In the benefit distribution link at this Orcs Conference, the major races are doing their best to strive for the greatest benefit for their own families. In the final contest, the iron-eaters were the biggest winners. As for the Qilin family's calculations, they only took three shares in the end.

As the instigator of this convention, the Lion tribe and the Tiger tribe defeated the Qilin tribe and won four quotas at the last moment. Although this conference is coming to an end, there are still many Monster Races who agree with the practice of using a quota as a bonus to motivate the younger cultivator. From time to time, there are voices that have a positive attitude towards this, and it is necessary to add a similar distribution system in the future ceremony of Chengtian sacrifice.

As the head of the notary's representative, Yi Tian stood behind Nine-Immortals Mountain. His words were naturally affirmative of the distribution system. As for the Mengjing and Yishun sitting on both sides, they also hold a positive attitude towards this. In fact, the reason is very simple. As the dominant race in Monster Realm, they are naturally happy to see huge differences within the Orcs.

Previously, the Qilin family dominance has lasted for nearly ten thousand years and has not been broken. Fortunately, the Qilin family is still weak and can just support the rise of other beasts to fight.

For the Fire Jiao and Fire Phoenix races, the united orc race is far easier to control than the loose alliance. So when Yi Tian opened his mouth, the two of them laughed and looked at each other without saying anything. Everything was silent.

There is no lack of wise men among the walking orcs, and they soon noticed the improprieties. It's just that now many small races are following it. Obviously, many people have received a big gift in this competition, and it can't be justified if they don't support it.

Then Xiong Erbao opened his mouth and proposed: "In today's era, we all need to be united by the orcs. The resources given by the heavens are so many and many things need to be discussed by several big clans. It’s a contradiction.”

The channeling of Mountain Tiger also said: “Xiong Fellow Daoist said yes, the previous model is really not suitable for the current trend. I think the beasts should imitate the Elder regiment system and be highly respected. It’s composed of the demon demon, and we can discuss and resolve any major event in the future. It is naturally much fairer than in the past."

After that, I turned to look at Guo Linsheng who was sitting aside. This time It was Tuqiong who saw the official seizure of power opened his posture.

Many patriarchs of the races here all responded and praised and agreed with such a decision. As for the Lion Clan’s Hou Yuan, he stood up and said: “I think the Elder regiment system should converge the demands of all parties, not strength. It’s overwhelming, so it’s most appropriate to have five members. You can vote on anything you hesitate to decide."

"I wonder how the members of the candidate Elder group decide?" There is a crowd in the crowd. The voice came.

Needless to say, it’s the Mountain Tiger who had negotiated with Hou Yuan beforehand and the arrangements were made. Later, I will only listen to the Mountain Tiger opened the mouth and said: "The members of the Elder group are so important, of course they are virtuous. Those who live in it, I first propose the Qilin family patriarch as a member of the Elder group. I believe that no one here is dissatisfied."

Such rhetoric caused all around monster cultivators to shut their mouths, speaking of which Guo Linsheng's role as a member of the Elder regiment from the nominal patriarch of the Orcs is naturally not comparable to the past. Going to Mountain Tiger is also because the ghost knows the truth about slapping a jujube, so he suggested that Guo Linsheng should be selected directly first.

No matter how the internal structure of the beast tribe changes, the status of the Qilin tribe is always difficult to shake. Instead of forcing it to be selected later, it is better to be a smooth favor and let Guo Linsheng win the top spot. In this way, his face will naturally be better, but as long as the five-member Elder group decides, as long as the remaining four people hold the group, Guo Linsheng's opinion will naturally not be decisive.

In short, the Qilin clan still has to win over, just take Guo Linsheng's authority overhead and place the alliance forces to enter, and you can sit back and relax.

Guo Linsheng knew this when he wanted to come here. At this time, he was sitting there smiling and watching the Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuanyi sing together and did not answer. It's just that the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if he was discussing something privately with the two worshippers around him.

Needless to say that he is so reluctant to show up, it's just that he didn't find an opportunity. When the time is right, both principal and interest will surely repay it together.

With the beginning of the Mountain Tiger, it is natural that many of the clans inserted in the clan have also begun to become active. During this period, someone naturally proposed to let the Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuan enter the Elder group. Of course, other races such as the Wolf Clan and the Level 9 Demon Sovereign of the Barbarian Clan have also won the support of many people. I believe these people have been contacted beforehand, and there has been a plan for dealing with this issue.

Fortunately, Hou Yuan gave a little humility to his own identity, while channeling Mountain Tiger was acting like his own. Yi Tian sat on the witness stand and carefully observed that there were few who were supporting Xiong Erbao, the iron-eating beast clan, and most of them were their vassal races.

As for the Ape Race where the red-bearded spiritual ape senior is located, it can only be a guest, because without the Level 9 demon lord sitting in the town, it is naturally impossible to take advantage of the seats of the Elder group.

Seeing the constant disputes below, I just listened to Guo Linsheng’s lightly coughed blast in everyone’s ears, and then stood up and said: “Since the Mountain Tiger Fellow Daoist proposes, I’m disrespectful. But the Elder group is also not respectful. It is said that two of the clan cannot be selected, so I propose that my clan enshrine the Elder Poisonous Hand to stand for the election."

As soon as this statement comes out all around, all the demons can converge what they have to say. Many people looked at Mountain Tiger with a playful smile on their faces, wanting to see how he broke the game.

Hou Yuan and Zhan Mountain Tiger also showed some unnaturalness on their faces at this time. Although Guo Linsheng's proposal was a strong word, it also caught the loopholes in the words of Zhan Mountain Tiger.

But the purpose of his suggestion that the Poison Sage should be a member of the Elder group is self-evident, but it is naturally not appropriate for a spiritualist to be promoted to a member of the Elder group of the orc. The Mountain Tiger looked down and said: "Guo patriarch's remarks are not correct. I'll take care of the matter of the Orcs. I won't bother with the Fellow Daoist when I become a member of the Elder regiment."

This remark is also very righteous. Many monster cultivators in this room interrupted one after another. Fortunately, they also knew that a moderate amount of words would not offend the majesty of the two demon deities.

Guo Linsheng is hearing this with a slight smiled on his face, as if he had expected the demons to react in this way, and then opened the mouth and said: "In this case, I propose that Qilin patriarch old Modou be the post In this case, there is always no problem."

"I suggest that it is more appropriate to have one person from each race, so that you can brainstorm and take care of more races," Huo Yuan interjected directly.

Needless to say, they absolutely don't want to be defeated by Guo Linsheng on this issue, otherwise the Elder group will soon become the Qilin clan under the three-on-two.

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