On the battlefield, Huo Lian and Zeng Shun’s rush to compare the battle strengths of the two sides showed an overwhelming advantage, especially when Huo Lian took out the quaint Spirit Sword Yi Tian My heart tightened for no reason.

I seem to have seen this thing somewhere, although I can’t remember it for a moment, but the moment when the chain of fire shot secretly said in one's heart: "It’s the Master’s sword, didn’t expect him I was able to borrow this item. No wonder I have the confidence to challenge Yuanhao Great Emperor’s Remnant Soul."

It is a pity that Huo Chain’s own cultivation of Lihuo Palace’s true inheritor cultivation technique has not reached a higher-level point. , Even the real formidable power of this thing can't come into play.

At this time, Emperor Yuanhao returned to his human appearance and looked at his hands with deep bone scars. In an instant, a large amount of demonic energy flooded out and covered the wound. After three breaths, the demonic energy dissipated and the wound recovered as before.

At this time, his eyes are locked on the chain of fire said solemnly: "That is not your thing. With your strength, you can't even display the formidable power of this treasure one third."

"So what? It's more than enough to deal with your Remnant Soul body," Firelink did not to be outdone's replied.

"didn't expect me to dominate Monster Realm for so many years, I would be frightened by a dead object, if it weren’t for this host’s body with various forces of disordered and in a mess, full of forces to resist each other It will be my opponent," Yuanhao Great Emperor Remnant Soul roared: "However, the strength of this emperor can actually be estimated by you juniors," he said, closing his hands and chanting a long series of curses on his chest. Wensheng came.

Suddenly all around the earth shook violently, and the spiritual power of the outside world moved madly towards Emperor Yuanhao. All three of them were complexion slightly changed, and they saw Demon Dao Dragon illusory shadow appearing behind him. Then the illusory shadow opened his mouth and spit out dozens of gray balls of light towards the three of them.

"That is the breath of Dragon Shadow, but it contains a lot of ghost power, be careful not to get caught," Huo Lian cried out in a deep voice.

As soon as the voice fell, I only heard the popping sound from one after another in the air. The gray light balls of the dragon shadow's breath exploded in the air and distorted this time and space. Even the chain of fire didn't dare to sacrifice the Flame Dragon proud sword in his hand to defend his body. The light ball exploded near him spread to the Flame Dragon proud sword and was blocked by the flame defensive circle excited by itself.

In contrast, Yi Tian and Yishun do not have such strong Spiritual Artifact body protection, even if they have one, they have to use it.

I saw Yi Tian silhouette flashed to the side of Yi Shun's body, the latter flashed across the aisle golden light directly into the beast's bag on the waist. And Yi Tian took out the Dragon Tortoise armor shield to sacrifice and cover himself, covering an area of ​​two to three hundred miles after one after another crackling sounded around him. At the same time, the agitated air waves spread out and affected thousands of miles.

After the popping sound, Yi Tian came back to his senses, and Yi Shun around him flew out again. But when the two divine sense swept all around, they found that Yuanhao Great Emperor's Remnant Soul body actually moved towards the opposite direction and flew away.

"He is going to drive and stop him," the voice of the chain of fire came.

The three hurriedly sacrificed the escape technique and chased it up, but Yuanhao Great Emperor Remnant Soul's real body was one step ahead. The black and gray spiritual power on his body gathered and performed the escape technique moved towards Taiyou Junling. Flew deep.

Obviously he was performing some kind of flying secret technique. After a while, the three of them watched as the distance between the two sides was enlarged a little bit. Seeing this fire chain put away the Spirit Sword said solemnly in your hand: "You go back to help Qingxin first, and I will keep track of when I catch up. After integrating the large forces, we will encircle and suppress together, we must not let Emperor Yuanhao's Remnant Soul be true. My body is making waves in Monster Realm again."

"The uncle of the clan, don’t worry, I will work with the red-bearded ape senior to deal with this dog," Yi Shun replied, and then winked with Yi Tian , The two sides turned and moved towards the place where they met before and flew back.

After a while, when the two returned to the battlefield, they found that Zeng Shun was the only one at this time, but the Taoist Qingxin and Yan Pei Gong were missing.

Yishun went up and asked: "Where are they?"

"Where is my Senior Brother? Didn't you catch up together?" Zeng Shun asked anxiously. .

"Uncle Huolian took a step to catch up. He asked us to come back and lead the cultivators of various races to encircle and suppress," Yishun explained.

"Okay, then I will go ahead and let the two of you do it yourself," Zeng Shun glanced over the two of them, staring at Yi Tian for a few times, then turned his head and said with Yi Shun "Just now Yan Pei Gong ran away in the chaos, Qingxin Fellow Daoist has already caught up, and the Communication Talisman he left behind, let you follow him."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and threw a piece of jade talisman. After coming over, Yi Shun took it and took it, and immediately said with a fist: "Many thanks Zeng Shun Fellow Daoist for help. Right now we are all doing our own duties until the rebellion of Yan Pei Gong is over, we will get together again and leave."

"Farewell," Zeng Shun once said, stopped his gaze on Yi Tian again, and saw that the latter face doesn't change, but the courtesy hand over is a direct way of saying the individual.

After waiting for the people to leave, Yi Tian turned to Tongyi and said, "What should I do next? Battallion is still at Jidao Mountain. If you want to chase down Yan Pei, you have to ask them for assistance."

"I'll follow Qingxin Fellow Daoist, Fellow Daoist Yi, please do Ji Daoshan and his party," Yishun thought for a while and said.

"Well, I know what you think, remember not to be aggressive, just trap Yan Pei Gong. When I lead someone to arrive, I will take action against him to make sure there is nothing wrong with him, and what he has The face flag is very important, it is the only method used to deal with the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's Remnant Soul," Yi Tian said cautiously with a full face.

"At this time, I know, I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to excuse Qingxin Fellow Daoist. Of course he is also responsible for this matter, but it is also forgivable," Yishun replied.

Speaking of Jidaoshan, Yi Tian naturally knows that, those Level 9 monsters are all human beings and will naturally want to understand the strangeness afterwards. Even if it doesn't happen on the surface, Nine-Immortals Mountain will definitely be held accountable afterwards.

After thinking about it, it was helpless nodded, and then the two parted ways. Yi Tian turned the direction in the air and moved towards Jidaoshan galloping away. After a short time in the divine sense, he realized that there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations flying thousands of miles away. Both sides found each other immediately, and rushed toward the other side's location.

You don't need to think about these Monster Race monsters who must have recovered. At this time, they are aimlessly looking for the traces of the Pure Heart Taoist. Not long after a few flashes of light flashed in his eyes, the person headed by Phoenix Clan was the dream of Phoenix Clan. Her Innate Divine Ability was the first to find herself.

Behind her is Xuanjizi and the others. After the two met, Mengluan was complexion slightly changed and asked: "Where is Yishun? Why didn't you get the move?"

At this time, Xuan Jizi just arrived. Hearing that he was ashamed of his words, he immediately turned off the topic: "Fellow Daoist Yi, fortunately, you are fine. I don't know where the Sect Master is?"

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