While searching for Yan Peigong, Yi Tian and the Mountain Tiger traveled together, and after getting out of the divine sense detection range of the crowd, they turned straight to move towards the Taixue Hall of Yuanhao Dynasty. Fly away.

The range controlled by this Within the Formed Domain has not been measured in detail, but the old capital of Yuanhao Dynasty does not need to be as small as Asura Imperial Capital. Flying in Formation is no better than the outside world, even if it is fully used for escape, it is as much as 30% slower than the outside world.

Fortunately, the spiritual power is filled here, even if the excess spiritual power is consumed, it can be quickly replenished. Along the way, Yi Tian has increased his escape speed to 70% or 80%. On the other hand, the Mountain Tiger is doing his best. Under Feida, his face also looked a little tight.

Not long after the two came to the front of a huge building complex, above the main hall gate was the words "Tai Xue Fu" written in Monster Realm. Below is a three-foot-sized iron door, with a two-foot-long hinge in the middle, and the front of the lock is shaped like a dragon head.

Needless to say, if you want to enter, you must open the lock on the door. Yi Tian looked up and said: "Since Fellow Daoist sincerely invites you, please open the door."

Go Going forward, Mountain Tiger looked at the lock on the gate of the'Tai Xuedian', then reached out and took out a half chi long key and inserted it in the mouth of the dragon head. After turning the key slowly, I only heard a rapid "click" from the door. Then, after the ban on the entire door was activated, the Mountain Tiger ran the Mountain Tiger with his hands on the door and gently pushed the door open. A foot wide gap.

Turning back, there was a trace of complacency on his face and said: "Come with me, there may be organs inside, we can't say we have to join hands."

After nodded, Yi Tian He followed Mountain Tiger and walked into the Hall of Supreme Academy. After entering, he found that the place was still well preserved. The entire Hall of Supreme Academy has Formation Formation blessings. If you want to forcefully break in from the outside, you will have to make some noise. The key in Mountain Tiger's hand also proved that he was right. If it weren't for his tiger clan's ancestors to be the guards here, he couldn't get such a key thing.

After taking a few steps, Yi Tian divine sense opened and explored deeply before discovering that there are seven in and seven outs in this Tai Academy, which covers an area of ​​about ten miles. It doesn't take a moment for me to walk around such a small place. It's just that there seem to be a few divine senses in the Taixue Hall that cannot be extended in, as if they are protected by the inner restraint Formation.

If you want to visit Mountain Tiger where you can find it, you can also find it, Yi Tian asked casually: "Since we are here, we don't waste time, you see where we started. Good?"

"Does Fellow Daoist Yi know why the'Yuanhao Dynasty' established the Taixuedian?" Mountain Tiger suddenly asked.

"It is estimated that I want to imitate the Human Race spiritual practice, and also refer to the rule of the mortal dynasty, so that such an institution will be established to educate the younger generation monster cultivator," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

"That's natural, so hundreds of thousands of years before the end of the Yuanhao Dynasty, the rule of Monster Realm was solid. With the new power, continuous transmission into the dynasty can naturally ensure the continuous improvement of strength. It is a pity. No matter how strong the dynasty is, it will not be able to inherit it forever. There will always be one day of destruction," said Mountain Tiger sadly.

Then stretched out his hand and pointed to the fork in the road ahead: "According to the teachings of our ancestors, there are three other courtyards in the Taixue Hall. They are the most important'Cultivation Guidance Hall', which is responsible for the auxiliary refiner pill concocting. 'Pill House', and'Library Building' which contains the cultivation technique. There are still many records about the ancient historical materials of Monster Realm."

"Time is pressing, so where do we go first? ?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course it's the'Library Building', I want to go in and get a copy of the'Celestial Demon Overlord Art', and the rest can be given to Fellow Daoist Yi," The Mountain Tiger blinked with solemn face Said lustfully.

"Well, since I have promised Fellow Daoist, I will do my best. Besides, I am also very interested in the files stored in the "Library Building". Since Fellow Daoist said that only one volume will be taken, the rest It’s disrespectful if you’re here," Yi Tian is not polite and put the words there first, and it’s not good for everyone to have differences after going in for a while.

The two turned a few turns and crossed the main road of Taixuedian and went straight to the area where the'Scriptures Depository Building' is located. In a blink of an eye, he flew behind a few passages and suddenly became clear, Yi Tian glanced over and found that the two were in a loud square the size of a thousand zhang at this time.

There is a high platform with a hundred steps of stone steps behind the square. A 4-Layer pavilion stands on the high platform. Above the main entrance is a plaque with the words "Library Building".

When I saw Mountain Tiger, I was overjoyed and was about to step forward. Suddenly Yi Tian stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder and said: "Fellow Daoist, don’t worry, I look at the square here slightly Strange, don't act rashly so that it will not be beautiful if it touches the mechanism."

As I was talking, there was a gust of wind on the square in front of me, instantly covering the'Library Building' behind. In the four corners of the square, four statues slowly rose. Yi Tian's eyes condensed and found that the appearance of these four stone sculptures were the appearances of'Spirit Ape, Evil Tiger, Nine-headed Dragon and Qilin' respectively.

I secretly wondered in my heart, but said in my mouth: "Why is it not the image of Siyu Formation Blue Dragon White Tiger Vermilion Bird Black Tortoise?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi took the photo, these four The large statue was originally carved in the appearance of the four guardians of the Yuanhao dynasty. It is completely incompatible with the Human Race Siyu Formation." Mountain Tiger said proudly, "I think the seniors of my clan can be considered as conscientious. Only by fulfilling your duties will you become the guard of this'Tai Xuedian'."

"The feeling that the Nine-headed Dragon and Qilin clan cultivator were originally part of the Yuan Hao dynasty," Yi Tian teased.

"Isn't that right? It is said that the two races have been good friends from generation to generation, but the Nine-headed Dragon is a Great Desolate alien, so the bloodline continues to be extremely difficult that's all," Mountain Tiger explained.

"Is the spirit ape the ancestor of the violent Demon Ape Clan?" Yi Tian looked up and asked.

"It should be, but Demon Ape Clan is the closest to Human Race among all Monster Races. They also practice Human Race cultivation technique, which is very convenient and can draw inferences from one another, just like now Nine- The scarlet-bearded ape of Immortals Mountain is one of the well-known figures," said Mountain Tiger.

"I have always had a lot of questions in my heart, since the strength of Yuanhao Dynasty is so strong, how was it overthrown?" Yi Tian asked inexplicably.

"I don’t know the specifics, but I just heard that the seniors in the clan mentioned that if it were not for the four Great Protectors, they had different opinions and finally parted ways and became a rival force. I am afraid that it would be difficult to fight Monster God without their assistance. Win the dynasty war," Mountain Tiger thought about replied.

The tiger statue in the northeast corner above the scene seemed to be moving, and the stone skin fell off in large chunks, revealing its true body. In Yi Tian's heart, startled found that a tiger with a length of three feet and a length of zhang high came across to him. At this time, they were baring fangs and brandishing claws looking at the two in front of them.

Shaoqing’s fierce tiger said: "You must pass the test to get started, and you can pass the level after a while." After speaking, another one-foot-sized stone hourglass rose in the front passage. The sand inside is constantly falling below the hourglass.

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