didn't expect Emperor Yuanhao's Remnant Soul really has two brushes. In order to block the chasers behind, a demonic beast was placed on the passage leading to the sunken prison. . This sound of heaven made everyone hear Divine Soul trembling, it seems that only those old monsters can have Innate Divine Ability.

Yi Tian divine sense Among the seven people in Zhang Kaifa's current field, it seems that only Meng Luan is not affected. It seems that the red-bearded spirit ape is really good and can predict the enemy's first opportunity and arrange a countermeasure without a fight.

Meng Luan hearing this is nodded replied: "Things are urgent, senior, though feel relieved, go forward, I will break." After the silhouette, the falling speed accelerated and directly surpassed Yi Tian in front, a pure-hearted Taoist. And the red bearded spirit ape reached the first position.

Then she saw her both hands took out two flames and then aimed at somewhere below and hit directly. With a'bang', the seductive voice in my ears stopped dumbly, and then I heard an old cry from below: "didn't expect that there is still a female Monster Race here, the emperor would be a miscalculation, old man I can only do my best."

After talking, a sound wave hit from bottom to top, so that the silhouettes of the six people who fell down were startled. After staying in the air for a while, she saw Meng Luan make another move, and she was the only one who was not affected by this sound wave.

At the same time, Yi Tian divine sense locked the source of the sound wave below and shook in his hand, and suddenly there was a spiritual light moved towards the downward shining away. The white light was finally locked on a platform protruding somewhere in the descending channel, and a devastatingly beautiful lady who was two decades old was standing there, looking up at everyone.

Only under the shining of the white light, her movements seem to be confined in a narrow range. At the same time, she just screamed: "This is the'Monster Revealing Mirror', you guys are using this thing to deal with me again."

I just saw this beautiful woman after I finished speaking. His face instantly collapsed, his skin wrinkled, and his eyes turned from black to yellow. The beauty in front of the three breaths turned into a hump-backed old woman, seemingly over tens of thousands of years old.

Just listen to the cold voice of Meng Luan shouted: "old fox is so old and still pretending to be tender. When you were young, you did not use such an appearance to seduce men to absorb Primordial Yang. Today, even if it makes you from Shen If you escape from the corpse prison, I will send you back again until you run out of life essence."

After speaking, the two flames in my hand flew out and locked the target and flew away from both sides. But seeing that the old woman directly appeared in the original form under the illumination of the'Monster Revealing Mirror', she was actually an old snow fox.

After showing her appearance, she can move around, although the location of the Primordial Spirit can be photographed and the spiritual power that can be turned back to the back of the demon's body is shown, and she can still run around with the white light of the Monster Revealing Mirror. .

"Meng Luan Fairy, I leave it to you here, let’s follow up when you are done," Qingxin Taoist saw that the obstacle in front of him was temporarily lifted and accelerated the speed of the fall, and at the same time he informed the next dream. Luan, the latter was slightly nodded and chased the snow fox away.

It didn't take long for the six people to fall to the bottom. In a blink of an eye, the passage in front of them had been shaken by the real body of Emperor Yuanhao, Remnant Soul. The red-bearded spirit ape took a step forward and turned his body quickly, and his body became larger and revealed the true body of the spirit ape. He is a zhang high, and his hands are full of bucket thickness.

'peng~ peng~ peng~'When the sound came, he actually gathered two auras on his hands, and then moved his fist to move towards the cave in the passage with all his strength.

The last time Yi Tian came here, he checked that the sunken prison was built under a deep layer of gold rock. All around the stone walls contained a lot of Heavenly Grade precious material gold rock. And smoky crystal block. It is very difficult to break through the road here with the strength of an ordinary Level 9 demon, but these mixed stones of gold rock and smoky crystal block are generally treated with no difficulty in front of the red-bearded ape like tofu. Unplugged.

Unless the passage of hundred breaths as long as a hundred zhang was opened, the scarlet-bearded ape said: "Let’s go", and the six people are struggling to get out of the passage. Rushed out.

Yi Tian remembers that after coming out, it should be a statue that banned the true soul of Emperor Yuanhao. When he came here, he found that the head of the statue had been smashed, leaving only the Binding Dragon Rope on it. . In the abdomen of the statue, a hole the size of a meter was broken, and there was no bottom but some laughter came from it.

When the Qingxin Taoist saw it, he hurried forward. After both hands forming seals, he chased the Binding Dragon Rope and clicked. After the aura flashed, he took the Binding Dragon Rope in his hands, turned his head and moved towards the people: "Without the Dragon Suppression Order, Binding Dragon Rope may not be able to deal with Emperor Yuanhao."

"Qingxin Fellow Daoist Don’t be impatient,” Yi Tian explained hurriedly: “With the Soul Control flag and the mark of my Jingshi Hualian, the body of the soul can’t reach 50% of its strength.”

The facial expression grave said: "Behind this is the place where the prisoners are held in the Sunken Corpse Prison. I don't know how many evildoers have been released from the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's Remnant Soul.

Seeing that everyone is nodded, the Scarlet-Bearded Ape rushed into the passage behind the statue, and after flying all the way, everyone found that the passage in front of them was getting narrower and narrower. At first, it could accommodate two people walking side by side. In the second half of the road, only one person can pass.

Suddenly, there seems to be a slight vibration in the corridor passage. With Yi Tian's strength, it is naturally very keenly aware of the abnormality. Suddenly, the corridor passage began to shrink slowly, and the stone wall moved towards the center on both sides slowly moved towards the center.

The red-bearded spirit ape walking in the first was immediately surprised: "This is the ancient Giant Insect in the Yuanhao Dynasty. At this moment, we should be in its belly."

"Why is this ancient Giant Insect still alive, is it being controlled by the Great Emperor Yuanhao at this moment?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It should have died a long time ago, but didn't expect that Emperor Yuanhao would use its corpse to build a sunken corpse prison. It is estimated that this is the origin of the name of this place," the scarlet-bearded ape replied.

"Has the senior never been here before?" Yi Tian asked.

The red-bearded spirit ape’s complexion replied: "It’s true that I have never been here. I only remember that Empress Divine Phoenix sealed the Divine Soul of Emperor Yuanhao in the statue, and then suppressed it with Binding Dragon Rope and Dragon Suppression. Its Divine Soul. As for the small characters who were suppressed outside, the main task was to be sent to the deepest part of the sunken prison by the Queen Divine Phoenix himself. I have never been there. Today I have never thought that there will be this after the statue. Normal situation."

Seeing that the passage in front of me is getting smaller and smaller, and so is the passage behind me. It seemed that Yuanhao Great Emperor Remnant Soul wanted to trap the people in it by this method, while the Taoist Qingxin had colorful auras in his hands, and then hit it with one blow in the passage ahead. The stone wall on the wall where the colorful aura went, stopped compressing, and then he exchanged positions with the red-bearded spirit ape and led the people to fly directly forward.

After half a moment, a group of six people escaped from the passage and went into a huge Underground Palace.

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