"boom~ boom~" A few violent sounds centered on Dingxin Lake in Ten Thousand Demons City moved towards all around, and the sound is mixed with spiritual pressure fluctuating Qi romantic dance goal Radiate.

In that episode, the spiritual pressure that all the level 9 monsters shot at the same time, after the fluctuations dispersed, all around the center of the lake. The houses within fifty miles were instantly destroyed, and the cultivation base was a little far away. The monster was quite strong. The cultivator was overwhelmed by the oncoming waves of air, and the whole person suddenly became distracted. Those with slightly weaker strength were instantly reduced to ashes under the influence of this spiritual pressure fluctuation.

As a result, the entire Ten Thousand Demons City was completely chaotic, and the people who had died in the city swarmed toward the south exit of the city.

At this time, a dozen people surrounded Yan Pei's public group in the sky above Dingxin Lake, and the divine ability in their hands moved towards his location. Yan Pei Gong's deep centering lake covered the sky and covered the sun. The Formation quickly turned away and formed a light film to protect it. Later, at least ten divine ability spells were hit on the light film, and several cracks appeared on the pillar at the same time after hearing the sound of "ka-cha".

Even if it is built here, relying on the extraction of spiritual power to maintain the operation of the large array, it can dozens Level 9 that the demon can easily move at the same time. As Formation bears more and more strength, the pillars that maintain Formation Formation are broken into all split up and in pieces.

I lost the Formation blessing, Yan Pei’s face was dark, and the gray Flood Dragon head behind his face suddenly spit out a gray gas to protect it, and then Yan Pei’s figure flashed and wanted to force a charge from it. Out.

After the empty seven colors light flashed again, the Taoist Qingxin shot again at the right time, only to see the third eye appeared in the middle of his forehead after both of his hands were printed on his chest. Yi Tian looked at it from the side and couldn’t help but blurt out: "Annihilating Law Eye?"

"No, this is the secret technique of Senior Brother cultivation Divine Ability Asura blood pupil," Xuan Jizi explained: " The greatest effect of this cultivation technique can inspire its own endless fighting intent, and it is as famous as Buddhist Sect’s “wisdom eyes” and Luo Heavenly Immortal’s “Divine Pupil”."

Listen to Yi Tian slightly startled secretly Said in one's heart:'The pupil techniques used by emotions for their own cultivation over the years are all rateless Divine Ability. Apart from breaking the Illusion Technique or finding the Formation node, these auxiliary functions have no effect in actual combat.'

I saw the fascinating red light Yi Tian of Qingxin Taoist's "Asura Blood Pupil", and felt that his blood energy was tumbling. Although it was far away from thousands of zhang, it was still affected. The demon venerations all around also pushed away to a safe range before they managed to suppress the tumbling blood energy in their bodies.

Xuanjizi’s words came from my ear: "Senior Brother is going to make a full shot, we tighten the encirclement so that Gong Yan will not wait for an opportunity to escape." After he said, he flew to the'Hyuntian Xianxing Wheel'. High in the sky, a ray of golden light shot down, covering both Yan Pei Gong and Qingxin Taoist.

I saw Yan Pei's heart in a trance, looking up at the'Huntian Xianxinglun', but he said: "It is full of benevolence, justice and morality, in the bones is still hypocrisy, this thing is the same as'Qiankun Monster Revealing Mirror'. "You know how many differences are in your heart."

After the words were finished, a few dragons' breath came out again, and at the same time the other four unresolved heads also vomited poison mist moved towards all around. .

Among the besieging people, apart from the Daoist Qingxin, the one who beat Yi Shun was the fiercest. Seeing such a trick coming, one beat with both hands turned into two dragon claws. Divide two golden lights in the air to disperse the poison mist in front of him immediately. After the poison falls, the water of Dingxin Lake will be dyed green. Many fish and shrimps and even Level 4 demonic beasts in some lakes were immediately poisoned and floated up. It can be seen that their toxicity is far greater than the situation during the last battle.

"Be careful of these poisons," Yi Shun kindly gave Meng Luanti a little bit next to him, then turned over and rolled in the air to reveal the prototype of the burning dragon, which is about three feet long. He flew forward to burn the dragon industry and burst into flames, spit out the sky full of flames, and immediately dissipated most of the poison mist.

Faced with Yan Pei Gong, Yi Shun once again appeared in a human form and shouted: "Yan Pei Gong used to plot against me in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. This is the beginning. Once upon a time, I thought I would be here. Do you want to end it?"

"Ignorant child, True Dragon Bloodline is really reckless waste of natural resources in you. Only I can be worthy of this pure bloodline," Yan Pei Gong shouted almost crazy "If it weren’t for too short time, I’m too late to activate all True Dragon Bloodlines and turn them into the legendary Nine-headed Dragon, so why not be afraid of you guys."

Speaking of the last words, there was a trace of sorrow, but He did not move slowly, and his body swelled up after the four-color auras all over his body showed up at the same time. With a sound of'Zila', his body broke through his clothes and Yan Pei Gong revealed his true appearance, and suddenly a huge silhouette appeared in front of everyone.

Yi Tian took a closer look at Yan Pei from a distance. The prototype that appeared at this time was about twenty zhang high, and the length was hundreds zhang or so. At the seven-inch neck of the body, the neck is 1 divide to 9. In addition to the head in the middle that has completely evolved into a dragon head, there are also four-color Flood Dragon heads in red, blue, black and gray and four green snake heads.

Compared with him, Yishun's size looks like a small witch, so in comparison, his strength is still quite different from Yan Pei Gong. Just listen to Yi Shun sneered: "Qingxin Fellow Daoist is right to say that you have incorporated multiple spiritual powers in your body thanks to your innate talent. It’s a pity that these spiritual powers do not bring you benefits, but instead make you. Divine Soul has become extremely violent, seeing you like this is just a strong in appearance but weak in reality. It will be a matter of time before you lose."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the red fire scorpion. He opened his mouth and spit out several red dragon breaths to cover the head of Yishun. But Yishun is not good at being skilled. A person can hold each other even more how merely a trifling, even more how merely a trifling. Opening his mouth also exhaled the dragon's breath to meet him head-on.

"bang bang" With two loud noises, the dragon's breath on both sides crossed in the air, and the spell on Yishun's side was able to back pressure.

At this time, the Qingxin Taoist also started his hand. His divine sense has been locked on Yan Pei Princess's head, and this time it is not only the most important thing to deal with Yan Pei Gong, but also the Soul Control flag. Get it. Before the mobilization meeting, I also made it clear to all the cultivators who participated in the war.

I saw the spiritual power of the Qingxin Taoist quickly rise to the top of Level 9 Intermediate, and then his figure turned into a Taoist seven colors light moved towards the main head of Yan Pei Gong and flew away. At the same time, several colorful balls of light flew out of his hand and attacked Yan Pei Gong's head and jaw.

Other people also knew in their hearts that such an attack directly targeted Yan Pei's huge body and did not want to be as flexible as a human form. Immediately everyone Divine Ability also moved towards the jaws of each dragon head and snake head in the same way.

For a time, the scene bloomed everywhere, enclosing Yan Pei Gong to continuously compress his activity space.

At this time, Yi Tian flew to Xuanjizi's side and said: "Fellow Daoist can urge Spiritual Artifact to activate Rank 2 mode."

Xuanjizi hesitated a bit. I still ordered nodded, and after both hands forming seals, I played a secret art on the'Chasing the Sky Wheel'. In an instant, the aura emitted from the Spiritual Artifact turned white, and at the same time, the location of the demon spirit on the nine heads of Yan Pei Gong appeared.

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