On the way back, Yi Tian found that the Mountain Tiger had been close to himself intentionally or unintentionally. It was obvious that he had seen something, but he had not yet fully confirmed that's all.

On the other hand, the old Ancestor, who was on the side, did not change his complexion. Although he seemed to have something to say, he remained silent along the way, and only allowed Mountain Tiger to get ahead.

You don't need to think that the two demons must have talked in private before they came to find themselves, but I don't know what they are trying to do. After flying for a while, Yi Tian pretended to catch up with the three people in front of him and prepared to speed up his escape, while the Mountain Tiger was chatting with himself. It’s better to know something so suddenly that it’s better to point it out. Later, he bowed his head and said in a sound transmission: "Fellow Daoist Yi is strong and Human Race, and his spirit correction is good. It is the best notary to deal with the housework of my orcs."

"Oh, I don't know the orcs. Is there any situation that requires me to come forward and deal with it?" Yi Tian asked.

"Fellow Daoist Yi should know about the chaos of Yan Pei Gong," said Mountain Tiger.

I clicked nodded Yi Tian, ​​and then motioned to the other party to continue. When the Mountain Tiger saw himself and opposed, he went on and said: "The Qilin clan is the leader of the beasts but it is like Qilin son Guo Rui. The scum is really the great misfortune of the orcs."

I heard that Yi Tian smelled it. Qilin Zi Guo Rui knew the problem of the Mountain Tiger, and his crime was as everyone knows. Although Yan Pei Gong’s chaos has been resolved, this autumn will eventually be settled.

Looking at this posture, Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuan are also fed up with the oppression of the Qilin clan. They want to wait for an opportunity to counterattack without looking for an opportunity. However, Guo Rui had already broken the law and died in his own hands, but no one knew about it. But I don’t know how Mountain Tiger is going to make a fuss about it? I thought it was nodded replied: "Guo Rui led the wolf into the house, causing Yan Pei Gong to enter the Beast King's Den, which eventually caused Monster Realm chaos."

"Isn't it? This dog also poisoned his family, just casually. One charge can convict him as a Monster Realm traitor," said Mountain Tiger.

Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and asked, "But I don't know why you are looking for me?"

"It's time for the beast race to re-determine the universe. "Mountain Tiger solemnly replied": "During this Ten Thousand Demons City Festival, I waited for the Orcs and asked Qilin patriarch to come to discuss the major event. Among them, I also invited Phoenix Clan’s demon as a witness. Today Seeing Fellow Daoist Yi just saved the need to find Nine-Immortals Mountain and the Huo Jiao clan."

so that's how it is No wonder their mysterious and secretive desire is to find themselves as a notary. If the situation of the orcs is re-established, then the share of the daily sacrifice ceremony will definitely be adjusted accordingly. The Qilin clan's prestige is gone, and the clan has lost two Level 9 monsters in a row. Naturally, they can no longer hold back the old scenes.

As the second only to Qilin clan, the Lion clan and the tiger clan will naturally not let go of such an extremely rare good opportunity. They will surely join together to force the Qilin clan to make great concessions at the meeting. .

As for finding yourself, it's nothing more than seeing seven colors light and He Yishun by his side. Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly said with a smile "Mountain Tiger is really a great plot against, these Among the Demon Lords, he has only had two intersections with himself, so it is naturally more certain to let him speak. As for the silent Hou Yuan on the side, it seems that he is also waiting for his own position."

Therefore. Yi Tian was still sighed and then sounded and said: "It seems that you have also seen my situation, so I can promise to come forward to be this witness. But just come forward and will not disturb the meeting of the beasts, together Follow your wishes."

"The relationship is good, but Fellow Daoist Yi will be asked to show off Nine-Immortals Mountain’s unique stunt, seven colors light, which is good, this is proof of identity Necessary process," Mountain Tiger replied.

"Let’s talk at that time," Yi Tian thoughts move. I don’t know if the two demons have ever suspected that'Monster Revealing Mirror', but now everyone is quite in agreement and no one has pierced that layer of windows. paper.

Thinking of the purification of True Dragon Bloodline, Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "I need black leaf grass and Qingshuangzi on hand. If you can provide a copy, I will be grateful. "

In such a thing, Mountain Tiger is not very proficient. Instead, he turned his gaze to Hou Yuan, only to see the latter opening and saying: "Black leaf grass and Qingshuangzi are both Monster Realm rare in a thousand years. Once encounter the treasure, Fellow Daoist Yi wants me to wait and will try my best to find it. This matter can only be investigated in many ways, and I cannot guarantee that it will be found."

Since Hou Yuan has opened his mouth and accepted it. It's better than looking for it by yourself without a clue. After thinking about it, Yi Tian bowed his hands and thanked him first, and then the three of them agreed on the time to participate in the Beast Race Conference and the matters that need to be paid attention to when going out. Mountain Tiger also emphasized that Yishun must appear at the same time, so that it can be recognized by Monster Realm Three Great Influences on behalf of this conference.

After the hour passed, the master returned to the realm of Ten Thousand Demons City. There is a lot of people going back and forth in the city, but the high-rank cultivator naturally does not need to go with them lower oneself to somebody's level. After a while, people from all walks of life dispersed, and Yi Tian followed Zhong Liangsu directly back to the Lake Heart Island Yaju in Qingfeng substation.

After returning, I found that Qing Lianyun had already gone out at this time, so Yi Tian also ended up clean. However, Zhong Liangsu approached him and said that he had something to discuss.

Yi Tian couldn't help but walk into Lake Heart Island Yaju with him, sat down in the two halls in the courtyard, and waited for him to speak.

Later I saw Zhong Liangsu take out a jade box and handed it over: "This is your reward. I took it from Yaoweng early in the morning."

Received the jade box Yi Tian, ​​opened it gently and swept it through the divine sense, and saw two crystal clear and near-transparent'Xingmeng Reincarnation' pills placed in it. Closing the lid and putting it away, Yi Tian said with a slow expression: "Now I have many thanks for Lianyun."

"Thank you, everything is a family," Zhong Liangsu smiled. replied: "In fact, this thing still has to cooperate with Return To Heaven Pill to double the results for half the effort, oh grandson-in-law, you have pure spiritual liquid on your body, so you don’t need medicine pill, that’s troublesome."

Speaking of this Zhong Liangsu is complexion slightly changed, and Yi Tian knows that he still wants a drop, but at this time can't find an excuse to ask for that's all again.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Yi Tian said with a smile: "speaking of which this pure spiritual liquid I don’t have much left, unless it’s something I need urgently, and I can’t enter the idle things. I have the eye of my law."

"Look at what you said so indifferent," Zhong Liangsu haha ​​said with a big smile: "Don't you want black leaf grass and Qingshuangzi, if I I'll get you a copy and exchange it for a drop."

"Just have you," Yi Tian extended the hand to take out a jade bottle and handed it over: "This There is a drop in it that is prepaid. Now you have nothing to say."

Zhong Liangsu raised his brows and stretched out his hand to take it: "It's just on my body, even if you can't find what you want The things that will give you a satisfactory explanation."

"That's good."

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