After entering the inner floor, the road was divided into three branches. The Phoenix Clan guards carried the stretcher and hurried to the road on the right. Yi Tian fixed his eyes on the road sign that says Incubation Room. As for the two roads, it says, cultivation road and nirvana road.

I must go to Nirvana to find Mengxin, but I suddenly feel strange in my heart before I go forward. It seems that the road in front of me is not so easy to walk. After the purple light flashed in his eyes, I took a closer look and found that this Nirvana path all around has hidden warnings and restrictions, even people with a cultivation base like their own have to be careful to deal with it.

After taking a look, he turned around and walked towards the incubation room road on the right. Just now, the battallion team walked through and the prohibition did not restart. This passage is about a zhang high four feet wide, and when I walk down, I only feel that the temperature all around is slowly rising.

After walking all the way, I found that the temperature of all around began to rise gradually. After walking down the spiral escalator for one hour, all around no longer had the roots and branches of Feng Qiwu, Yi Tian estimated that it should be It has already passed the roots and reached the lower depths.

Suddenly a sad voice came from below, followed by a gu gu scream. Yi Tian speeded up and Yukong flew down in midair, and soon came to a long corridor aisle. I looked up and saw that the walkway was about three feet wide and two high. There was a room every 100 steps on both sides of the walkway.

But when the scream came again, Yi Tian followed the sound and found that it came from the last room of the corridor aisle. I walked quietly and stood still outside the room. Looking in through the half-covered stone gate, I saw that there was a stone bed about one zhang in the room. The dying Fire Phoenix was lying on the stone bed at this time.

All around is a team of guards standing, beside the stone bed, there is a fifty-year-old man who seems to be making a diagnosis. The cultivation base of this Old Ancestor is almost at the level 9 elementary level, and the same level as the Dream Luan.

After checking the meeting, he consulted with the guards all around, and later introduced a trace of fire source power from the room into Mengqi's body. I saw that the young Fire Phoenix's body began to tremble violently when the power of the fire source entered the body, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations all around showed an extremely unstable state.

The old man who was scared to heal hurriedly stopped and withdrew the power of the fire source. Later, after searching all over his face again, there was an endless look of loneliness, and finally shook the head and turned around with his hand. Walked out of the room.

The guards who were all around also hurriedly followed, and finally the person gently closed the door. Obviously, this time there is no more diagnosis and treatment, so even the demon of Phoenix Clan gave up directly.

and the others after they left, the all around corridor fell into immersion again, only the moaning body faintly came from the last room, but it was nowhere near as loud as before. A few moments later, ripples appeared in the space at the corner of the corridor, and then Yi Tian silhouette in a cloak appeared.

After an instant flashed, I came to the stone chamber where the Mengqi was placed again, gently pushed open the slit, and got in sideways.

Walking into the room, Yi Tian found that the place was extremely hot, and there were flames of Nirvana fire in the four corners of the room. It is estimated that this should be the place of Nirvana of Fire Phoenix Clan. When I walked up to Yi Tian, ​​I looked at the Fire Phoenix chick on the stone bed. I saw that she was only about two thousand years old, but her strength was cultivated to Like the eighth intermediate.

Counting that even though it is much stronger than spiritual cultivation, it is even more arrogant at the same level. With Qingtian's five thousand years, only the seventh-level intermediate strength, this age is really wasted time.

It's just that the aura on the Fire Phoenix chick in front of me is extremely chaotic, really like the state of cultivation deviation that the guards said before. Yi Tian stood aside and scanned the divine sense, but his face showed a deep look of shock. This Fire Phoenix chick is indeed a cultivation deviation. The key is that she has absorbed too much fire source power in her body.

By observing her pupil technique, she found that the Source Power in her body contains a black fire source power. It is this black flame that stirs the True Origin Force in her body into Heaven and Earth. turning upside down.

The strange thing is that this strand of black flame turns out to be extremely compatible with her Divine Soul, needless to say, it should be innate. There are only two situations in which this situation occurs. This Fire Phoenix was contaminated by the power of the magic source before hatching, or the mother who gave birth to her after the fierce battle, the demonic energy entered the body and directly affected the production.

The black magic fire in her body is like a tarsal maggot that constantly devours the formidable power of the Phoenix Nirvana fire, so it was only when the power of the fire source was forcibly injected just now Big reaction.

Fortunately, she survived, and there was a golden aura in the middle of her forehead where the demon spirit was, so she could survive until now.

Thinking that I came here this time to find Mengxin. I didn't want to be out of line. Just seeing Mengqi groaning on the stone table inevitably moved with compassion in her heart.

After showing the truth, he took the connection and printed the method and clicked on the Fire Phoenix chick. After removing the hand, a golden aura sank directly into his forehead. Afterwards, the golden aura that had guarded her demon spirit all around seemed to be induced and immediately dazzled with extremely dazzling rays of light.

After the fusion of the two auras, it is directly attached to Mengqi's forehead, and then Yi Tian sits in front of the stone bed and stretches out his hands to form Buddhist Sect seals on his chest. The best way to deal with these magic fires attached to the body is to completely remove and purify them.

I thought I would spend some tricks, but fortunately, there was a Buddhist Sect mark in Mengqi's body. I looked at the pattern of the imprint but it was not like that of the Great Lightning Zen Temple, so the person who blessed the imprint for it before should be the people of the other temples of the Buddha Spirit Realm.

A lotus mark was formed on his hand, and then Yi Tian slowly said in his mouth: "This is the power of Hualian to purify the world, and this is also your good fortune. I will cleanse the mark of Hualian The law is injected into your body, and the power to clear the source of the devil is painful, but after success, it can also make you shedding body, exchanging bones."

"Who is the senior?" Meng Qi gasped. Opened his mouth and asked.

"If you can hold the power of purification, my origin will tell you in the future, take the move," Yi Tian said, the cultivation technique of the corona appeared behind his back, and after the seal in his hand, it turned into a flower fist sized white pure lotus.

He stretched out his hand and pushed the many white pure lotus directly into Mengqi's forehead, only to see her whole body shaking violently. After the white pure lotus entered the body, the demon spirit that directly wrapped her wrapped around her. Then the same rays of light flashed on the ten-foot-sized Monster God, which shrank to a four-foot-long human shape after three breaths.

After the white light stabilized, I saw a strand of black magic flame in its belly constantly being squeezed into the active space. It's just that the black flame seems not content with is purified like this, and suddenly burst into flames, wanting to break through the power of Jingshi Hualian.

It's a pity that Innate's attribute restraint and Yi Tian sees this on the side, naturally will not let it take advantage of it. The rays of light of Jingshi Hualian quickly eliminated it completely.

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