After coming out of Yaoweng’s mansion, Yi Tian learned that he and the poisonous saint will not leave Ten Thousand Demons City recently, and after getting things in their hands, they will concentrate on refining medicine pill too busy to spare time for a separate task.

The speaker has no intention to listen, but Yi Tian secretly smirks, as long as the poisonous hand does not follow Yan Qiu to the muddy water. It is estimated that Yan Qiu will be eager to make a trip to investigate the Imperial Family spectrum of the Hell Sovereign dynasty this time.

Although I have met with him at the trade fair, everyone is just perfunctory, but in fact, what I think is not available.

Fortunately, I still have the ink pocket, so it shouldn’t be difficult to learn what's going on. After leaving the boundary of the Yingbin Building, Yi Tian saw an aura moved towards himself flying, and stopped half a foot away in front of him after ten breaths.

A Communication Talisman is wrapped in the aura. Yi Tian reached out and took the divine sense and scanned it quickly, and found that there were only a few words on it that said, "The other party is dispatched, from the door of Wan Yao Northern Part of City. Departed. '

You don't have to think that this is Xiong Erbao's subpoena to him. He must have received the Modou Avatar's subpoena and that's why he hurriedly informed him.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly disappeared and disappeared in the same place. At the same time, Xiong Erbao was sent to let him go to the nearest East Gate of Ten Thousand Demons City. The high-rank cultivator left too much movement, and the two were plotting against Yan Qiu this time and the others naturally did not want to show their feet.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian saw a group of black and white auras flying over the east gate of Ten Thousand Monster City, and after stopping thirty feet away, the silhouette of Xiong Erbao appeared. Just listen to him shouting: "After we are done, let's start quickly. It's a moment or so slower than they are."

"You are still so uncomfortable, this time we will add more with mental arithmetic and unintentional There are as many as 70% of the people in Shangdi and their chances of winning, why should you be so anxious," Yi Tian finished taking out a five-inch assault boat model to sacrifice in his hand, mutter incantations said in his mouth: "Change," and then put the After the model was thrown out, it turned into a small boat the size of thirty zhang.

After boarding with Xiong Erbao on the ship, Yi Tian made a divine sense to control the assault boat, and then he found a seat next to the round platform in the main cabin.

After Xiong Erbao looked all around, he found that the assault boat had already started at this time, and the flight speed at this time was not slower than his escape speed.

Even if he felt relieved, he walked forward to find a seat beside Yi Tian and sat up. Then he turned his head and said: "Your ship is good, it can be driven to catch up with me."

"It is more than good. If you drive with all your strength to escape faster than you," Yi Tian is indifferent. Said with a smile.

Immediately stretched out his hand and patted the imperial beast bag on his waist to bring out Yi Shun summon, a golden aura flew out and hovered in the air and fell to the left seat of Yi Tian. After the halo faded, the deity of Yishun appeared. At this time, he asked indifferently: "Why is there any change in things?"

Yi Tian reached out his hand and pointed at Xiong Erbao: "Yan Qiu They have already been dispatched. Please ask Erbao for details."

Seeing that the two people turned their eyes to Xiong Erbao, it was said resolutely: "Yan Qiu, Wan Qiang and Abyss Old Demon are dispatched, I just got out of the ink pocket. I learned that they had sneaked out of the Ten Thousand Demons City this time specifically to find the Imperial Family spectrum of Hell Sovereign."

"Then let's go in Xumi Space and ask the Avatar of Modou. "Yi Shun replied.

Xiong Erbao browses slightly wrinkle and said: "His condition is not very good, he suddenly became abnormally weak somehow."

"What's the matter?" Yi Tian asked.

"You will know if you go in and take a look," Xiong Erbao said helplessly. After speaking, he took out the Spiritual Artifact of the Nasumi Space Fighting Platform and placed it on the table.

In an instant, three divine senses flew out of the three people and directly entered into the Spiritual Artifact. The divine sense transformed into a three-person human figure and quickly sensed the aura of the ink pocket.

After flying forward, I saw that the spiritual pressure of Avatar all around the ink pocket at this time fluctuated more than 30% weaker than normal. The whole person also looked bad, as if he had been injured or had taken the wrong medicine.

Yi Tian knew it in his eyes, but he didn't say much about that's all in front of him. I guessed all the reasons for this.

Yishun stepped forward and looked at the other person and asked: "What's wrong with you, why do you look like this?"

"It is estimated that what happened to my deity, But logically speaking, it shouldn't be. The probability of being injured by people with three Integration Stage cultivators is almost zero," Avatar lifts the head said weakly, "Or it was poisoned."

"This is impossible, it can be poisoned to Level 9 demonic beast, unless it is the poisonous master who takes the shot himself, but unfortunately, when I just met with him, he stayed at the Yaoweng mansion and concentrated on pill concocting. He would never take shots at will," Yi Tian defended Said: "And because his relationship with Yan Qiu is not guilty to embarrass you."

"That's because the medicine pill he gave has a problem," Modou Avatar wanted to say: "He used some big Let me take the medicine pill that replenishes blood energy. Most of the problem lies here."

"Does Yan Qiu know?" Yi Tian asked.

"It shouldn't be noticed yet. At this time, my body is hiding in his beast's bag for repair. If Yan Qiu finds a problem, he will react immediately and take measures," Modou Avatar said.

"Then can you continue to communicate with us in this state?" Yi Tian asked.

"Reluctantly, it is estimated that the effect of the medicine pill will last for a short time, and I can feel the deity rolling continuously in the beast bag at this time. It should be the medicine pill attribute. The situation caused," the ink pocket Avatar said after sensing it.

It is a natural thing to take the colored deer antler that I have added, although it can replenish vitality and blood, but the power of Buddhist Sect will continuously purify the sulphur fire and the spiritual power of the attribute. The suffering of this Modou deity was actually caused by himself.

I knew that I could not express it easily on my face, and then only listened to Yi Shun’s question: "Where are Yan Qiu and the others at this time, and where is the goal?"

"Actually, I don’t know. Now that they left the city of Ten Thousand Demons, they flew directly to the undiscovered area of ​​Monster Realm, but they weren’t very sure either. They flew through a section of the road. Then I will stop and fix the flight route again," Modou said.

"Don't worry, I know the general location. Even if it is a late departure, I can arrive in front of the opponent," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I have controlled the assault boat to fly in the direction of Wuling Mountain. Go, in the back of the ten thousand li, check to see if there is any Cave Mansion or Sumeru channel entrance."

"Can you be sure that their direction is Wulingshan?" Yishun puzzled. I asked: "And this place name has never been heard in my memory. Have you ever visited the depths of Monster Realm?"

"I can’t say that I’m quite sure, but I still have 80 to 90% certainty. "Yi Tian said with a smile: "Don't worry, we expect the enemy to take the lead. The next step is to lead the king into the urn."

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