Facing Yi Shun’s picks and picks, there is no way for Yi Tian to look down on the attached Fleshy body in many places. Who would say that he will be the only one who can match the "Chain of Fire" in the future demonic beast.

Thinking of this, I can only patiently explain to him slowly, but in general the main problem is still very clear. First of all, the True Dragon Bloodline of Yishun's body was lost, and now only less than 1/4/2021 has been retrieved. If you want to have a breakthrough in the future, it is best to get back the remaining three quarters that you have lost.

Speaking of which is not easy, so we must deal with Earth Dragon daoist and Yan Pei Gong first. This Earth Dragon daoist is his old opponent, and everyone in the Asura world has forged a beam. There is bound to be a liquidation in the future.

But Yan Pei Gong is a troublesome figure. This dog has been entrenched in Ten Thousand Demons City for nearly 10,000 years and no one knows his origin. No one has ever seen the true nature of his monster body. It is indeed a big trouble to take a shot without knowing the details of the other party. It is impossible to say that he will fall into a dangerous situation.

Yi Tian expressed his concerns and turned his eyes to the demon spirit of Yishun to hear his opinion on this. The latter's complexion bowed his head deeply and pondered and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, forgive me. Actually, I also have a lot of questions in my heart about their three people teaming up."

"Yishun Fellow Daoist said it’s okay. "The replied of Yi Tian facial expression grave. On Jianshi Yishun’s stay in Monster Realm for thousands of years, he has naturally seen countless Monster Races. On the cultivation base, he entered the category of Level 9 Demon Venerable early and knows very well about Monster Realm. If even he had doubts, it would be really a problem.

I saw Yi Shun open his mouth and said: "Everything depends on the motivation. Hun Yun and Earth Dragon are both branches of the Fire Dragon clan. Naturally, they want to absorb the True Dragon Bloodline from me for refining. First, it can strengthen the potential in the body and move faster to this step of Hua Jiao."

"Fellow Daoist said it is reasonable, so their motivation is naturally very obvious, plus the action is also There is nothing wrong with this point," Yi Tian nodded replied.

"The key problem lies with Yan Pei Gong, because when I was attacked this time, I heard that the traitor Hun Yun accidentally leaked a sentence. It was Yan Pei Gong's intention to take action to deal with me. ," Yishun analyzed.

"Could it be that Hun Yun wanted to shirk responsibility and said that deliberately?" Yi Tian asked.

“It’s not necessary,” Yi Shun denied, “Although he and Earth Dragon are both branches of patriarch within the Fire Jiao clan, they are absolutely absolutely under the influence of my clan and thousands of years of suppression. It is impossible to give birth to a rebellious heart, even if there is, at most it is in the heart to think about that's all."

It turns out that the fire sects are constantly suppressing branch sects in order to maintain their absolute status. This is what Yi Tian didn't think of. Since Yi Shun said that, the coercion and persecution must be far beyond his expectations.

"What is the problem with that Yan Pei Gong?" Yi Tian asked again.

"I suspect that he is also a descendant of Dragon Race, and he is also a Great Desolate alien. His real body must be extremely powerful," Yishun said here with a worried look on his face.

"Great Desolate, I wonder if Fellow Daoist has an answer to guessing in his heart?" Yi Tian asked.

"My fireflood clan was originally a descendant of Immortal World Rain Dragon, but the Bloodline Strength is so thin that it can only be a flood. It needs cultivation to the level 9 peak to stimulate the Bloodline Strength on the body and pass Heavenly Tribulation to turn floods into Dragon," Yi Shun mian has a triumphant expression.

This is the first time Yi Tian heard of the connection between Monster Realm race and Immortal World from his mouth. However, there is still a very big difference between the Flood Dragon and Dragon. In contrast, the Thunder Python and Earth Dragon clan, which have not yet transformed themselves, are even far worse in strength.

At least Yi Tian discovered the difference after fighting with Hun Yun twice before. If it weren’t for the'binding rope' that specifically restrains Monster Race for the second time, I'm afraid that he might not be able to do so easily. Successful.

“Then Yan Pei is also a side branch of Dragon Race. This time he took half of the True Dragon Bloodline from Fellow Daoist. He must also want to strengthen the Bloodline Strength in his body,” said Yi Tian facial expression grave. "Moreover, after he refining the Bloodline Strength, his strength will inevitably soar. It is not easy to find him for revenge."

Yishun is also sighed replied: "I also know the identity of Yan Pei in my heart. This kind of conjecture, I hope it’s not the worst kind, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble to get back all of my Bloodline Strength."

"Let’s discuss this later, now Yashun Fellow Daoist Please come along with any other requirements for this possessed body," Yi Tian asked after turning around.

Yishun demon spirit circulated in the air and then stabilized in the air, and later moved towards Yi Tian paid respect with both hands and said: "This time it is really hard Fellow Daoist, and I can do it for me. Clear the renegade rhyme, and find this burning dragon bones. This kindness is unforgettable."

"Yishun Fellow Daoist doesn't need many thanks," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied: "Actually I also have my own selfishness in helping you."

"Isn't it necessary to deal with this group of senior'Fire Chain"?' Speaking of this, Yi Shun is also complexion changed. He looked at Yi Tian and said: "Actually Your identity is definitely not as simple as it seems, and since you have this idea, you must have hold of it."

Sure enough, it is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. He was besieged and chased by three people before. You have to rely on yourself when you are desperate. In the circumstances at the time, he was fooled by a few casual words of handwriting. Just imagine that Yishun hid in Raising Soul Wood for some time while he came to Yaojun City, and his mind was calm down. Reply a lot.

As long as you calm down and analyze what you are saying, you will naturally be suspicious. After thinking about it, Yi Tian faintly smiled and said: "Yishun Fellow Daoist is really amazing, and I can guess a lot of information from my words and phrases."

"Since we want to cooperate, we naturally need to understand the details. "The situation is good," Yishun is also replied: "Fellow Daoist Yi is a sensitive identity, if you don't want to say it, don't say it for now. Why don't you listen to my opinion?"

"Okay, I also want to Listen to what you think of me," Yi Tian said with great interest.

"You have a very close relationship with Lihuo Palace, but according to your bone age, you are the leader of the younger generation in Lihuo Palace. According to the cultivation base, you should be the same generation as Lihuo Palace Lord Ji Xuanyuan." Yi Shun stared at Yi Tian intently, but did not see the slightest weak spot.

Then he said: "Since you invited me to take action against the'Chain of Fire', it must be related to the Mahayana Stage above. If it is not unexpected to me, you should also have a Mahayana behind you. Stage cultivator is present and not weaker than Lihuo Palace Wuye Old Ancestor."

"What is not weaker, is Wuye Old Ancestor himself," Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart, but in my mind It was an admiration for Yi Shun, his knowledge and the city mansion were definitely not as comparable as Xiong Erbao's.

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