Enter Within the Formed Domain Yi Tian and found that the spiritual power concentration of all around is more than ten times stronger than the outside world. The cultivation here is really half the results for twice the effort. If you can stay for one The thirty-forty year is definitely worthy of a thousand years of penance outside.

Unfortunately, this way out is a problem. If there is no time limit, I’m afraid I’m thinking about how to make the most of the convenience here.

didn't expect the vastness of this area is not weaker than that of a Xumi space. All four of them are Integration Stage cultivation base. After coming in, they moved towards two or three hours in a row. I haven't seen the city wall of the Imperial Capital of Yuanhao Dynasty.

Xuan Jizi took out three maps and handed them to the three of them, saying: "This is the Yuanhao Dynasty map left by sect, but it is only the remains of the engraving before it has not been destroyed. In the war that year Many places in it have been completely broken, so they can only be used for reference."

After receiving the map jade slip, Yi Tian quickly glanced over and found a few key marks. Then he asked: "I don't know where the'Sinking Corpse Prison' is?"

"It's at the position of the Imperial Capital Heavenly Prison of the Yuanhao Dynasty," Xuanjizi said, "It was originally set up there. There is a ban on Formation, but Ancestor Master only slightly modified it and drove those Yuanhao Dynasty defeated Monster Race into it."

divine sense scanning the jade slip map Yi Tian found that Heavenly Prison is located ten miles away from the west side of the Beastmaster Hall. Next to Heavenly Prison, it also marked the existence of a statue of the Four Royals. Didn't expect Yuanhao Dynasty would also use the Four Royals to seal the formation, which was unexpected.

"There are layers of puppet guards to protect the'Sinking Corpse Prison' all around. We must use the right path of the Beastmaster Palace to avoid touching those guards," Xuan Jizi said.

"That's nature. I've been here once. The Beast King Palace was the place where Monster God fought against the Great Emperor Yuanhao. It should have all been reduced to ruins now," the chain of fire that hasn't spoken for a long time. Shi was sighing.

Didn't expect it was the second time he came in. It seems that Jiang is still old and spicy. There is always some advantage to having such a familiar person. Suddenly, Huo Lian's expression sank: "Since Yan Pei has absorbed the demon spirit of the demon dragon, he must know the layout of the Yuanhao imperial capital better than us. If he has any way to bypass the Beast King Palace, it is not. It’s impossible, so we still have to prepare for the worst."

As soon as I said this, the other three people looked terrified. Huo Lian said it was right. The location is better than everyone present. All familiar. Even with the outnumbered opponents relying on this, it may not be impossible to win back a city. Thinking of this, Yi Tian has some worries faintly in his heart, but at present, there is no unfavorable information.

After a short while, the four of them came to a ruin. Looking at it, there is a ruin for nearly a thousand miles. After spreading the divine sense, Yi Tian found that the place was lifeless, but there was not a complete building seen here. Only on the west side there is a ten zhang wide road that leads directly into the distance. Yi Tian bowed his head sound transmission and asked: "Is this the place where Monster God and Yuanhao the Great met?"

"I only know that the two seniors fought each other here, and then moved the battlefield to the north of the Imperial Capital of the Yuanhao Dynasty. It was the Master who led the major patriarchs here and those who died in the Yuanhao Dynasty. The cultivators fought fiercely again," Xuan Jizi said.

"Then the red-bearded senior's strength should also be able to overwhelm the crowd at the time, right?" Yi Tian teased.

Xuan Jizi showed some shame on his face, and then said: "The Master’s cultivation base back then was only Level 9. The elementary strength is definitely not top-notch, if it’s not for holding the "Monster" Revealing Mirror'I'm afraid you are not qualified to participate in the war.'

' Qiankun Monster Revealing Mirror' is in the hands of the Chi-bearded senior, Yi Tian heart startled suddenly thinks of what Yi Shun said, but his face is There was some suspicion and asked: "As far as I know, the'Monster Revealing Mirror' has been damaged?"

"It was after the war because all the patriarchs had seen Spiritual Qi In the end, under the unified caliber, the power of force forced the Master to destroy it," Xuan Jizi said helplessly.

"I don't know what the horror of the'Monster Revealing Mirror' could not make every Monster Race patriarch somewhat afraid?" Yi Tian was also curiously asked.

Obviously speaking, Xuan Jizi said a few words vaguely and casually, before Yi Tian followed up and asked, suddenly discovered that there were three escape lights moved towards here quickly flying towards here.

The trio of people faded after landing, but it was the cultivator brought by Qilin Zi Guo Rui. One of his two assistants was the Tiger Clan Patriarch he knew who ran Mountain Tiger, and the other demon. Zun is also a Qilin cultivator, but he is not familiar with that's all. But Xuan Jizi stepped forward to greet Guo Rui and then talked.

As for Zeng Shun and Huo Lian on his side, it seems that they are not looking at them either. They just greeted them symbolically and stood aside and stopped talking.

Later, I saw Guo Rui intentionally or unintentionally turning his head to look over him, but his face was inadvertently showing surprise. But Yi Tian felt like he was stared at by a poisonous snake. It seemed that Guo Rui hadn't forgotten that he recognized him at a glance when he met again after many years.

The corners of his mouth curled up inadvertently, and now I am not the Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator who followed him with rubbing and kneading around. I'm afraid that Guo Rui didn't expect in his dreams that he would be on an equal footing with him in less than a thousand years.

Soon Xuan Jizi negotiated with Qilinzi and came back and gathered a few people and said: "Guo Rui and the others have not discovered the whereabouts of Yan Pei Gong along the way. After discussing with him, I decided to scatter and search. Is it good?"

"How to find out?" Zeng Shun asked.

"It’s fine if you are a group of two. Naturally, you don’t need to force your head when you encounter a situation. Even if you are facing Yan Pei directly, you just need to stick to the aid and inform each other in time," Xuan Jizi said.

"But how do we form a team with seven people now?" Yi Tian asked.

Obviously, Xuan Jizi had considered this matter a long time ago, and casually replied: "The chain of fire senior was forwarded to deal with Yan Pei, so please visit the Beast King Palace. I and Zeng Shun Fellow Daoist headed south, Fellow Daoist Yi and the Mountain Tiger went north, Guo Rui and clansman went to the'Sunken Corpse Prison' to check the situation."

"Why don't you need people to go to the east road?" Yi Tian is puzzled.

"Meng Luan Fellow Daoist will bring people from that road, so don’t worry about it for the time being," Xuan Jizi said: "Here, the divine sense can extend to beyond a thousand li at most, so Everyone, don’t go too far."

I heard that Yi Tian was faintly smiled, secretly said in one's heart'Since Xuan Jizi doesn't want to express too much about the'Monster Revealing Mirror' , I can only go to Mountain Tiger and ask. As long as it's not with Guo Rui, and there is a clansman by his side, it would be a big trouble if he violently one-on-two. '

Thinking about it, I am glad to accept nodded, turned my head and glanced over, just to find that Guo Rui's eyes crossed with himself at this time, then turned his head and ignored it. It's just that the spiteful gaze inadvertently was accurately captured by Yi Tian.

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