Pill Recipe Yi Tian, ​​who faces the three-turn Glazed Golden Core, seems to remain unmoved. Such performance really makes the medicine weng and poisonous hand in front of him a little unexpected.

Shao Qing only listened to Yi Tian opening and asking: "According to what I have learned below, all Alchemy Techniques have three or six or nine turns. I don't know that Yaoweng has nine turns Glazed Golden Core on hand. Pill Recipe method?"

When this remark came out, Yaoweng shook his head and replied: "Fellow Daoist Yi joked, this nine-wheel Golden Core method is only available on Immortal World, and it is spread to Spirit Realm only has a six-revolution method at most, and this is also one of the few unspread secrets of my Qihuang school."

so that's how it is, Yi Tian is weighing gains and losses in his heart after turning his eyes a few times. After thinking about it, I asked: "I am willing to spend a lot of money on the method of Glazed Golden Core, but I don't know if Yaoweng can cut his love? Of course, I will ensure that I will not spread the word after I practice it to ensure the status of Qihuang faction in Spirit Realm. "

Yao Weng is hearing this face with a slightly playful smile, caressing his beard and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi wants my sect protecting Pill Recipe method, it's not impossible."

The poisonous hand on the side hurriedly said: "Senior Brother does not need to do this for me, how can the sect secret technique be easily spread out. Besides, the three turns are already at the limit. Waiting for a while, but it may not be able to refine. "

Yao Weng stretched out his hand and said, "Senior brother, don't persuade me. You have been trapped in the Early-Stage for three thousand years. If there is no special method of increasing cultivation base, I am afraid of this life." I can’t make any further progress. I suddenly saw this opportunity today. It’s your chance, and those sect secret arts exchanges are all you can do."

After listening to the Poison Master, it was also a moment of silence, and then I had to withdraw. Waited on the side. All Yi Tian raised his head and said with a big smile: "I don't know what Yaoweng has to ask, please don't hesitate to say, if you can exchange for a protective sect Pill Recipe of the Qihuang school, I will do my best."

"Okay, just rely on Fellow Daoist Yi to reply like this, the old man is not welcome," Yao Weng solemnly replied: "If Fellow Daoist can take out another insect egg of this appearance, I will never exchange it with a secret technique. Break your promise."

It seems that Yaoweng is going to make trouble for himself this time, and it is impossible to say that it is impossible to get another copy. But it was clear that Yao Weng had to go his own way to find Sheng Zhuangxiong to ask for more.

I saw that Yi Tian laughed a few times, then took out two jade boxes filled with banned talisman and put them in front of him: "The things here are taken from the Insect King. These two items are enough for me to redeem the Pill Recipe of Grade 6 Glazed Golden Core in Yao Weng’s hands."

"Is that right, is it right here?" After Yao Weng said, he breathed quickly, obviously. He has guessed something, but he hasn't seen the real thing and still has some doubts.

"There is the Insect King demon pill, and a piece of'blue silkworm' silk," Yi Tian said with a soft lips: "How about two people opening and checking the color?"


As soon as the words were finished, the two people in front of them couldn't wait to extend the hand. They each held a jade box and gently lifted the talisman ban on it, and then pierced the divide sense into it. After three breaths, only Yaoweng and Poison Sage's complexion were fused, and they all showed ecstasy.

Yi Tian knows that this is probably done, and the shutdown button still depends on how to talk next. Later, lightly coughed pulled back their thoughts and said, "This time I am braving the situation of nine deaths and still alive pulling strongly against a crazy tide to gain this. As for Sheng Senior Brother’s number, The value of hugeness is far from comparable to the treasures in my hand."

"Fellow Daoist Yi said, "The poisonous master now replied with a smile on his face: "I also know you. This time, I encountered a strong enemy on the side of the Monster Realm Ancient Battlefield, and then Yan Qiu and the others put together. Fortunately, all of you are super-strength generations who finally turned peril into safety and returned to the City of Ten Thousand Demons."

Yao Weng is determined that he seems to be weighing the gains and losses. It took a long time to sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi is really a wonderful person. You have offered a price that I can't refuse. Speaking of which meeting you is also my senior. and junior brothers, if you miss this chance, I’m afraid it’s heaven and don’t feel guilty."

"Then I wonder if Yaoweng is willing to exchange it with the method of Rank 6 Glazed Golden Core? "Yi Tian also asked hurriedly, speaking of which Lihuo Palace's various secret techniques, the worst of his own cultivation is Pill Dao. The Qihuang faction in Spirit Realm is naturally able to maintain such a situation under the pressure of Three Great Sects, which is naturally unique.

If you can get the true inheritor Absolute Art of the Qihuang School to make up for your shortcomings, I believe that the final decision is a stable business.

Yao Weng thought about it, then extended the hand and said: "This exchange hopes that Fellow Daoist Yi will not leak the Pill Recipe. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to carry the Pill Recipe in the future. Keep your due advantage."

"It's about sect's foothold. I also know the importance of this matter." Yi Tian said resolutely: "Yao Weng, please rest assured, you will be tight-lipped. At most It’s just that the Pill Recipe is passed on in his own tradition and it will never be leaked."

be that as it may, but in Yi Tian's heart, he knew that he only said that it was passed down to his own tradition. Did not state that his orthodoxy is Taiqing Pavilion and Lihuo Palace. This is not a breach of promise.

After listening, Yaoweng ordered nodded, took out a quaint jade slip, and quickly carved a copy. Then he said: "The stuff in this jade box can reach the Pill Recipe secret technique of Glazed Golden Core of rank six. There is naturally no problem."

Seeing that he wants to speak and stop Yi Tian is browsing. Slightly wrinkle asked: "I don't know what Yaoweng has any more demands, please let me know."

"Youdao is oneself and no need for people, although it takes some time to leave seeds, it will always be Good Fortune junior "Yao Weng replied."

As soon as this statement came out, Yi Tian naturally knew what he meant, and immediately asked: "According to Yaoweng's meaning, the insect egg needs to be left for incubation for a long-term plan."

"It is exactly that, although the venom decomposed from the demon pill and silk is enough for my younger brother to progress the cultivation to the next level, but as a long-term plan, we still need to leave some young insect eggs of the'green scale silkworm' It is used for incubation."

"So how about the detoxification method that can be exchanged for half the amount?" Yi Tian asked tentatively. Anyway, the other party exchanged all the ancient Pill Recipe. It is estimated that it is not bad for such a high-level detoxification recipe.

The speaker had no intention of the listener's heart. The Poison Sage’s eyes lit up, but the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if he was discussing a private sound transmission with Yaoweng. Later, Yao Weng asked with a smile: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yi wants to use the method of detoxification to pass on to purify the Insect Empress inner core?"

I know I can’t hide from them, and Since I took out the Insect King inner core, it would naturally arouse their speculation. But there is nothing to conceal about this. Yi Tian complexion slightly changed and clicked nodded and said: "The inner core is the level 9 peak monster cultivator Transcending Tribulation left after the failure, although it contains a lot of toxicity, it can be removed after I There is still a big use."

"Fellow Daoist Yi is too worried," the poisonous hand opened the mouth and said: "I only need you to get rid of the venom in the inner core. And this matter. Counting that I accept the favor of Fellow Daoist, it is incumbent on Fellow Daoist to invite my senior and junior brothers in the future."

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