although the poisonous hand did it soon afterwards, the remaining Buddhist Sect power is not so easy to get rid of. After thinking about it, Haosheng comforted: "Don't worry, I have designed to emphasize the Wanjiao clan, and when he brings back the guards of Yellow Springs, I will be able to deal with the design and transfer your body from Yan Qiu."

"At this time, you have to take seriously. I noticed that Yan Qiu seems to have some opinions on my deity lately, so he tried harder to squeeze me," Modou Avatar replied.

"I see, this time let your deity deal with that Ji Xuanyuan's Avatar has already explained the problem, wait for me to catch up and see if I can make the water more muddy," Yi Tian After that, he withdrew the divine sense, and at the same time, with Xiong Erbao's whole body alive, he increased his speed and moved towards the boundary gate and flew straight away.

It doesn’t take long for the divine sense to detect the four spiritual pressure fluctuations on the boundary outside the ten thousand li, and the feeling of lashing at each other, Yi Tian said with a happy expression: "The Lord has found it."

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