Monster Realm seems not to be peaceful in recent years. Before, all major races have jointly issued an early warning announcement and wanted to arrest Master Yan Pei in the City of Ten Thousand Monsters. Among them, his identity was dug out, and he was labeled as the remnant party of Yuanhao Dynasty.

As a result, all races in the entire Monster Realm began to be on alert, and those small clans that did not have Level 9 demon lord garrison all moved to the vicinity of the large races they depended on and began to fight defenses.

In the face of a Level 9 intermediate demon, only a group can obtain a glimmer of survival. As for those with stronger strength and located in a corner area, Monster Race will unite privately to live in the original. The ground moves to areas that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, many races began to form alliances privately, and maintained close contact with the upper races, and it didn't take long for Monster Realm's now-proven area to be connected.

During this period, two mobile units headed by the Fire Chain of the Huojiao clan and the Qingxin Taoist of Nine-Immortals Mountain went to the Barbarian Desolate Land of Monster Realm to track down the whereabouts of Yan Pei.

As for the fire Phoenix Clan is a newly hired Elder from the Human Race spiritual cultivation base clan. Although this Guest Elder was not well-known before, Mengluan still tried to help him on behalf of patriarch. Upper position. At the same time, the other demon lords of various races also explained the situation clearly.

Afterwards, this Guest Elder followed Mengluan on behalf of patriarch and went to the depths of Monster Realm to meet with other cultivators of all races to discuss how to deal with Yan Pei Gong.

Following behind Meng Luan, Yi Tian will maintain his escape speed at a speed similar to it, all the way speechless. Everyone had seen each other before. Although Mengxin is involved, Mengluan seems to be hostile to herself.

Even after seeing Mengqi in private, there is no change at all, but Yi Tian doesn't care, and naturally there is nothing to say about such a stubborn daughter. Fortunately, there is still a decisive trump card Yi Shun on his side, obviously Meng Luan is interesting to him. It's a pity that Goddess has no intention of dreaming about the king, and he doesn't need to do anything to watch the situation develop in the middle.

The two of them flew in the air for a few days before entering the barren land in Monster Realm. These areas have not been fully developed, so it is difficult for Yan Pei Gong to drill into such a place. His whereabouts.

With Yi Tian’s reminder, Phoenix Clan soon began to deploy more patrols in his territory. If it finds anything to cultivate Monster Race, it will immediately dispatch a patrol team in the clan to destroy it.


This matter secretly passed through the rest of the Monster Race, and there was more or less such a situation in their territory. It’s just that it’s different from Phoenix Clan when it encounters the Integration Stage cultivator. Fortunately, under strict precautions, I quickly searched for these cultivator traces through clues from the monster cultivator town.

In the end, all the clues pointed the finger at the steep mountains in Monster Realm Barbarian Desolate Land, but this place covers an area of ​​several million li, even if the ordinary Integration Stage cultivator wants to fly at full strength It takes one or two daylight scenes to pass through here. In addition, there are several places in this too secluded mountain that are filled with mist and cannot be explored. The details are naturally the best hiding place for Yan Pei Gong.

This time Mengluan did not conceal the news from the front directly. The Taoist Qingxin and Huolian have agreed to meet at Jidao Mountain, which is beyond the mountains, to discuss how to deal with Yan. About Pei Gong. At the same time, the channel is also widely invited to plan together, be sure to trap this liao to die in the too secluded mountains.

It didn’t take long for a towering mountain to appear in front of you, and Mengluan was a relaxed sound transmission saying: “We are almost here. Don’t mess around after you enter. Remember that your identity is Phoenix Clan. Guest Elder."

"It’s not as good as if you don’t know me," Yi Tian said at a moderate pace: "What I pursue is do as one pleases, these worldly ones Etiquette restricts my actions everywhere, so I don’t care. Besides, I only promised Senior Sister’s help, but I didn’t promise to follow your orders."

"But you are now my guest official of Phoenix Clan. "As a person in charge, I still have the right to restrain you," Meng Luan said with an unkind expression.

Yi Tian said with a laugh: "Meng Luan Fellow Daoist, don’t forget that you’re only acting for the patriarch now, and you are on the same level as I worship Elder in terms of identity. Even more how I still have the Divine Dragon Queen in my hands. The imperial decree, in terms of identity, you should be obedient to me."

Meng Luan heard this and said with a frustrated expression: "I really don’t know how the eldest sister gave you this thing to a foreigner The cultivator, dignified fire Phoenix Clan, the patriarch emblem handed down from generation to generation, will be handed over to you."

Yi Tian heard his face slightly startled, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind instantly, and after three breaths it was sighed. replied: "Didn't expect Senior Sister. Sure enough, ginger is still hot. Don't worry. I know what she means."

"Why is my elder sister going to do it?" Meng Luan asked disdainfully .

"This time I will resign from Phoenix Clan to enshrine my position after I deal with Yan Pei's affairs, and then I will hand over to you the imperial emblem of the Queen of Divine Dragon," Yi Tian explained "I want to come to Senior Sister to transfer the position of patriarch to you by my hand. At the same time, let me test your ability to see if you can take on the big responsibility. Otherwise, I would rather return the emblem to her than to come here. It's water."

"Is this true?" Meng Luan exclaimed in surprise.

"Naturally, I have spent hundreds of years in the lower realm with Senior Sister, and I can guess her mind," Yi Tian said: "So I think it is also for you this time in disguise. The final test. Senior Sister knows that you have opinions on sect, but as Head of a Clan, you have to abandon many prejudices and lead clansman in the right direction."

Hearing this, Mengluan trembled all over his body and then didn’t say much. He just stretched out his hand and pointed to the mountain in front of him and said: "Qingxin Fellow Daoist and the others are on the mountain. Waiting for a long time."

It took a while for two people to arrive at Jidao Mountain, which seemed to be close at hand. It rose to a height of more than a thousand zhang high and found that there was a group of golden light on the top of the mountain. Shot out.

There is a Formation Formation set up. When the two of them approached the area of ​​influence, a voice sounded: "It turns out that it is Phoenix Clan Fellow Daoist who is here. Please enter."

Afterwards, I saw a crack in the halo Formation, and then Yi Tian and Meng Luan galloped across it to the top of Jidao Mountain.

I glanced over and found that a banquet had been arranged on the top of the mountain at this time, and sitting in the middle was a young cultivator with a thirty-year-old face. However, Yi Tian didn't dare to care about the spiritual pressure fluctuations on this person's body. The vigorous and vigorous fluctuations were a match for Yan Pei Gong. It seems that he should be the pure-hearted Taoist of Nine-Immortals Mountain.

Previously, I learned from Meng Xin that he and Yan Pei are of the same race, and they are also one of the only Great Desolate Nine-Headed Insects left behind by Monster Realm. As for the last one, the Nine-Headed Insect egg has not yet hatched, but I heard that this kind of exotic animal has strict requirements for hatching, and it can only be broken when it is placed in a special environment.

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