After listening to Cui Fuling’s explanation, Yi Tian learned about the current situation of Monster Realm. Although on the surface seems to be calm, in fact, the major races have long been collaborating with Nine- Immortals Mountain started to lay out in secret.

But think about it, the trip to the Beast King’s Den has been enough for them to set up two years ago, but during this period, Yan Pei violently killed the little Monster Race. Such actions will naturally arouse public outrage, and the genocide actions involved in personal grievances will inevitably be rejected by all parties.

But the reason for angering Yan Pei Gong this time was that the three parties joined forces and broke his roots in the Ten Thousand Demons City. Therefore, the fire dragon clan who proposed to know the Nine-Headed Insect egg is naturally to blame. If it weren't for the Firelink, the Old Senior, I'm afraid that the rest of the big tribes would have come to the house for a long time. For this reason, Nine-Immortals Mountain is naturally obliged to do so. Even the Sect Master, who was retreating in Inner Sect, was shocked. After leaving the customs, it was designed to deal with Yan Pei Gong's affairs, and it was also a check and balance on the chain of fire. Otherwise, his personality would really stir up points in Monster Realm. It's coming.

But afterwards, Yi Tian also heard the gossip that Huolian was so confident, or because the fortune telling from Spirit Realm Taiqing Pavilion indicated that Yan Pei would eventually be burned to death by ignorant fire. Zeng Shun next to Chain is one of the two elders of Lihuo Palace and Lihuo, the only cognitively cultivated cultivator with no naked flames at this stage.

So Monster Race, all parties also have some refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, resisting the unhappiness in their hearts and cooperating with the Huojiao clan.

For these things, Yi Tian is just snort disdainfully, although Yan Pei Gong is a Monster Realm serious problem, he doesn't want to mix it up anymore. However, the Fire Phoenix clan's attitude towards themselves is still open to question. Last time I was in the Beast King's Den in Mengluan, it seemed that I had clearly wanted to draw a clear line from myself. And she seemed to know something, although she knew about Mengxin, she didn't catch a cold at all.

Now, taking advantage of the Monster Realm chaos, when the major patriarchs come forward to search for Yan Pei Gong, they can go to Phoenix Clan to visit. After asking, I learned that Qinglianyun's itinerary and whereabouts is also the fire Phoenix Clan's ancestral land, Qishan City Yi Tian is ready to leave for the party.

At the same time, he also asked Xia Cui Fuling to let her have a good cultivation in Fengming City. Just wait here for a good life.

Out of Fengming City Yi Tian opened the map jade slip and searched for the location of Qishan City. Although Fengming City where he is located is already on the edge of the Azure Phoenix clan, you have to cross it if you want to go to Qishan City. Azure Phoenix family land, or take a detour.

Roughly, the caravan that Qinglianyun is responsible for escorting the transportation is not dare to rush into the Azure Phoenix family land in any way, so there is only a detour. After roughly searching the descending channel, Yi Tian turned and left. Although all these Monster Race patriarchs were dispatched, the remaining monster cultivators were not weak. In addition, their Innate Divine Ability was different. He didn't want to be sensitive to this. The period got into big trouble.

Took out two jade slips in his hand, and one was given to Xuan Jizi, to inform him of safety and to inquire about the latest battle situation. The other one was sent to Qing Lianyun after the sacrifice, stating that he was on his way.

If you want to mix into the fire Phoenix Clan alone, it’s okay, but it’s very difficult to get into the ancestral land of Phoenix Nirvana. One person counts the short and the other counts the length. Since Qing Lianyun can come forward to be responsible for the escort, he must have gotten well with Phoenix Clan. It is also very helpful to want to come and listen to her opinions.

Not long after flying out in the air, I saw Youdao Communication Talisman's aura moved towards me. I flew towards myself, stopped in the air and waited for a few breaths before I saw a jade talisman flying with azure light. Stopped one foot away in front of him. I took the hand and opened it to see that it was Qing Lianyun's reply to me. After Yi Tian divine sense swept it, I was overjoyed. This time, Qinglianyun was in charge of escorting the company's materials too much, and it did not go directly to Qishan City.

According to Phoenix Clan's request, the Taiqing Pavilion caravan needs to transport the materials to the four forts outside Qishan City's three ten thousand li. There will be fire Phoenix Clan personnel responsible for the handover. At this time, the merchant ship where Qinglianyun is leaving the first station is on the way to the second fortress.

For Phoenix Clan's request as a seller, it is natural that it cannot be rejected, and then it can only follow the rules. Simply here is the fire Phoenix Clan actually controls the hinterland of the field, the probability of encountering danger is almost zero.

These four strongholds are controlled by the races they are attached to, and they are also the gathering places of the medium-sized Monster Race population.

After taking out the jade slip map, Yi Tian found the direction and flew towards the second station staging point, and took out the breath-gathering cloak along the way to converge his breath. Although Phoenix Clan Nei Mengxin is very close to himself, he is not a very popular person from the attitude of Meng Luan.

Soon after passing high in the sky, Yi Tian passed by the first fortress station, and then explored with divine sense and found that the caravan of Taiqing Pavilion was in the peripheral zone of the scope of divine sense. It's only ten thousand li away, and I can catch up with it in a short time.

Suddenly, Yi Tian divine sense slightly moved and found that there were violent spiritual pressure fluctuations near the merchant ship, which did not look like what should happen in the normal range. Although there were doubts in his mind, the escape speed on his body did not decrease at the same time, and the blue and red two-color spiritual power appeared, which instantly increased the escape speed by 50%.

For the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator at a distance of ten thousand li, it takes two or three hours to fly, even the Integration Stage cultivator takes one hour and three quarters. Yi Tian misses Qinglianyun, so he doesn’t even care about using the escape technique on his body. If it weren’t for the breath-holding cloak, I’m afraid that all around Monster Race could detect a high-rank cultivator in the Phoenix Clan territory. Neisha opened his arms and ran wildly.

After getting close, Yi Tian found out that many Monster Race cultivators were besieging near the merchant ship. Suddenly, his face wrinkled in doubt. After scanning the divine sense, he found that there were ten Human Race cultivators. The merchant ship besieged the Taiqing Pavilion.

You can take a closer look at these ten Human Race cultivator cultivation bases ranging from Nascent Soul Stage to Divided Spirit Stage, and they retain the characteristics of Monster Race. But from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, it can be truly felt that Human Race is undoubtedly.

thoughts move Yi Tian immediately realized that it was wrong. These cultivators were consistent with the descendants cultivated by the Human and Beast Unite he found in the library building of Yuanhao the Great Emperor’s private library.

Divine sense wherever she went, she found that Qinglianyun was being attacked by two mid-distraction cultivators. Fortunately, she was not weak under one against two. It's just that after the merchant ship opened the defensive cover, it was still besieged by the rest of the people one after another. The defensive cover on the ship was already shining sharply at this time, and it seemed that it would not be able to support it for a while.

After the Taiyuan Wooden Sword in his hand took out, Yi Tian quickly formed the printing method moved towards the cultivators surrounding the merchant ship in the distance, lightly click. In an instant, those sword threads gathered and rained down on the merchant ship all around.

Using the Integration Stage cultivator to deal with these half-human and half-monster low-level cultivators is naturally very easy, and Qinglianyun is immediate and hurriedly reacted and shouted: "Leave alive, these people's identities There is a problem."

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