Meet Wulian daoist in'Tongyou Water Pavilion', didn't expect that she would mention her dealing with Huny Yun. What made me even more unexpected was that Wulian Daoist and Yi Shun were still siblings of the same clan. After the demon spirit of Yishun showed up, he could clarify everything clearly, so that even the attitude of the Wulian Daoist towards him has changed.

Later, the demon spirit of Yishun returned to Raising Soul Wood and entered the dormant state again, while Yi Tian put away the jade box. Then opened the mouth and said: "didn't expect Wulian Daoist turned out to be the younger sister of Fellow Daoist in Yishun. She was disrespectful in Xia."

Wulian stood up and faced with a straight face. Yi Tian said in a courtesy: "Let Fellow Daoist Yi bother too much. I understand the reasons for this. From now on, Fellow Daoist will need to take care of the rebirth of his body possession. I am grateful for no love."

"Fellow Daoist is polite. I am also a victim of this matter. After being involved for no reason, I will naturally be targeted by them," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "This matter can only make the Yishun Fellow Daoist go to them personally after rebirth. Only then can it really end."

"It is true. I didn't know the specific situation before, so I had doubts about Fellow Daoist Yi," Wulian Daoist said with ashamed expression on his face.

"It's okay, as long as the matter is clarified," Yi Tian said: "I wonder why the Wulian Fellow Daoist introduced your dísciple for me this time?"

Here Wu Lian is a righteous expression: "In fact, this time I brought Qinglu to see Fellow Daoist Yi, I also asked for something."

"But it doesn’t matter, Wu Lian Fellow Daoist helped me so much before. It’s naturally nothing difficult to be busy with a few small things," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Qinglu is my dísciple, now Fellow Daoist also knows what I really look like, so I can naturally guess the problems," Wulian said.

Yi Tian still had doubts in his heart before, but now he understands it all. It turns out that Wulian, as a cultivator of the Huojiao clan, cannot go to the depths of Phoenix Clan's territory by himself. When I found myself to help me, I probably had something to protect Qinglu and return to the clan. Yi Tian said with a smile: "Since Wulian Fellow Daoist feels a little uncomfortable going to Phoenix Clan, it's okay to take a trip next time."

"So many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi," Wulian Daoist said with joy on his face.

After extending the raised hand, I opened the Formation of Qinglu's body, and then said: "Qinglu pay respects to Fellow Daoist Yi, this time I will entrust you to him as a teacher, and then Fellow Daoist Yi can accompany you back to the clan."

Qinglu hearing this is to come forward and say to Yi Tian paid respect: "pay respects to Yi senior."

Slightly nodded, Yi Tian asked: "I happen to be fine recently, so I will accompany you for a while. I don't know when to leave?"

"This matter is not in a hurry, now Yao The ceremony in Juncheng has just ended, so we can't leave directly," Wulian replied: "I have something to deal with Qinglu here, and I can leave after half a month. Please Fellow after the Azure Phoenix family's affairs are resolved. Daoist Yi can bring Qinglu back to Yaojun City, and Poor Daoist will be waiting here."

"Since Wulian Fellow Daoist has all arranged, let's listen to it," Yi Tian said: "I don't know where to go during the next period of time. I don't know if I can borrow expensive land for a while. When the time is almost up, I can go directly on the road."

Wu Lian hearing this flashed strange rays in his eyes. of light immediately nodded and said: "I can do nothing, please ask Qinglu to lead the way."

But after three breaths, she heard her sound transmission and asked: "Fellow Daoist Yi only I'm afraid that I did it at the Ceremony of Chengtian Sacrificial Ceremony, so coming here is a bit of averting misfortune."

Startled Yi Tian in his heart, but in his mind he was impressed with Wulian. Sure enough It is the cultivator of Nine-Immortals Mountain who can think of his own intentions in one sentence. And her guess is also very close to the actual situation, but Yi Tian naturally can't recognize it by lowering his head. After thinking about it, sound transmission replied: "I have a few old friends who are inconvenient to meet, so I want to disturb you for a few days at the precious place. I want to come to Wulian Fellow Daoist It shouldn't be blame."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, please, "Wu Lian simply replied, then closed his eyes and sat cross-legged to rest.

Qing Lu beside her got up and moved towards Yi Tianxing and said, "Yi senior, please come with me."

Yi Tian also stood up and bowed his hands. He followed Qing Lu out of the room in stride.

Not long after I came to the depths of the courtyard, Yi Tian divine sense scanned it and found that the courtyard was 2-3 li away from the main hall, all around was surrounded by hills, and it was also an exceptionally quiet place. didn't expect Wulian Daoist still has such a big resting place in Yaojun City, which occupies about one-tenth of the area of ​​city.

Qinglu was introduced: "This is my Nine-Immortals Mountain property, originally the residence of the Qilin clan left to Chiran Old Ancestor."

so that's how it is, no wonder there is such a big show. Yi Tian muttered a few words in his heart. It seems that the patriarch of the Qilin clan is also a person who knows the inside story, and it is enough to be able to set aside such a large area as a resting place for the Nine-Immortals Mountain cultivator.

So I just stay here for a while, and it is more than enough to deduct the two cultivation techniques during this period of free time. After Qing Lu quit Yi Tian, ​​she walked in alone.

After entering the courtyard, he stretched out his hand and opened a restricted Formation, and Yi Tian walked into the house and found an empty space to sit on the ground. I took out two cultivation techniques and deduced them in my mind at the same time.

Last time, I checked the pros and cons of the cultivation technique. This time Yi Tian is going to put the two cultivation technique cultivation method fuse together. After removing the shortcomings of the magic ape transformation and the weakening of the formidable power of the magic ape transformation, the spiritual cultivation technique is incorporated into it.

After sitting around for three days, there was an abdominal case in his mind, Yi Tian immediately took out a jade slip and quickly recorded the completed cultivation technique on it. Different from Buddhist Sect's transformation, the cultivation technique that I have deduced has absorbed part of the essence of'Magic Ape Transformation', but it needs to be activated with the blood of Diamond Demon Ape clansman when transforming.

Moreover, the higher the spiritual blood is, the better the natural effect is. If you want to achieve the strength of the Integration Stage after using the cultivation technique, you must use a monster cultivator at the level of Demon Ape Clan patriarch. .

Moreover, these spiritual blood have now become consumables. This tells me how I can ask for it. Yi Tian had no solution for the time being, so in the end, he could only put this technique on hold for the time being.

I looked back and found the body used by Yi Shun once again. Now the body of Thunder Python, the bones of the burning dragon, and the soul of the burning dragon have been gathered. Although some True Dragon Bloodline is missing, it can be retrieved from Earth Dragon and Yan Pei Gong later.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and a fingertip flashed a gleam of no open flame, and then first put the bones of the burning dragon into it and burned it. The unfathomable mystery had an extra layer of aura after being tempered by my own thunder flame purple flame once. This time, it was naturally smooth to use the unfathomable mystery again.

Then burn the dragon's blood meat sacrifice and refining the bones into the body of the thunder python.

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