Yi Tian's speech was full of weak spots under the negotiation with You Ming Taifei, and the two sides could only solve it with military force. But didn't expect Nether Toffee's strength is not weak, even if it is a one-on-three shot, it is a hot move without showing any weakness.

Among the three, only Yi Shun’s kung fu can be dealt with calmly because of the attribute mutual restraint. Yi Tian’s Taiyuan sword silk was also shaken slightly after the attack, and it was discovered after the Taiyuan sword was recovered. The aura above has dimmed a lot.

It is estimated that this resentful ghost power can also erode the spiritual charm of Spirit Sword.

After taking back the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian extended the hand to form a seal on his chest, and then a white illusory shadow of the pure world Hualian enveloped himself. The debut solar corona slowly appeared behind him, and a sudden white aura flew out from the seal on his chest, hovering in the sky and then shining down on the resentful ghost's head.

Countless black Spiritual Qi rises from the resentful ghost and directly drags the falling Jingshi Hualian above it, but the black spiritual power makes a'zi zi' sound upon contact. Numerous grievances were directly purified under the action of Jingshi Hualian, Yi Tian saw in the air that the hands were connected and connected, and then clicked on that Jingshi Hualian.

The speed at which the resentment was purified instantly increased by more than 30%. The resentful ghost below noticed the danger and opened its mouth to make a loud howl. next moment The body of the resentful ghost, which is more than ten feet old, shrank to the size of a human again, showing the appearance of a ghostly concubine.

It's just that half of her body is transformed into a human form at this time, and half of her body is still displayed in front of the three as a resentful ghost. Extend the hand Come to offer the gray spirit light to drag the white pure lotus on the head. These gray auras are obviously stronger than the black wraith aura for quite a few moments, and the speed of the pure lotus falling is greatly slowed down.

It is the first time that Yi Shun and Xiong Erbao have seen such a divine ability, but Yi Tian had already experienced this before when he played against Great Emperor You Ming Avatar in Wuling Mountain, and his expression sank immediately. "It turned out to be a ghostly glare. In your hands, it is a lot stronger than the vicious Avatar."

"Even if the vicious person is at the Mahayana Stage, it may not be able to perform this divine ability. I'm so strong," Princess Netherworld exclaimed disdainfully.

"It's a pity that this netherworld glare is a very powerful Divine Ability spell, but also not invincible," Yi Tian snort disdainfully said: "As far as I know, it's only a trick that can break yours. There are three or four kinds of divine ability spells."

In the depths of the words, the left hand controls the Jingshi Hualian, and the right hand quickly forms the seal and draws an arc in the air. After the trajectory, seven colors of clouds appeared, and Yi Tian said in his mouth: "Let you see the Absolute Art seven colors light of Nine-Immortals Mountain."

A rainbow in the sky directly illuminates the gray The'nether dazzling light' went up, and the two auras had already met in the air and attacked one piece. They complemented each other and wanted to be in a glued state.

It's just that Toffee Nether has no joy at all on her face at this time. She has seen that those seven colors light are constantly suppressing the gray Nether glare with a weak advantage. At the same time, the Jingshi Hualian above her head speeds up again without the resistance of the'Nether Glare', and purifies all the black wraith qi that is coming up all around.

Xuan Xuan is also helpless with potential at this time, let alone three people in front of her, Yi Tian alone can steadily outperform her.

At this time, Yi Shun also saw the opportunity to send out two golden dragon claws with both hands, directly splitting the defense of the black wraith, leaving deep and visible bone scars on the deity of Xuan Xuan.

It's just that there is no flesh and blood under the scars, it's all black wraith. Soon those wounds healed at the speed that naked eye could see, but at this time the spiritual pressure fluctuation on Xuan Xuan's body was three points weaker than before.

The situation of the battle turned into a one-sided trend, and the three of them continued to take action to squeeze the space of Xuan Xuan's activities into a space of about three feet.

A black spiritual power violent from Xuan Xuan's side, I saw that the spiritual pressure on her body that turned into a resentful ghost became extremely unstable. Then the other half of the human figure instantly turned into a resentful ghost, and the spiritual power on the body soared, and the three attacking spells were pushed back.

"She is going to make the final struggle," Yi Tian pointed out the situation and directly reminded the two people around him. At the same time, the right hand put away the seven colors light, and once again injected all the spiritual power into the Jingshi Hualian Divine Ability spell.

The thunderstorm of'hong long long' sounded, and the purple lightning appeared for the first time in the white Jingshi Hualian. The black wraith's aura steadily retreated under the invasion of Purple Thunder. After three breaths, the entire Jingshi Hualian quickly pressed down and directly buckled the Nether Duo Fei Xuan.

A scream came from Jingshi Hualian, and then countless wraith black qi leaked from the gaps in the white lotus petals. The screams lasted for a short while before it stopped dumbly. Yi Tian put away the seal and said to the white Jingshi Hualian: "Open," Suddenly Jingshi Hualian slowly disappeared into a transparent state. In the same place.

After divine sense passed quickly, Yi Tian found that there was only a simple scroll left in that place, and on the front page of the scroll there were three characters written in the text of the Netherworld. Although I don't recognize it, it goes without saying that it should be what the three of you are looking for during this trip, the Imperial Family spectrum of Hell Sovereign.

The three of them dropped their heads on the ground and watched them, only to see a humanoid illusory shadow rising from the scroll. This illusory shadow human form is exactly the appearance of the former Nether Taifei Haoxuan. At this time, she is extremely weak, and the three people watching all around sigh helplessly: "The Lamentation family has been waiting here for thousands of years until it runs out of life. Essence also failed to get a reply from Emperor Yuanhao. After Yu Yu, he deposited the divine sense here, hoping that later generations of the family can return this Imperial Family genealogy to the descendants of the Hell Sovereign dynasty so that they can inherit the orthodox and revitalize the dynasty. It used to be majestic." After saying that, it was moved towards the three people.

On the other hand, she is now much more normal than before, Yi Tian's heart was slightly moved and said: "Senior wants to restore the Hell Sovereign dynasty, will it be possible to reproduce the grand occasion 60,000 years ago? You must know that there are many Mahayana Stage cultivators in the current Nine Realms of Shangling. Naturally, he will not sit back and watch Hell Sovereign move towards the unification of the three realms. Instead of incurring disasters for no reason, it is better to let future generations choose the path to go. Let it dissipate. The pattern of today is the most compliant with the times."

Yishun on the side also said, "That's why the dynasty established as strong as Emperor Yuanhao is also It can’t last for thousands of years, and when everything will come to an end, the strong empire will also decline. The senior’s entanglement really makes Junior extremely difficult."

The sighed nether twilight haunt is nodded replied:" I also know the truth, but the old man still wants to entrust this Imperial Family to you. Please return it on your behalf. This is also the last wish of a dying person."

Love made the three of them very embarrassed. In the end, Yi Tian stretched out the raised hand and put the thing away and said: "Well, I will find a chance to give this thing to the Yellow Springs guards, but that's all, please senior. Don't mention his request again."

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