After running wildly in the air, he didn't see Yan Pei Gong chasing Yi Tian, ​​and his heart sank and immediately realized that he might have missed the best time to defeat his opponent. After expressing the doubts in his heart, Pu Dian, who was on the side, also had a grave expression. After thinking about it, he said: "Junior Brother really missed the extremely rare opportunity this time. In the future, I will definitely increase my strength after I digest the True Dragon Bloodline. At that time, you and I will definitely not be their opponents."

"Such a fighter has passed away, I really regret that I was scared by Yan Pei Gong at the beginning," Yi Tian also said in annoyance.

"Junior brother, don’t undervalue oneself. Although Yan Pei has absorbed the power of the demon spirit of the demon dragon, he still wants to be an enemy of the entire Monster Realm. It’s a matter of uncertainty," Pu After thinking about it, he said.

"What should I do with the meaning of Senior Brother?" Yi Tian asked.

"Fortunately, you received the demon spirit of the Earth Dragon, so that you will have the witness. After I go out, I will pass the patriarch of the major races to hold the Monster Realm conference, and then let the Earth Dragon come out on the spot Just identify it," Pudian said: "Subsequently, an arrest warrant was issued to track down the whereabouts of Yan Pei Gong in Monster Realm. Nine-Immortals Mountain must be asked to coordinate this matter."

Listen to Yi. Tian directly took out the jade bottle that seals the Earth Dragon and handed it to Pu Diandao: "If this is the case, then please ask Senior Brother to come forward. My identity is not suitable for publicity in Monster Realm, and I would also like to ask Yishun Fellow Daoist. Keep it all hidden, otherwise it would be troublesome for the fire scorpion to follow this matter."

Pudian hearing this was helplessly sighed and said: "Well, since the younger brother wants to transfer this credit. Let me be disrespectful if you let me first, but the younger brother must be careful that you and I are both insiders. After this incident, Yan Pei is in the dark, we must be careful of the sneak attack in the dark." After speaking, he reached out and took the jade bottle. Collect it.

Not a little one hour, the two of them have already arrived at the entrance. After flying out of it, Yi Tian left a heart to take out the rune pen and added a few formation marks outside the passageway, and then he and Pu Bian hastily left.

Sure enough, three days later, a shocking and explosive news came out. It turned out that City Lord Yan Pei from Ten Thousand Demons City turned out to be the incarnation of the ancient Great Desolate Alien Nine Headed Snake. Moreover, he has absorbed the power of the demon spirit of the demon dragon in the Longtan Swamp, and his strength has been greatly improved.

The demon dragon was originally the public enemy of Monster Realm, so Yan Pei became a street mouse who wanted to pick up people and beat them. The patriarchs of several major races have already jointly issued a statement vowing to bring him to justice, and Nine-Immortals Mountain has also stated that it will set up a hunt for squad to search for the whereabouts of Yan Pei. This will not remove the entire Monster Realm in one day. No peace.

At the same time, there is a gossip that the Young Patriarch of the Firefighter Clan Yishun was killed by his fate. At the beginning, Yan Pei had spotted him in True Dragon Bloodline and wanted to forcibly snatch him. Although it was a gossip, the Huo Jiao tribe kept their mouths on the matter, and then vigorously rectified the two sub-clan of Earth Dragon and Thunder Python. Its strength is so strong that it directly appoints the high-rank cultivator of the Huojiao clan to stay here. Such a big change is naturally not hidden from the public. The original demon patriarch of the two races has disappeared at this time.

Until the news came out that Yan Pei Gong was able to sneak attack so easily, Yi Shun’s hands were still assisted by the Yunyun daoist and the Earth Dragon daoist, so this time, the Sect Master of the fire dragon was determined to have authority. Take it back and reorganize the branch sect.

At this time, Yi Tian has already returned to the place of residence in Fengming City, and lived with Qing Lianyun for a while.

Half a year later, Yi Tian is sitting in Fuzhong and chatting with Qing Lianyun. With the recent events, there are constant winds in Monster Realm. Yi Tian also intends to let Qing Lianyun take people back temporarily. Spirit Realm shelter from the wind. It's just that Qing Lianyun in front of him seems to have his own ideas, and it is not so easy to convince her.

It happened that Communication Talisman broke through the prohibition and flew to the living room. Yi Tian reached out and beckoned and read it quickly. Later, his forehead wrinkled slightly, and his face was full of disappointment.

Qing Lianyun, who was sitting in front of him, asked, "What is it that disappointed you so much?"

"Pudian Senior Brother collaborated with Nine-Immortals Mountain's expert He was chased and intercepted in many ways, but unfortunately, he finally gave him a breakthrough to encircle and leave." Yi Tian slowly said the information on the jade talisman: "didn't expect Yan Pei to be so strong, in the sixth great expert He can still slip away under the joint interception. This strength alone is not something that an ordinary person can do. I really don’t know if I can beat him if I meet him."

"You are too good or bad. Qing dynasty leader, in terms of strength, he has the advantage of bloodline and you have the advantage of sect. The real stronger and weaker have to be played before," Qing Lianyun analyzed.

"be that as it may, but I also have scruples in my heart," Yi Tian sighed said: "I want to come to the Beast King's Den in a few years to open, then Yan Pei will naturally not Letting go of such a good opportunity, if he is allowed to get involved again, I’m afraid this trip to the Beast King’s Den will surely lead to a foul wind and bloody rain."

"In my opinion, Yan Pei Gong The demon spirit that has absorbed the demon dragon will naturally not miss this trip. The key is how you can find his silhouette among that many people, and the way to deal with it is also extremely critical," Qinglianyun said.

After listening to Yi Tian's face, he said with a solemn expression: "Next, I will retreat in the backyard for a while, knowing that the trip to the Beast King's Den is open. During this time, I will also have to think about how to deal with Yan Pei Gong. ."

"Okay, please feel free to deal with the outside affairs," Qing Lianyun replied.

When the things at hand were settled, Yi Tian went directly back to the inner courtyard to open the restraint Formation and began to secluded cultivation. Although Gong Yan Pei is powerful, he is not easy to provoke himself. Yi Tian thinks about putting Li Yan's cultivation in the 7th floor of Lihuo Nine Changes on the agenda.

I have now reached the intermediate level of 7-Layer, as long as I can cultivation from the flame to the Great Accomplishment, I can reach the state of the latter level and even the top. After breakthrough 7-Layer's bottleneck, the cultivation base can be directly promoted to the mid-integration stage. Even if you only meet Yan Pei at the top of 7-Layer, you will have the power to fight.

As I continue to temper the ignorant flame, it seems that the cultivation of Li Yan is also a logical matter. In addition, Li Yan, who received a trace of Hallyu last time, also has a bottom in his heart.

Speaking of which Liyan seems to have only a weak strand, but it can be called the first of the 7-Layer cultivation technique divine ability of Lihuo Nine Variations and has his reason. Flame Dragon's proud sword master kills, a bit incompatible with his own way. An ignorant flame needs to be activated with a Leiyang Decree. Although it is powerful, a discerning person can instantly identify its origin.

Only the Liyan cultivation technique seems simple and understands the principles of Grand Dao Reaches The Simple Return to the Natural State. This is the strongest cultivation technique in Lihuo Palace today.

Yi Tian took out his heart, Life Source True Fire, and began to gradually cultivation. Although refining Great Accomplishment in such a short period of time is tantamount to a fantasy story, even practicing Small Success Realm is also impossible to complete. The task, but as long as the beginning is enough. Forgive me for the Hallyu’s Liyan fire seed is just starting that's all, it is still possible to practice to his level.

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