After Yan Qiu on the opposite side made a move, he even divided the light arrow on the soul-suppressing bow in his hand into two. Although the formidable power was weakened by most of this, Yi Tian couldn't help being surprised.

I still have the Dragon Tortoise armor shield in my hand to defend, but I don't know how Yishun will take action. Moreover, he and the black winged dragon will naturally be in a bit of trouble when he is attacked by Yan Qiu's side sneak attack.

Immediately, he raised a low sound transmission, and Yishun also saw Yan Qiu's actions when he saw that the trick was not good, so he hurriedly pulled away. Reluctantly, the black pterodactyl followed closely behind him, spitting out sulfur Fireball from time to time, without giving him any chance to breathe.

Suddenly I saw light arrows flashing from the soul-suppressing bow and moved towards the two of them. Yi Tian clenched the teeth and blocked the Dragon Tortoise armor sacrifice in front of him. At the same time, the right hand was on the colorful spiritual light sacrifice. After getting up, I swept up the black winged dragon body. What is different from the past is that the colorful aura is mixed with a white halo. The colorful aura shining on the black winged dragon body directly makes its huge body tremble.

Then I saw that the body that was originally in Feida was suddenly frozen in the air. Yishun seized this chance to breathe and hurriedly recovered his human form and took out a golden bell to get it. Then mutter incantations in the hand and then the mouth uses the technique of heavenly thunder and eight-tones. The golden light waves gathered in front of the mouth and greeted with the soul-suppressing arrow.

'peng peng' two loud noises, one yellow and one black in the air, two spells lashed out fiercely. It's just that the stalemate didn't last long. The black lightsaber swallowed the golden light wave in front of him and struck him towards Yi Shun.

"Hurry up," Yi Tian hurriedly shouted in the distance. At this time, he also saw that the situation was not good. The strength of this soul-suppressing light arrow formidable power was far beyond his own estimate.

After hearing this, Yi Shun pulled away, and at the same time, Yi Tian hurriedly used escape technique to escape from the original position. It was just that the soul-suppressing light arrow followed behind him as if it had eyes, and the speed was getting faster and faster almost beyond the speed of the two of them.

Knowing that such a situation cannot be avoided, Yi Tian simply put the Dragon Tortoise armor shield in front of him and poured the spiritual power in his hands into full defense.

'Kangdang' that black light arrow momentum is big, power is deep hit the Dragon Tortoise armor shield, and instantly pushed Yi Tian and the shield back ten zhang far away. Stabilized his figure in the air.

At this time, Yi Tian only felt that his hands were numb, and a black electric energy was uploaded from the Dragon Tortoise armor to his palm. With a shock in my heart, I hurriedly ran the Life Source cultivation technique to resist all the external electric energy after Lihuo Nine Transformations.

Turning my head to see that Yishun in the distance is not much better than me, the black light arrow flew from the back to the center of the Brahma Golden Bell. The crisp sound of'Dang' left a trace on the bell and then moved towards Yishun and flew away in front of it.

Suddenly an emerald green rays of light flashed to protect Yi Shun in it, Yi Tian carefully scanned it with divine sense and found that it was the jade ring handed to him before. At this time, Yi Shun was overjoyed and hurriedly injected the spiritual power on his body into the emerald jade ring, but the defensive rays of light on it were not seen so as to soar.

Yi Tian hurriedly exclaimed: "That is the Supreme Treasure of the Great Lightning Zen Temple. It must be driven by the power of Buddhist Sect to show the formidable power."

Yishun is hearing this. It was the eight-tone mantra of Tianlei that was constantly uttered in his mouth, and the emerald jade ring flashed a soft green glow instantly covering Yishun's body.

That soul-suppressing light arrow breakthrough After the defense of the Brahma Golden Bell, it was jammed by the defensive cover of the emerald ring, but under the stalemate, it failed to swallow the above aura again. It lasted ten breaths before slowing down. Slowly dissipated.

Everyone behind didn't expect that the two of them knew how to resist Yan Qiu's offensive in this way and immediately showed a little joy on their faces. At least the lives of the two of them were safe.

On the other hand, the black winged dragon was fixed in the air as if it had lost its soul, and the position of the demon infant clearly appeared on the forehead. Everyone watching the battle could see that the demon infant of the Black Wing Doulong also seemed to have lost his soul at this time. After being entangled by the colorful aura, the whole body was unable to mobilize spiritual power at will.

Yi Tian lowered his head and quietly sounded this and said: "I have fixed it, and don’t hurt his life when I take True Dragon Bloodline."

Yishun in the distance is hearing this The light flashed in his eyes, and a person turned back into the Five Clawed Golden Dragon and moved towards the black winged dragon body. The sharp claws directly scratched the hard skin on the back of the black winged dragon, and immediately drew a stream of blood to gather in the air into a fist sized blood mass. He spit out the burning dragon industry fire, wrapped the blood ball, and flashed it back with him.

This kind of action in one go, even Yan Qiu in the distance can't gather 2nd move. When the soul-suppressing light arrow comes to Yi Tian, ​​it will merge with Yishun. After the colorful aura in his hand dissipated, the black pterodactyl in the distance only felt that when it loosened his body, it seemed that the power that bound it had disappeared.

Even so, the Black Wing Doulong didn't move out again. At this time, the True Dragon Bloodline power on his body was drawn, and it was obvious that the imposing manner was weaker than before.

Taking this opportunity, Yi Tian moved towards the other side and said: "Yan Qiu Fellow Daoist's stunts have been learned, and it turns out that the formidable power is amazing. Fortunately, I also have Spirit Treasure body protection this time. In terms of strength, we are on the same level. In this third game, let’s talk about it as a tie."

Speaking of which I’ve gotten cheap and sold well, but I have to give the opponent a step up. Everyone who came from behind will also hurriedly followed up with such words. It can be said that the comparison is far beyond expectations. Yao Weng does not really want to offend his opponent to death. As long as he can suppress it, he can gain the initiative in the exchange transaction.

Yi Tian has completely achieved this point, and the next thing is to grind his lips. Moreover, under Gu Quan's value, Yi Tian chose a very appropriate time to speak.

As a notary, the Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuan looked at everyone with a smile on their faces and they also opened their mouths, which means peace is the most important thing. It's just that when their eyes swept over them, there was a hint of horror in their eyes inadvertently. As an Integration Stage cultivator, this kind of vision is naturally there, and Yi Tian also understands it very well in his heart.

Although I used seven colors light to confuse the audience just now, I still quietly sacrificed the "Monster Revealing Mirror" in my hand. 'That’s why it was able to control the enemy and nail the black winged dragon to death in the air. The demon who became famous as Monster Realm naturally knew that the Nine-Immortals Mountain Sect Master had a Spirit Treasure in his hand. ', used during the Yan Pei Gong rebellion.

At that time, Gong Yan Pei had no strength to fight back, and his weakness was exposed under the irradiation of Spirit Treasure. Although the Spiritual Artifact used by Yi Tian today is obscured by the seven colors light and cannot be seen clearly, it is not absolutely stronger than that of the'Hyuntian Xianxing Wheel' by three points. Forgive me that the original Level 9 mid-level demon pet has no power to fight back under the light of this halo. At this time, Mountain Tiger and Hou Yuanna didn't know how to deal with the matter in front of them.

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