In the middle of the great hall, the ruins of the Underworld God temple, the statue suddenly rose up and a mutation appeared, making the three of them feel nervous. The next moment I only heard the sound of'ka ka ka' on the walls all around, and several hidden doors suddenly appeared on the originally tight stone wall.

Then there was a sound of'ka-cha' from the door, and dozens of stone puppets filed out from all directions and surrounded them.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on these stone puppets are only like Deity Transformation Late Stage, and they can be destroyed by backhands in front of the three Integration Stage cultivators. But Yi Tian found that they were all engraved with the same Golden Seal Script rune, forming a three square array after arraying in front of them.

In an instant, a few auras flashed, and the formation marks on these stone puppets lit up and they echoed each other and turned into battle groups. At the same time, their spiritual pressure fluctuations began to rise sharply, and the breakthrough Deity Transformation Late Stage didn't stop until it reached the mid-distraction stage.

There are 24 stone puppets visually. Although they are divided into three groups, each person has to deal with eight. Besides, these stone puppets are not weak in strength. It is not a problem to be one enemy to eight, but if it is said to do it quickly, it is not so easy. Who knows if there will be a follow-up, it will become a protracted battle. In trouble.

At the moment, the eyeballs swept across the scene in front of him and finally landed on the statue in the middle. If it's right, these stone puppets must be controlled by the statue, so I told the two of my inference sound transmission.

Soon the three of them discussed the countermeasures, and Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan wooden sword to sacrifice in his hands. Then he manipulated the stone puppet in front of him into a spiritual light moved towards and flew away.

With a'bang', the stone puppets were not destroyed as I imagined. On the contrary, the eight puppets suddenly stood together and gained spiritual pressure. The fluctuations suddenly increased to the early-stage. Like. At the same time, all around, the gray mask appeared alive to pick up his own trick.

Yi Tian watched carefully, under the fierce attack of his Taiyuan sword, this group of puppet joint defense can indeed withstand the attack. But obviously after the defense, they were actually depressed. Obviously, the original owner here simply didn't expect three Integration Stage cultivators to come here after ten thousand years.

These stone puppets are indeed a big trouble for the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, but in my own eyes, it just takes a little more time that's all.

The Xiong Erbao and Yi Shun beside him started to move when they saw that they took the shot. After the spiritual power of Xiong Erbao's body soared, the true body of the iron-eating beast appeared. A black-and-white silhouette quickly jumped out and rushed directly into the group of stone puppets, knocking the big guys in front of them directly to the ground.

And Yi Shun flashed from left to right and followed the gap opened by Xiong Erbao to the front of the statue in the middle, with a hand stretched out with a large amount of golden light around. After the golden light faded, the dragon claw, which had become the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, hit the statue fiercely. With a sound of'cock', the stone statue in the center crashed to the ground after being hit by Yishun.

Then a tragic cry came from the stone statue: "You bad guys, you will bully the weak female stream."

Yishun hearing this was a stunned face. A sentence: "Why are you still a woman, who are you?"

"This palace is your Royal Highness the Concubine Nether, it is too unreasonable for you to trespass into my forbidden land," the stone statue The voice in the middle came again, but at this time, one could hear that the tone of the flustered and exasperated still contained a little naive tone.

Following the statue to the end, the rays of light in the eyes of the stone puppets blocking the road in front of them also slowly faded, and Yi Tian walked forward in a majestic manner, and after passing the puppets, he arrived. In front of the stone statue.

After looking at it, faintly smiled and said: "What Nether Princess, you are at best the Spirit Pet in front of Nether Princess or that's all. Your heart is not cruel enough to do it. Human beings live and petrified."

"How do you know who you are," the childish voice sounded again, but this time there was a little tremor in the obvious tone.

"The strength in front of the Princess Nether should be about the same as mine or slightly higher, but the life essence of the people who have been trapped here for many years are exhausted, and in the end even she herself will live. Essence is exhausted and hasn't waited until the ghost world comes, right?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Why do you obviously not belong to the Nether Realm, why do you know so many secrets about the Nether Realm?" the voice cried again.

Yi Tian didn't answer, stretched out his hand and took out, and Taiyuan Sword moved towards the forehead of the stone statue. With a'click', the head of the stone statue cracked, and then a white halo flew out of it. But before he flew far, he was bound by an azure spiritual beam, pulled directly into a half-foot-high mud doll.

After the halo was completely submerged, Yi Tian took out the rune pen and quickly wrote a forbidden rune on the forehead of the mud doll. After three breaths of satisfaction, I looked at the previous work below and placed it on the ground said with a smile: "Now we can talk about it. Who are you and why are you hiding in this stone statue."

"This seat is the Concubine Netherworld, and that voice is replied a bit arrogant.

Yi Tian hearing this is not annoying, just point to your doll under both hands forming seals A little bit, said without thinking: "Get up and exercise." In an instant, the mud doll standing on the ground opened his legs to make various splits, horse stances and other exercises.

The voice said from the mud doll's mouth: "What on earth did you do to me excessively? "

"I just see that you don't have any body, so I can prepare one for you. It seems that you haven't adjusted to the new body as much as you are doing more adjustments," finished. Yi Tian no longer paid attention to the other party’s words directly both hands forming seals, and his mouth reveals a difficult practice posture.

After some tossing down, this little thing is tired out of breath.

Angrily, Xiong Erbao and Yishun, who were next to him, also showed playful smiles on their faces. The three of them came all the way and didn't expect almost frightened by a little thing, so they don’t find a place to come back. Questions are much easier.

After all, the three of them can only be regarded as intruders. If someone familiar with the inner environment leads the way, it will save a lot of trouble.

Toss After a while, Yi Tian finally stopped the spell in his hand and asked: "After all, who are you, don't scare us with the name of Nether Concubine Scarlett. "

"The youngest one is Spirit Pet "Garrie" in front of the Nether Princess Xuan Xuan. The toffee is waiting here for Emperor Yuanhao for nearly three thousand years without any results. In the end, she is depressed and died. She will Divine me before her death. Soul took out and placed it like a stone statue, but I didn’t want future generations to break the clues," the mud doll opened its mouth and replied.

so that's how it is The Great Emperor Yuanhao hid the Nether Taifei Haoxuan in the Wuling Mountain radius Ten thousand li can really cover people's eyes, but he himself was overthrown shortly after the incident, so the Netherworld Taifei waited here until she exhausted her life essence.

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