I originally thought that Zhong Liangsu could be more reserved as an Integration Stage cultivator, and didn't expect such a person who has no standpoint. However, Yi Tian's mood was a relief, and he was not afraid of encountering troublesome opponents, so he could not start without a hobby.

The spiritual liquid in this jade bottle is a little bit extracted from the purified "Immortal Spirit magic liquid" and then diluted. It can be decomposed into pure spiritual liquid with high spiritual power content under ten minutes, which is more than one level higher than the spiritual liquid found in the outside world.

I have tried to dilute two drops into two whole bottles and load them. Five of them are taken out to make spirit wine, and the rest is prepared to share with people around me. This time, I happened to meet Zhong Liangsu so that he would present it as a gift. As for Qing Lianyun, his family, of course, could not neglect, so he took out two drops and gave it to her.

But what Zhong Liangsu said is also reasonable. Although such a pure spiritual liquid is used directly to take it, although the effect is not bad, it is definitely not as good as the medicine pill. Moreover, as long as one treasure can be used for double purpose, if you want to improve the cultivation base of Early-Stage, there are not many things you can use. This time he came to the Monster Realm City of Ten Thousand Monsters to participate in the event, naturally, he also wanted to find some heavenly materials and earthly treasures to increase cultivation base.

Fortunately, he was lucky to meet himself directly, and because of Qinglianyun's affairs, he got two drops of pure spiritual liquid for no reason.

After putting away the two jade bottles, Zhong Liangsu showed a satisfied look on his face, and then he looked up at the Yi Tian and Qinglianyun in front of him with a smile and said: "Okay, the big girl is not in the match. Staying, Lianyun, you are also big, and you can decide many things by yourself. As an elder, I also agree with Fellow Daoist Yi. As for the Sect Master, I will take care of it. There is also Sheng Zhuangxiong of Scarlet Sword Sect. He is a stubborn but not an unreasonable person. Later, I will ask the Yao Weng from Qihuang Miaoshou School to come forward as a lobbyist to solve this problem once and for all."

Qing Lianyun is on the face after listening. He showed joy and hurriedly replied: "Many thanks, Grandpa made it through. Of course I have a problem with this matter, but I believe it will not hurt the two factions and Perfection to come forward."

After all, I still take care of it. Since the relationship between Taiqing Pavilion and Feiyu Sword Sect faction, Qing Lianyun still has some scruples about it. However, it was extremely boring to hear this from Yi Tian, ​​and the two factions were deliberately planning to join forces to deal with Lihuo Palace secretly, but if they revealed their identity in the future, they didn't know what it was like.

This matter was revealed to Qinglianyun a long time ago, but she didn't elaborate on the details of it. I think she can guess something from it because of her intelligence. However, facing his grandfather, Qing Lianyun had to rely on him to clean up the mess in front of him.

Later, Zhong Liangsu got up and quit, saying that he was going to find the Yaoweng of Qihuang Miaoshou Sect, and then he went to Sheng Zhuangxiong and said.

After he left, Yi Tian stretched his raised hand and opened the soundproof Formation again, turned around and looked at Qinglianyun before opening the mouth and said: "Grandpa is a wonderful person."

"Actually, don't blame her," Qing Lianyun said with a sullen expression: "I have followed my grandfather since I was a child, and the number of people in sect who knows about this can't be slapped."

"It's okay. Innate's favorable conditions don't mean that you will be able to achieve success. Your cultivation base is still based on your own hard work," Yi Tian smiled and replied.

"Junior brother, you know it. Actually, I have never thought of setting myself up as the second generation of immortals. On the contrary, I really envy you as an ascending cultivator," Qing Lianyun said with a darkened look.

Knowing her thoughts, Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "What do you envy? I think I am sleeping on the street at a low cultivation base, and always worry about my own safety, but also consider the surrounding environment and the unknown. Opponents, the mind is tense all day long."

"It is precisely because of this that you can achieve such an achievement. The old saying "born in sorrow and dying in peace" is used on you. Very appropriate," Qinglianyun said in a facial expression grave: "I am waiting for the cultivator to overcome obstacles on the road. If it goes too smoothly, after the cultivation reaches a higher level, it will be due to the number of bottleneck cards. Thousands of years."

"Speaking of which, you are still worried about whether you can cross the Tianmo of Integration Stage, right?" Yi Tian smiled and asked: "Actually, my Taoism is free. Sex is natural, all you have to do is to follow your heart."

"Speaking of which is easy to do, but in fact, I have been nested inside the sect, and I don’t have too many opportunities to go out for experience, so I don’t have a chance," Qing Lian Yun said: "After I get to the Ten Thousand Demons City, I want to go to Monster Realm and travel around looking for opportunities like Integration Stage."

Think about Yi Tian nodded and said: "Yes, blindly. It’s naturally not advisable to build a car with a closed door. If you want to have a breakthrough, you can only rely on your own exploration. But I can see that Senior Sister, you seem to have something on your mind, and it’s been a long time since you met me in Monster Realm. The trouble is in my heart."

Qing Lianyun was hearing this with an unnatural look on her face, and after thinking about it, she flashed through her eyes as if she wanted to say something but stopped. For nearly a thousand years, Yi Tian has never seen her behave like such a youngest daughter. She immediately stretched out her hand and wrapped her in her arms so that she was comforted: "If you have anything you want to say, I can help you with big things. It's solved."

Who knows Qinglian Lianyun faintly sobbed: "Isn't it because you made me angry."

"I made you angry," Yi Tian's face I couldn't help but show a little embarrassment, and then said: "Is it because I often go out during this period and don't have much time to be with you, does it make you feel disappointed."

"You are not playing outside either. , The entire process of development of Yan Pei Gong’s chaos, I have heard from Meng Luan Fairy, and the battle in the Beast King’s Den Sinking Prison is also extremely dangerous," Qing Lianyun stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears on his face. Said: "I am angry that I am older than you, and now the cultivation base is farther and farther away from you."

so that's how it is, Yi Tian just came across, Qing Lianyun As a result, his heart is still with him. After thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and pinched her ass, and said softly: "It turns out that Senior Sister can't let go of this kind of thing."

Let her hand raging on her body, Qing Lian Yunhong He said with a face: "When you met at the beginning of the year, your cultivation base was only Deity Transformation Early Stage. After reaching the sect, you would have caught up with me within three hundred years. After you disappeared, I also gave up for a while. When I met you, I discovered that your cultivation base has risen to the point where I want to look up. Even more how Now you are diligent again, now I am in the late stage of distraction and you are in the middle stage of the fit, so I am a big difference in my mind. It can be settled again."

"It turns out that this is the case, Senior Sister, you are in the picture. In fact, in recent years, you have not delayed cultivation in Monster Realm in dealing with sect affairs," Yi Tian Haosheng comforted: "Next, you only need to take two drops of pure spiritual liquid step by step to refining, then you can successfully reach the peak of the Divided Spirit Stage, and then you can find an opportunity to break through to the Integration Stage."

" Really?" Qing Lianyun asked, looking sideways with clear eyes.

"As for the breakthrough opportunity, you can go to the Beast King's Lair to test, I believe you will definitely find the breakthrough to the integration stage there," Yi Tian suggested.

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