After returning to the merchant ship, Yi Tian found Qinglu and the two juniors and explained all the previous things in detail. Qinglu fell into deep thought. Later sighed helplessly: "Many thanks to the opportunity that Yi senior has won for my two younger generations. As for this matter, I will deal with it according to my own circumstances. After the clan affairs, I will bring Qingling Qingjuan back to Nine-Immortals. Mountain, choose a suitable Master for them."

"Why don't you accept them as a discipline, but find someone else?" Yi Tian asked.

Qinglu replied: "This is the rule of Nine-Immortals Mountain. It is not allowed to accept the cultivator of the same race as dísciple. This is also to prevent the appearance of racial categories."

so that's how it is No wonder Qinglu's Master will be a cultivator of the Huojiao clan. It seems that the Scarlet-Bearded Ape senior also wants to break Monster Realm's racial prejudice to make such an arrangement. Let the monster cultivators of two originally rival races become the most intimate master and disciple relationship, so that it can really eliminate the inherent stereotypes between races.

Later, after deciding his thoughts, Yi Tian ordered Xia Qinglu Haosheng to deal with Qingling Qingjuan's affairs, and after returning to the Azure Phoenix clan, he left them by his side for the time being. After she finishes handling the matter, she will return to Nine-Immortals Mountain directly to avoid extra branches.

Qinglu is very grateful for this arrangement, and it is naturally safest to stay by her side at this time.

Yi Tian did not disturb the people on the merchant ship once, and after entering the Azure Phoenix clan, it was obvious that the people on the ship sighed. There was an accident on the way this time, and it was naturally unexpected to get help from the nobles after the catastrophe.

After entering the Fengming City Airport, Yi Tian followed Qinglu and took two children off the merchant ship. After knowing Qinglu's identity, the owner forced him to give him a house, nominally as a gift to Nine-Immortals Mountain. In fact, it may be wrong to think of himself as the Integration Stage cultivator of Nine-Immortals Mountain. In this way, Yi Tian is naturally proud of his heart. Following the name of Nine-Immortals Mountain, he can just play the positive banner as a cover.

After coming to Fengming City and entering the courtyard presented by the firm, Yi Tian asked Qing Lu to handle the affairs of human relations, but he hid in the depths of the courtyard and found a quiet other courtyard to stay temporarily. half a day later After Qinglu tidied up the trivial matters here, he directly resigned to the Azure Phoenix family and Yi Tian took a jade talisman and directly pasted it on her forehead.

And told her that if she encounters trouble, this charm can protect her for half a day. During this time, she will go to the Azure Phoenix family to try to rescue her.

Afterwards, Qinglu entrusted the two children to Yi Tian, ​​then turned and left to return to the gathering place of Azure Phoenix family alone.

Yi Tian didn't expect that he originally agreed to the Wulian daoist to be a caregiver for her dísciple, but now he has become a nanny for two children. Don't look at Qingling Qingjuan as a Fifth Level demonic beast, she is not much younger than herself.

When the two children saw themselves, there was a look of fear in their eyes. Qinglu would have already made her identity clear to them when she wanted to come. The cultivation base is different, that many are naturally born with a sense of fear. Yi Tian did not let them live in the small courtyard next to their own courtyard, and then each gave them a secret technique suitable for Divine Ability to secluded cultivation.

Bringing children by yourself is inexperienced and has no such skill, but finding work for them is very simple.

After both of them were closed, Yi Tian put all around the courtyard under heavy restrictions, and he wore a cape of restraining breath and wandered around Fengming City.

This time I didn't expect to meet Jian Shaoqing and Xi Tianying on the way. As old friends, I couldn't help but want to check their situation. It’s not unusual to meet so many dísciples of Spirit Realm Three Sects during the Monster Realm trip this time, and I thought I wanted to visit and see what major event was actually going on.

After turning a few turns, Yi Tian came to the commercial street in the city. After walking along the street for a while, divine sense slightly moved and discovered the Loose Cultivator Alliance business. After condensing the breath of his body and disguising himself as a Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, Yi Tian went straight in. Divine Sense searched the shop but did not find the whereabouts of the two.

When I was wondering, I suddenly heard a soft voice behind me: "Did the bodyguard you hired by the boss leave?" The voice of the speaker was so familiar that it was Cui Fuling.

Yi Tian divine sense put it away, and only secretly relaxed after his gaze passed. Fortunately, Qing Lianyun did not come with him. Then he walked straight through the crowd to the inner corridor of the shop.

It's just that this behavior is of course not enough to hide Cui Fuling's gaze, not to mention that she recognized her whereabouts at a glance after the last intersection.

Cui Fuling teleported and stopped on the promenade under the eyes of everyone. Divine sense swept through but couldn't see through the reality of the man in the cloak in front of him. Naturally, her sudden move aroused the crowd all around, and many unidentified people poked their heads out to see what happened. But when the spiritual pressure on Cuifuling's body fluctuated, they all looked away and didn't dare to say anything.

The entire shopkeeper and Cui Fuling’s cultivation base are the same, but their background is the difference between Heaven and Earth, and even the guys in the business avoid this great for fear of offending this great. aunt.

After three breaths, Yi Tian sounded a sound transmission in his ear: "I don't know why Fellow Daoist met me and hid it. It was the same in Yaojun City last time. I wonder if I dare to show my true colors?"


It seems that this girl didn't learn the lesson from last time, and Yi Tian was also out of breath and smiled secretly. Now I thought that it would be better to use the old method to get rid of the entanglement of the other party. Suddenly, a thread of thought flashed in my mind, secretly thought is not good Cui Fuling, this seems to be forcibly delaying time here. Her right goal is to wait for Qing Lianyun to come over, I'm afraid they have long been suspicious and now they are sure that they don't want to show people that's all in their true colors.

Under the divine sense's slight movement, I realized that a familiar spiritual pressure fluctuation is rushing towards my position. Immediately coldly snorted sounded in the minds of the whole house. When they came back to his senses, they found that there was no one in front of Cui Fuling.

To be able to achieve this situation, I am afraid that the strength will also be achieved at the peak of the Divided Spirit Stage or the Integration Stage. I saw Cui Fuling's face slightly moved and cold sweat oozes from his forehead. It is obvious that the person in front of him is I don't want to be with her lower oneself to somebody's level, but doing so is enough to give face to her, naturally she doesn't dare to have other thoughts in her mind.

After three breaths, wait until the door, azure light, flashed through azure clothes, Qing Lianyun in plain robe rushed to Hou Cui Fuling in time, and then hurried forward and whispered sound transmission and said: "Yes again That person, the Space Divine Ability'so close, yet worlds apart' of Great Success Realm's secret technique of this door, has slipped away alive under my nose."

Qinglianyun listen to it brows slightly wrinkle gently replied: "Can you find out how strong his strength is?"

"At least the Divided Spirit Stage peak or higher. You are much stronger than Senior Sister, but fortunately, he didn't get along with you. I am lower oneself to somebody's level," Cui Fu Ling replied.

"Naturally, he will not be with you lower oneself to somebody's level. You never got into the eye of the law back then. The person he wants to avoid is me. It seems that there is something unspeakable, and we shouldn’t go too far. Forcing him, if he wants to show up and I want to meet, he will see it naturally. Don't force it," Qing Lianyun said helplessly.

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