Didn't expect the transaction with Hallyu is so easy, Yi Tian's face is rarely helpless. But if he did it in this way, his original purpose would not be achieved, and he would not be able to delay the time he had agreed to give Xi Tian.

I was thinking about how to find an opportunity to stir up trouble. When I could try the Korean Wave, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a violent fluctuation of spiritual pressure in the jade bottle in front of me. At the same time, the Hallyu, who was in the air in the distance, lowered his head and showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and secretly thought: "Blast."

Reached out and took the blue hard ice divine sense and looked quickly. After I got it, I put it directly into the storage ring, but when Hallyu turned his head, his face was full of excitement. A green flame bloomed in the air, and then surrounded the opponent as if he wanted to burn it all up before he was willing to give up.

After three breaths, the green flames seemed to condense into a ball directly after receiving some traction. The joy on Hanyu's face suddenly became rigid when he saw it, and he looked towards the person in front of him with an incredible gaze.

Suddenly the coldly shouted sound rang in the air, and the cloak on Yi Tian was torn off and looked on with cold eyes: "Fellow Daoist Han does not seem to put it in his eyes. Could it be that you leave? The hospitality of the Fire Palace. Today I can be regarded as a master, it seems that I have to show some strength, otherwise I will really be judged by the Li Fire Palace."

After talking about Yi Tian The black magic fire all over, took out the curse heavenly demon bell, held it in his hand, and shook it quickly. After the black ripples spread out, they swept across Hallyu's body, instantly blocking the flow of spiritual power all around him.

At the same time, Yi Tian used the Flame Prison Demon Body, the whole body turned into a fire man, and then appeared in front of Hallyu instantly. Both fists were thrown out, and raindrops of fists fell on the opponent's defensive cover.

The sound of'peng~ peng~ peng~' erupted, and the shield of Hallyu shook violently. The curse heavenly demon sound made the spiritual power flow all around stop suddenly, and the uprising of Yi Tian directly forced him to wear out defense.

But the cultivator of Lihuo Palace is actually easy, although it is a slow move, Hallyu is also an experienced generation. The spiritual power on his body was quickly mobilized and the protective shield was stabilized. At the same time, a red flame on his hand suddenly lit up and burst out in front of him.

I got a red fire burst in front of him, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew, teleported away from the hundred zhang, and then stopped and looked at the Hallyu in front of him, only to see a flame in front of him. Instantly transformed into a Fire Dragon with the thickness of an arm.

'It's Flame Dragon proud sword, didn't expect to see the Divine Ability secret technique today, it won't be a waste of my twists and turns,'Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart, without stopping in my hands , Took out the tortoiseshell shield and kept it in front of him. This is a defensive Spiritual Artifact made from the Dragon Tortoise armor plate that had fallen from the tenth-level demonic beast Ao Ling.

The Fire Dragon circled around the Hallyu and threw on Yi Tian's body. A dragon roar sounded from the Fire Dragon and directly struck shatter void to divide the space into upper and lower halves.

With a loud noise of'bang', the Flame Dragon exploded in the air, and the dragon head turned into ten feet and opened its mouth to bite fiercely at the location of Yi Tian. In an instant, Yi Tian swallowed into the body of the Fire Dragon. After seeing the Hallyu in the distance, his hands were tied to Flame Dragon again, and his mouth nodded and shouted: "Lihuo Flame Dragon will help me condense and refine demons. Your demonic cultivator is alive and refining, so that you can see the power of my Lihuo Palace."

The Heavenly Fire light flashed and shrunk and gathered into a ten-foot-sized fireball to surround Yi Tian, ​​and then the fire came to light. Dasheng was burning. It's just that there is a black flame in the inner core that inadvertently shines like a lone boat on the sea level, no matter how all around howling wind and torrential rain are destroyed, there is no sign of falling.

The Hallyu who is constantly casting spells outside is also continuously urging secret art to refining the black flames in the fireball, but it took a long time to wrap the black magic fire like that. In the fireball.

Yi Tian in the inner body at this time covered himself with the devil flame sacrifice, and after protecting the whole body, no matter how the Flame Dragon fire all around burned himself, he still sat still.

I took a close look at Yi Tian's face with a look of disdain, didn't expect the strength of Hallyu, one of the two elders from the fire. True Flame of this intensity did not threaten him in the slightest, if it weren't for the thought of delaying time for Xi Tian, ​​he would be able to go out.

I want to stop urging secret art to protect my body from the flames and demon fire.

At this time, the Korean Wave outside frequently showed different colors on his face. Naturally, he knew how strong his Flame Dragon Aojian was. But after swallowing the demonic cultivator in front of him in this way, he still fell into a stalemate, and his proud and arrogant temper was naturally unacceptable.

After looking at it, the Hallyu coldly shouted opened his mouth and spit out three strands of emerald green flames in the air, condensed into a ball, and then flew away in the light of the Yanlong true fireworks in front of him.

After three breaths, the color of the fire ball suddenly changed and ignited again, and the Yi Tian complexion sitting inside slightly changed suddenly noticed that the temperature of all around had risen rapidly by a level. At the same time, the true flame of Yanlong turned into emerald green, just like the true flame of Lihuo from his own cultivation back then. Seeing the flame hell demon flame on his body seemed to be constantly being eroded.

Seeing here Yi Tian can't sit still, and if this continues, the flame prison demon fire on his body is bound to be assimilated. Secretly said in one's heart'Trigram Fire Sect Divine Ability. The mystery is really powerful. Just the Hallyu is cultivated and you can refining your cultivation Great Accomplishment without the Small Success Realm's Li Yan. '

The tortoiseshell shield on the hand lights up again to protect the whole body, the Evil Spirit power on Yi Tian's body is transformed again, the black magic light fades and the azure aura appears. Then he took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, and after three breaths, it shot fiercely in front of him.

The azure sword wire instantly split open from the fireworks ball to reveal a one-foot-wide three chi long gap, and then Yi Tian jumped out of it.

The Hallyu in the distance was also startled when he saw him. He had never seen a siege where he could break through the flames like this. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have expected the strength of the person in front of him to be so strong. At the same time, the confidence in my heart began to waver a little. In the past, Li Yan, who had no stronghold one cannot overcome, had no effect on defeating the enemy in today's battle.

When Hallyu locked onto Yi Tian's silhouette again, a grave expression appeared on the back of his face. At this time, the opponent in front of him was completely spiritual, without a trace of magical power on his body. But Yi Tian was not prepared to give him too much space for surprise, the Taiyuan Wooden Sword in his hand was turned into thousands of filaments moved towards him and surrounded him.

Coldly shouted in the mouth: "it's impolite not to make a return for what one receives, Fellow Daoist also take my trick."

Seeing the sky covered with silk, Han Liu blurted out and said: "Who are you in the world?"

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