Temporarily entrust the two juniors of Azure Phoenix clan to Qinglianyun, and wait until Wulian arrives before taking over. Although Wulian is inconvenient to go to the Azure Phoenix clan boundary, it is worthwhile to stay temporarily in Fengming City for these two children.

At this time, Yi Tian was divine sense, and began to search the spiritual station in the city, and his goal should be almost reached. Although they made a plan for Qinglianyun and Xi Tian to take action, the Korean Wave that got in the way the most could only be solved by themselves.

Speaking of which This person is also a cultivation base from the veteran level of the Fire Palace. He is extremely powerful and far surpasses the cultivator of the same level. If it weren't for the same sect that I and him learned and know the details, I'm afraid that I won't be able to get any good fruits in the match.

After turning around in Fengming City, I found out that the patron behind the station called Lieyan Company is Spirit Realm Lihuo Palace. If you want to find the trouble of Hallyu, you will obviously start from this. The best move.

After a while, Yi Tian dressed up and came to the Lieyan Company, and after expressing his intention to buy some Spiritual Artifacts unique to Lihuo Palace, he was led to the backyard wing. Not long after, the big shopkeeper here personally came out to greet him, but Yi Tian divine sense did not find the trace of the three Chi Wuji, completely absent-minded.

After dealing with it, I directly said that I wanted to leave the fire palace's specialty "Yao Li Tinder". The shopkeeper hearing this said that he had never heard of this thing, and naturally he couldn't make a decision right away, and said Such treasures are beyond his scope and cognition. What Yi Tian wanted was such a result, and then he said that he would exchange the flames for a wisp of Demon Realm's flames, and then he paid a full deposit and left his contact information. After that, he looked surprised in the shopkeeper's eyes. Go straight down.

The'Seed of Yaoli' was originally the embryonic form of cultivation Lihuo, and no more than one slapped the face in the entire Lihuo Palace who knew about it. I have left enough information. If the Hallyu is here, I must have personally asked about it. After he releases the bait, he will wait for the fish to get the bait.

Yi Tian did not intend to return directly after leaving the Lieyan Company. When I met Xi Tianying this time, I naturally wanted to have a good chat with him. Besides, it is also a key point for him if this matter is not successful.

On the street, I quickly found the location of the Loose Cultivator Alliance business, and then Yi Tian strode towards there. Half a moment later, I went to the divine sense at the entrance of the company and found that Jian Shaoqing’s breath seemed to be gone. There were three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators. Except for Xi Tianying, the rest of the two were distracted Early-Stage cultivators. This should be the case. The actual steward of the office.

Slowly walked in. A crowd of cultivators outside naturally couldn't see the depth, but the three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators in there could naturally be noticed immediately. Without waiting for the person below to step forward, the owner of his own business appeared out of thin air and said, "Senior is here, and the business is so brilliant. Brother Xi has already prepared a few drinks in the backyard for the visit of the senior senior. Now."

"Xi Tian should have intentions, lead the way ahead," Yi Tian was faintly replied.

Then Yi Tian followed the principal through the back corridor and left under the attention of the crowd, and arrived in a unique courtyard after a while. The shopkeeper just stretched his finger to the path in front of him and left quietly, while Yi Tian walked slowly along the gravel road and after three breaths, the silhouette disappeared into the woods and disappeared.

Walking all the way to the depths of the flowers, I saw a pavilion. Xi Tianying was sitting on a stone bench with two jars of wine on the stone table. When he saw his arrival, he stood up and shouted, "Brother Yi came too late. I can't help but respect the wine."

The cloak was instantly removed to reveal his true face, while Yi Tian said with a smile as he walked: "How did the big brother recognize me?"

"didn't expect your cultivation progress like this Hurry up, at first, I just doubt that's all, until I receive your Spiritual Artifact, I can't be sure," Xi Tianying said with a smile: "Should I call you Martial Uncle or Brother Yi now?"

"It's just a name, how I called it back then is still how I called it now," Yi Tian said indifferently. I walked up to sit at the stone table and stretched out my hand. I took the wine and patted it to wipe the dust off the seal. Then I put it in front of my nose, smelled the wine and blurted out and said: "These two jars seem to be our all-you-can-drink at Spirit Realm. The inventory left over from the time."

"Brother Yi has a good eye, the wine is more aging, but it also depends on who you are drinking with." After Xi Tianying sat down, he took the wine jar in front of him. After that, I poured it into my mouth.

After a while, there was only a half of the wine jars in the hands of the two of them. Xi Tianying wiped his mouth contentedly before asking: "Speaking of which you brat hasn't changed at all. Celestial Grotto in Langhuan is less than a thousand years old. But your cultivation base has grown a lot, and now I can only look at each other."

"Xi big Brother is serious. With your cultivation base, you can't reach my current realm even after a thousand-year breakthrough, and even after the moat, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, "Yi Tian replied."

"Yes, brother Yi, you are right, everyone has a different path, and I don't need to envy your achievements too much," Xi Tianying replied looking thoughtful.

"It is a good thing for brother Xi big to understand this inner principle. You are in the heart and there are yokes. Only breakthrough, the yoke of the cultivation base can be improved," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Xi Tianying sighed and said: "I was young and energetic back then. In order to fight for a fame, I was trapped for hundreds of years in the middle of distraction."

"You There is no right time and place to fight with Chi Wuji in Spirit Realm, but it is different in Monster Realm," Yi Tian analyzed.

"Ji Xingzhu is already the Heaven Grade Refiner Master, and the Spiritual Artifact refined is not inferior to the Integration Stage cultivator," Xi Tianying blinked and said: "In the past, I played against Chi Wuji and lost in Spiritual Artifact. Above, but this time I think it will be difficult for him to take advantage of me."

"On the strength of the big brother, you are not weaker than Chi Wuji, I believe this time you will be able to get what you want." Yi Tian said with a confident face: "Actually, this time I came here to ask for something."

"By coincidence, I also have something to ask you for help. Han, one of the two elders away from the fire. Liu surrounded Chi Wuji like a fly, so I couldn't find the door," Xi Tianying said with irritation.

"This matter is easy. I happened to be looking for trouble with the Korean Wave, and I have left a message in the Blaze Company. When they arrive at the Korean Wave, they will definitely call me." Significantly said: "I will hold him, then the big brother Xi will have the opportunity to meet Chi Wuji one-on-one."

"Isn't Ji Xingzhu also with him?" Xi Tianying Surprised, he glanced at Yi Tian's face and immediately understood: "It must be your delicate Senior Sister who helped. Speaking of which Qing Lianyun is also good to you. It didn't happen since he came out of Celestial Grotto in Langhuan. Seeing your trail, I went crazy looking for you in Spirit Realm. Don't let down the pains of others."

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