When she mentioned Mengxin’s name, she didn’t expect Mengluan’s reaction was not indifferent, but from her words, she seemed to know this. Zhongxin Mike seems to be not too cold with Spirit Realm cultivator.

Suddenly, only Meng Luan said: "The eldest sister is now recuperating in the ancestral land, but I would advise Fellow Daoist Yi to say that you should not involve me in the sect dispute of Spirit Realm."

didn't expect Her reaction would be so contradictory, Yi Tian immediately noticed that Meng Luan seemed to be quite prejudiced towards herself. After thinking about it, it was faintly smiled slightly nodded, motioned and walked away.

It didn't take long for Xuan Jizi and Zeng Shun to sacrifice the re-refined Spiritual Artifact and re-embed it in the missing position of Zhenlong Order. Attach the broken chain to the Five Clawed Golden Dragon statue at the back, and it turned into a dead object again as if it had been drawn out of anger.

After finishing all these, the mysterious machine relaxed and said: "Let’s go out first, and we will seal the entrance to the sunken prison together."

Everyone will appreciate it.

nodded, and then withdrew from the underground hall in turn. After a short while, everyone returned to the ground and saw the chain of fire sitting on the side of the hole. Xuan Jizi, who was the head, stepped forward and explained the situation in detail. The latter also showed a gloomy and uncertain look on his face.

The last few people decided to maintain the original condition of this place temporarily after discussion, and set up a ban to seal the sunken prison. Later, Xuan Jizi took out the Formation plate and the six formations and handed them to everyone present. After briefly explaining the six suns forbidden formation he was going to set up, he gathered the power of seven people and began to set up the formation.

When the six people drove the formation base in their hands into the realm all around, Shaoqing had the Six Paths red beam of light rushing from the ground to the air, and Xuan Jizi controlled the formation to connect the formation base. Under the big array.

After a long time, wait until the array restriction is set up and the mystery is set up, then turned around and shook hands with everyone present: "This time, many thanks, everyone will help each other. See if there is not much time out, it is close to the middle of the second day. Now, I don’t know what you are going to do next?"

After this quarrel between Yan Pei Gong and Qilin, most of the many cultivators present are no longer interested in investigating. Later, only Xuan Jizi and Yi Tian stayed, and the others left directly with Meng Luan.

Speaking of which They are also helpless for the trip to the Beast King’s Den. Right now Gong Yan Pei and the others have disappeared, and they naturally don't want to spend time here.

Everyone has also discussed that after going out, they wanted Qilin Zi and Yan Pei Gong directly. As for the Qilin clan, Meng Luan came to visit him in person. This time, Yan Pei Gong was able to succeed to a large extent because Qilin's son Guo Rui assisted in secret, so the Qilin family can hardly escape the blame this time.

Of course, Huolian and the others accompanied her. These all are people who have met with Yan Pei Gong and Guo Rui are naturally witnesses. The most fierce jump is the Mountain Tiger. If the Qilin clan is weak, then the rise of the tiger clan is obvious to all, and it is clear that he has also fought against Guo Rui.

After sending everyone away, Xuan Jizi turned his head and said: "It is unexpected that Fellow Daoist Yi didn't expect to do such a big thing this time."

"Fortunately, the first half of the trip to the Beast King's Cave finally passed without risk," Yi Tian twitched his lips: "I wonder where our destination will be next?"

"Although I was delayed by Yan Pei's affairs this time, it shouldn't be disturbed again," Xuan Jizi said.

"I hope so," Yi Tian sighed said.

"Next, please follow me to Fellow Daoist Yi to go to the'Tianjingsha' party, which was originally the private spirit plant of Emperor Yuanhao. Even if there are many spirit plants in the garden for thousands of years It's mature enough to be used directly as medicine," Xuan Jizi explained.

Yi Tian is not so calm. After listening to it, a slightly different color appeared on his face: "Fellow Daoist said it is good, but tens of thousands of years have passed, and many of those spirit plants have grown up. I’m afraid that we have to be careful when we go this time."

"That’s natural," Xuan Jizi hurriedly replied: "I only need to go inside and take ten thousand years of the'reincarnation. "Grass" is all right, and I have to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to help by then."

"It's okay, but I don't know what the'reincarnation grass' has against the sky?" Yi Tian curiously asked .

"Frankly fell into a coma after a Dao Companion practiced cultivation deviation in the early years, so I read the ancient book and found that she could keep the heroic spirits after taking the'reincarnation grass' and then enter samsara. The secret method used before reincarnation can also retain most of the memories of the past life. When the time is right to retrieve it, the memory yoke can be opened to retrieve the memories of the past life," Xuan Jizi explained, and then his eyes showed infinite sadness.

Yi Tian hearing this is a quick replied: "Well, in that case, it will be the same as the mysterious fellow Fellow Daoist Zou, if you find other spirit plants in the'Tianjingsha', then I will also Just collect it all at once."

"Of course it's okay," Xuan Jizi said, choosing a direction in the air and flying straight towards there. Yi Tian was twenty zhang away from behind him, and the two of them flew all the way and within the valley of the Imperial Capital of the Yuan Hao Dynasty in no time. They came to a mountain within the valley 30 miles away from the city.

Go along the path of the valley and enter the valley. Yi Tian glanced over and found that there were three zhang high stone tablets standing on the side of the road, and seven of them were written in Monster Realm's Imperial Capital Garden. word.

When I came to the inner center, I found a half-open stone gate, covered with moss, and hundreds of weathered bones scattered all around. From the remains of the stone gate, it can be seen that the place was heavily guarded back then, not only for some reason, the remaining army was almost wiped out.

Xuan Jizi stepped forward and looked at it before saying: "It should be here, Fellow Daoist Yi, please come with me," After finishing speaking, he moved towards the stone gate in front of him.

After passing through the stone gate, Yi Tian found that the scene of all around changed again, unlike the dark night of the outside world, where the sky seemed to be day. Standing at the door, I found that there were two different worlds outside, and there was no damage here after the fall of the Yuan Hao dynasty 60,000 years ago.

But the spirit plant in the garden grows wildly without being supervised, almost becoming a primordial jungle.

The divine sense stretches out to find that the spiritual power content in the all around air is twice as strong as the outside world. The spirit plant that grows in such an environment will naturally mature soon. Along the way, Yi Tian glanced across the ground and there were several fist sized Vermilion Fruits on the side of the road. Although only ordinary Earth Grade treasures can grow into such a shape, they have long been out of the original category, and the level is also the breakthrough limit and reached Heaven. Grade looks like.

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