In the depths of the City Lord Mansion, the mutual recognition of Mengjing's mother and daughter can be regarded as giving Yi Tian a bottom. I was still thinking about how to persuade the other party to agree to my plan. Now that Mengqi exists like this is naturally a sure thing. The key is to see whether the distribution of the orcs’ interests interferes with the authority of Phoenix Clan that’s all.

I will mention these things after I want to come. Yi Tian replied first: "Many thanks Mengjing Fellow Daoist praised, but I have a lot of missions and I can’t show my face too much, and I do a lot of things. Scruples."

"As far as I know Fellow Daoist Yi is the existence of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth," Mengjing said with a smile: "Otherwise, your character will not be unreasonable. It's mixed into Monster Realm. As for the previous Yan Pei Gong rebellion, and the battle of the Beast King's Den Sinking Prison, you have your silhouette. Is this appearance still a scruples?"

" Fellow Daoist said and laughed," Yi Tian sighed replied helplessly: "In the eyes of many people, I am infinitely beautiful, but in fact I am walking on thin ice. Once I make a mistake, I will be in crisis."

"Your eldest sister also told me about your identity. I shouldn't care about your sect. It's just that Qiqi will be involved in the door wall in the future," Speaking of this Mengjing's eyes inadvertently There was a flash of sorrow, and she paused before continuing: "In fact, the older sister also said that younger generations have their own blessings, and the hardships that should be faced can only be experienced before they can grow up."

"Mengjing Fellow Daoist still has a messy relationship, but I can also understand the difficulties of Fellow Daoist," Yi Tian explained: "Since Big Senior Sister said so, I believe that naturally has her reason, and I can take care of my own discipline with my strength. It can be done."

"Many thanks, Fellow Daoist Yi can take care of it," Mengjing thanked the chief inspector again.

hearing this Yi Tian first ordered nodded, and then said resolutely: "This time I took the liberty to come here mainly because the Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuan invited me to come to testify at the meeting of the beast tribe, but this feast at hongmen is not the same to the Qilin clan. I don’t know what Fellow Daoist has any ideas?"

"I don’t dare to be too clever. I also received an invitation from Mountain Tiger to represent Phoenix Clan. ," Mengjing handed back the invitation card in her hand and said: "speaking of which The dominance of the orc family has lasted for thousands of years. The Qilin family has used the advantage of Innate to suppress the rest of the races. This time they find a chance and they will definitely wait for an opportunity to counterattack and force them to surrender their authority."

"This is what I worry about. After all, there are many aspects involved in the Orcs. If they have been dealt with, It is bound to make them fall apart," Yi Tian said and looked at the other side's look, only to see that Meng Jing also quite recognized this.

After thinking about it, he continued: "Listening to the Mountain Tiger means that he and Hou Yuan, as the patriarch of the tiger clan, the lion clan, naturally want to get a share of this gluttonous feast, but I will fight for these two. After dealing with them, his interests and desires to become the head of the beast tribe have ambition but no ability."

"Fellow Daoist Yi was right. When Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuan came to discuss with me. I can see that these two people are not easy generations. If they are allowed to preside over the things of the orcs, they will surely provoke conflicts between the races," Mengjing said, "At least the Qilin patriarch can still maintain an undecided situation. ."

"But I don't know what Fellow Daoist thinks about the transformation of the beast tribe?" Yi Tian asked rhetorically.

"My requirements are not high. Let the Qilin clan separate authority, but the Orcs cannot be in conflict. The current situation cannot be broken. It's as simple as that," Mengjing directly expressed his thoughts and looked at Turn over.

I saw that Yi Tian was slightly nodded and echoed: "Similar to what I expected, the general trend is that the Qilin clan is impossible. If it monopolizes a large amount of resources, it is bound to cut half of it and distribute it to the other clan."


"Fellow Daoist Yi, you are lion's big mouth. You want the Qilin clan to give up half of it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle at this time," Meng Jing thought about replied.

"Half is the bottom line. If this is the case, how can we balance the other races that have been suppressed for thousands of years," Yi Tian explained: "And I believe the Qilin family patriarch will definitely agree to spend ordinary resources Divert the attention of all races, why not do it."

Meng Jing meditated, then frowned slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi means to abandon the car to protect the handsome, and to divert the attention. Condemn the original condemnation. The conference has become a spoils-sharing conference, so no one can pursue the chaos caused by Qilin's son Guo Rui and Yan Pei Gong."

"This is just the beginning, that's all, it must be this. The patriarchs of the beasts understand very well in their hearts, and now the rebellion of Yan Pei Gong has subsided. And Qilin son Guo Rui inadvertently created an excellent excuse for them, and now what they have to do is to win a lot of resources. Distribution is the business, and the one who gets the hand counts as one's own. Those slogans are just shouting that's all, and they don't get the slightest benefit," Yi Tian explained.

"But I don't know what Fellow Daoist Yi has on this? Which clan do you prefer to be in charge of the orcs?" Meng Jing asked.

Speaking of this Yi Tian, ​​I know that I still want to see it poorly, although I want to support Xiong Erbao's superiors, the current situation does not seem to be so easy. I thought about it but said solemnly: "I originally planned to let my friend Xiong Erbao from the iron-eating beast clan come forward, but now it seems that it is still very difficult to completely divide the power of the Qilin clan. So I want to recreate it in the form of the Elder group. The combination of power, jointly elected five members of the Elder team, and selected Level 9 monster cultivator from the major Monster Races to participate."

"There is no problem with the number of people, and you can discuss things when you encounter them. The minority can obey the majority," Meng Jing thought and said, "Just why not let the Elder group expand so that the Qilin clan and even the lion clan and tiger clan's authority can be dispersed."

"The five-person team is my vision, mainly considering the issue of supplementation, so that once a thousand-year replacement can let one out and one alternate in," Yi Tian blinked and said with a smile: "In this way they will also let Other races are looking forward to it."

Mengjing instantly understood, and said with a clear eye: "It really is a coup, so that other races have hope, and at the same time, it can suppress a certain race every thousand years. If they come, it makes them look like they have formed an alliance group. In fact, the continuous intrigue will not cause any substantive threat to our clan."

Yi Tian knew that Mengjing would still stand on fire early on. Phoenix Clan considered this matter from the standpoint of Phoenix Clan, and would never just accept himself just because he is Mengqi's Master. This kind of strategy was developed after I had conceived it in my mind for a while. Of course, there are still many details to discuss, but as long as I give a framework for the next thing, there will be many people who will break the head and fight for the next thing. Make up the number to plug in.

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