In order to delay the time for Xuan Jizi, Yi Tian was in a tug of war with Guo Rui. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the other party actually took out the double-edged axe to prepare for close combat. Of course, he did not to be outdone. After showing the golden sun, a faint golden halo appeared all over the body, and at the same time, a took out the Dragon Tortoise armor shield in front of him.

This Spiritual Artifact hasn't really been on a big scene since it was refined, but it can come in handy today.

After the tactics of the two parties were recovered, the two disappeared in the same place. When the silhouette appeared again, they were already close at hand. Guo Rui waved the double-edged axe in his hand and slashed fiercely on Yi Tian's side, but once the axe blade touched the Dragon Tortoise armor shield, it would be difficult to get in. Suddenly, a golden big foot was infinitely enlarged in his pupils, it was Yi Tian who stubbornly held the attack and immediately fought back.

Speaking of which These are still the tricks of the Jianghu gang. Yi Tian has not used it for nearly two thousand years, but he found it to be very useful when fighting in close hands.

Qilin son Guo Rui is good at hand-to-hand combat, but he relies entirely on his Innate physique and Qilin clan's specialties. But it's not good at fighting battles at all. It's not like anyone who is physically strong can win in hand-to-hand combat. Yi Tian gave full play to his flexible advantages and entangled with the opponent.

Only on the huge formidable power of heavy weapons, it can only be seen on the premise of hitting. On the other hand, Yi Tian is constantly using the tactics of fighting in the rivers and lakes, with the golden sun posture and Dragon Tortoise armor shield, repeatedly deceiving Guo Rui, who avoids the heavy and pushes him to the defensive.

The right hand fist with the shield in his left hand, to find a chance, hit Guo Rui's arm fiercely and shook him so much that he could not hold the double-edged axe securely.

The howl of'Roar' burst from Guo Rui's mouth after the fists and feet of both parties collided again into the air, and several bursts of spiritual pressure sounded instantly.

After the two silhouettes were separated again, Yi Tian and Guo Rui stood in the air. At this time, Yi Tian's face was light and easy to look at and found that the strength of the opponent's melee combat was not impressive. It's just a slightly bigger idiot that's all, and there is still a little distance between true fighting skills and oneself.

Fortunately, his momentum is big, power is deep are blocked by the Dragon Tortoise armor shield he set up. The double-edged axe in his hand is not a common product, but neither is his own shield. What Xibei goods.

Suddenly a sly divine light flashed in Guo Rui's eyes, and then his silhouette flashed again and then rushed straight over. Behind Yi Tian felt a cold chill rise, but Guo Rui was close at hand and had to fight. The Dragon Tortoise shield, which was raised with a bang, blocked his double-edged axe from the front.

But this move of momentum is big, power is deep shook Yi Tian's arm numb and the silhouette was shaken in the air before it could be stabilized. Unexpectedly, in the rear, another green fire flashed and hit the back.

Divine sense stretched out and found that it was the corpse beast Qilin who had gone back and forth. At this time, he had not seen the silhouette of Xuanjizi. I expected that he had already thrown away his opponent and got out from the departure point.

But this did make Yi Tian fall into trouble instantly, the green Qilin corpse fire formidable power was so strong that as soon as it touched its own protective cover, it constantly eroded the spiritual power on it.

all around A burst of anxious green flames swallowed Yi Tian's silhouette in an instant. Guo Rui retreated twenty zhang and stabilized his figure in the air. He took the flag in his hand and waved it again, but he said with disdain: "You are still far from fighting with me, kid."

But before I finished speaking, I choked in my mouth and couldn't say it. My eyes were staring at Qilin's corpse fire in front of him with incredible eyes.

Suddenly a white light flashed in the green firelight, and then the corpse fire was continuously purified within the flame. After three breaths, the pure power of white revealed the illusory shadow of lotus petals, and the corpse fire all around was directly evolved into nothingness under the influence.

At the same time, a shocking thunder suddenly rose in the air, and a long string of golden characters flew out of the white pure lotus and directly wrapped around the body of Guo Chuang's corpse.

I saw black spiritual power continuously emanating wherever the golden characters went, and the corpse beast was shaking violently as if it was restrained by this Buddha power.

Guo Rui also looked shocked at this time, coldly shouted: "You don't want to purify my corpse beast, boy," he took out the flag and waved it quickly on the right hand, but there was mutter in his mouth. incantations, he took out a black cloth bag with his left hand and opened the mouth to point at the corpse beast and said: "Come back."

The corpse beast shrank into a ball of black light, broke free from the bondage of the golden characters and flew back in a blink of an eye. In the corpse bag.

After putting away the illusory shadow of Jingshi Hualian around him, Yi Tian calmed down his mind. He just imitated Jingshi Hualian body protection with Buddhist Sect cultivation technique. Although the effect is far from using Spirit Treasure, it can still cope with the refined corpse that has just been cultivating for about two days.

At the same time, the occult technique of the sky thunder and eight sounds also extracted all the Corpse Qi from the Qilin Corpse Beast, which made Guo Rui truly realize that he could not use the Qilin Corpse Beast.

After getting out of the trap, the true essence in Yi Tian's body swiftly turned around, and he took out the spirit wine in his hand and poured it into his mouth. It was really a lot of consumption just now, but the effect is not bad under visual inspection.

On the whole, Guo Rui is better than himself. If it weren't for the cultivation technique to restrain and bridge the gap, I am afraid that he has fallen into a disadvantage at this time. In a blink of an eye, I saw Guo Rui extend the hand to take out the bloody meat, put it in his mouth, chew it, and swallow it into his abdomen. At the same time, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on his body instantly began to skyrocket, breaking through the Level 9 intermediate category and forcibly entering the later state.

When I saw this Yi Tian, ​​I still didn't understand that the other party had improved the First Rank cultivation base through the secret technique divine ability, and it seemed that he planned to forcefully stay here.

not even think Yi Tian turned around and moved towards the depths of the Beast King's Lair and flew away. After all, even if you are trapped here for five thousand years, as long as you are still alive, there is always a chance to go out. It is definitely not a wise move to stay there with a weak attack and strong.

Divine sense poked out slightly and found that Guo Rui had caught up with him at a speed almost 30% faster than him. If this goes on, he will be caught up in a moment, and Yi Tian's heart sinks and knows that he can no longer keep his strength at this time. The azure light of the whole body instantly turned into blue and red colors, and the escape speed was also increased by 50%.

Divine sense found out that Guo Rui actually increased his flight speed again at this time, almost a point faster than himself. But it is not so easy to catch up.

Being bitten by the other party, Yi Tian's heart is also at a loss. The two sides are far apart but the ten breaths are now competing for their respective backgrounds. Suddenly, Yi Tian flashed in his mind and adjusted the flying direction moved towards Baihuajian and flew away.

The only places I have been in the Beast King’s Den are the Sunken Corpse Prison and Baihuajian. Now it seems that it is a good strategy to lead him into relying on the guards there to get rid of tracking.

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