Although the opinions put forward by the Mountain Tiger after the convening of the beast tribe have been recognized by most groups, Guo Linsheng of the Qilin tribe has objections. If we follow Mountain Tiger's calculations, his Qilin clan's participation in this conference today is bound to be suppressed to the extreme.

However, Guo Linsheng also has his confidence, and foreigners don’t just watch the ink pot and the poisonous hand. Their strength is completely comparable to any Level 9 demon in the audience, especially Yan Qiu from the Yellow Springs clan behind Modou. So everyone had to consider Guo Linsheng's proposal carefully. If Guo Linsheng really came to the door afterwards, except for a few big races, the rest would be unable to withstand it.

as the saying goes There are still three thousand nails on the bad boat, even if the Qilin clan is not as strong as before, but Guo Linsheng's power in the past is still there. What he said pushed the Mountain Tiger on the bar. Fortunately, Hou Yuan opened his mouth to relieve him at this time and re-determined the calculation method of foreign worship.

In this way, Guo Linsheng’s mouth was temporarily blocked, and with the support of other races, patriarch, this matter proceeded step by step.

The Yi Tian divine sense sitting on the witnessing stage swept through the three Qilin clan positions, and finally locked their eyes on the poisonous saint hand. After a glance, he turned his head to the right and sound transmission asked Meng Jing said: "I don't know if that poisonous hand is good at making poison. Such a cultivator speaking of which is also quite difficult to deal with."

"The name speaks for itself, although the Poisonous Hand is an expert of the Xinglin School, but his character is insidious and the Qihuang School of Medicine Weng is not in the right way," Meng Jing said with a little thought: "But this person is indeed a little capable, according to rumours. He is good at using poisons when treating patients, but sometimes the effect is stronger than the orthodox way."

"The sword moves with side stroke does have a miraculous effect, but he still got the wrong direction. "Yi Tian said in disapproval.

"Oh, does Fellow Daoist Yi also have unique insights into pharmacology? I would like to listen to it," Mengjing asked immediately after smelling the smell of the words.

"The following is slightly related to pharmacology, although it is just a Refiner Master, but the pill has the same place," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression: "The so-called art of war is based on the right combination to win by surprise, and it is used in refining equipment. Naturally, it has a lot of effects, and it is also suitable for pill concocting."

"Fellow Daoist Yi means that the poisonous hand is used to the sword moves with side stroke but instead gave up the original formal Number of ways," Mengjing asked.

I clicked nodded Yi Tian and said with a solemn face: "This is indeed the case.'Accuracy' is the key. On top of this, there is a'Qisheng' to make the icing on the cake. If blindly neglect the root and pursue the tip, it is bound to gain momentum for a while and instead give up the original orthodox method"

"Then why is Fellow Daoist Yi so interested in this person?" Meng Jing turned to ask.

Speaking of which is still related to the hands and feet he made on the Heaven Grade treasure color velvet antler. In fact, Yi Tian also has some drumming in his heart, wondering if the other party will see through his tricks.

But this matter cannot be stated clearly with Mengjing. After thinking about it, he replied softly: "Actually, Yi Shun and I had fought against that ink pocket before, and also went to the other party’s True Dragon Bloodline. "

"You can fetch everything from him. It seems Fellow Daoist Yi, you are really a daoist, you don’t show up," Mengjing said, but frowned slightly as if thinking about something. After ten breaths, he sighed and said: "I noticed a trace of True Dragon Bloodline power in Kiki's body, which is similar to the feeling on Yishun Fellow Daoist. Could it be that Yishun Fellow Daoist shot the blood for her?"

didn't expect Mengjing would have such a guess, Yi Tian hearing this is a faint smile on her face. It seems that Mengqi still has some prejudices towards her mother, so she didn’t detail her recent experience. Speak out. But as long as the other person feels that he owes him a favor, some things have to be stated clearly so as to avoid misunderstandings.

Even before the rebellion of the Ten Thousand Demons City, Yan Pei Gong finally gave a detailed account of the death of Mengqi's hand.

After hearing this, Mengjing's face showed a gloomy and uncertain complexion. In a blink of an eye, she looked at Yishun, who was sitting on the side, showing some guilt. After Yi Tian finished speaking, she sighed, the chief executive, and Chao Yishun immediately moved the corners of her mouth slightly, and she seemed to be thanking him.

Yishun was also easy-going, but only slightly nodded in response, which made Mengjing a little unnatural. Her daughter got great benefits from Yishun, although she got it from Yan Peigong tossing and turning, but the root cause is still inseparable from the Huo Jiao Clan.

After Yi Tian saw it, it was the True Dragon Bloodline that had been to the ink pocket and the fact that it had not yet been refined while the iron was hot. This allowed Mengjing to thoroughly understand the relationship between the three.

Between the two people's words, it seems that the orcs have already calculated the results of calculating the strength of each race today. I didn't think that the Qilin clan would naturally still occupy the top position, but it was very close to the remaining lion clan and tiger clan.

If it were not for Guo Linsheng's insistence to count the strength of the two enshrinements, the true situation may not be able to occupy the top of the list. Yi Tian glanced at the major races below and found that their faces were also showing satisfaction. Especially the lion and tiger tribes who took advantage of it, their income in this meeting was not much different from the set goal, and it was considered to have completed the set task.

The most aggrieved person is Guo Linsheng of the Qilin clan, speaking of which these distributed benefits are naturally scraped off his head, which makes him happy.

However, it is expected that today’s meeting will never end in this simple way. With Guo Linsheng’s temperament, he will definitely make the final struggle. Shaoqing saw him stand up and moved towards the Mountain Tiger and said: "Today, I am going to allocate resources to the Orcs. I suggest setting aside 20% for the elite disciple of all races, especially those who have the ability to advance to Level 9. Dividing these resources into ten parts can also give the patriarchs of those small races one more chance. I don’t know what Fellow Daoist meant?”

As soon as this statement came out, the whole venue fell silent, no The young races eagerly turned their eyes to the Mountain Tiger. You must know that it is a lot to take out 20% to divide it again. If many small races can get the share, they will definitely have more than their original quota.

This time, everyone's appetite was lifted. Mountain Tiger only felt that hundreds of hot eyes were focused on him, and the corners of his mouth were bitter for a while and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Hou Yuan stood up and stretched out his hand to appease the crowd and said: "Guo Fellow Daoist said it is very true," he did not dare to offend the public at this juncture, but he would have reservations about Guo Linsheng's words. . Then he continued: "The ratio of 20% is too much. I think that 15% is more than enough. There are not a few people in this room who have the ability to advance to Level 9. It is not appropriate to divide it into ten. At least twenty is enough. "

This kind of rhetoric is naturally recognized by the overwhelming majority minor race patriarch. Their strength may not be as strong as that of the elite disciple. Dividing into ten may not have a chance, but if it is twenty, then The opportunity is even greater. Hou Yuan's words were in their hearts, so once they were spoken, they naturally got everyone's approval.

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