After leaving the Taiqing Pavilion business, Yi Tian and King Golden Retriever did not wander all the way, and the two returned directly to the dog house. Now it seems that staying here is the most appropriate place. Only patriarch is aware of his existence in the whole clan, and the Golden Retriever King can come forward to solve anything.

The two of them waited for less than a day and received a jade slip from Old Ancestor. This time the lion clan civil war will take place on the golden steep valley two ten thousand li away. Hou Yuan also witnessed the Tiger tribe patriarch fleeing the Mountain Tiger. As for the other party to witness, I don’t know who it is.

Then Yi Tian directly took out the jade talisman and informed Xiong Erbao and Wulian Daoist of their own movement without verbosity. Then he took the Golden Retriever King to bid farewell to the dog family patriarch and left the city overnight. Although it is two ten thousand li away from Yaojun City to Jindougu, it is only time for Yi Tian to make a cup of tea.

I came here in advance and stepped on the spot and took out the Formation plate first to spread the Formation Formation within a radius of five hundred miles in accordance with the four imperial directions. At the same time, he took out the Taoist talisman and stuck it on the chest of the Golden Retriever King, and asked him to take the array of the Eastern Lifemen Qinglong position to preside over the Formation.

With the blessing of that magical talisman, the demon lord who came can not detect the exact position of the Golden Retriever King. Although it is foreseeable that this match will definitely cause a huge response, as long as the Golden Retriever King is stabilized After controlling the Formation, you can cut off the retreat of the old Ancestor, and eventually catching a turtle in a jar can kill him even if it doesn't help.

Yi Tian slowly flew up to the sky after the arrangement was completed, took out the astringent cloak to cover himself, and concealed in the void.

After waiting for a day to the evening, four auras flew from the horizon from the direction of Yaojun City, and the escape technique was extremely fast and teleported to the top of the Golden Steep Valley. After the escape light faded, there were two traces of Hou Yuan and Hou Tian. As for the two standing beside each other, there was a Level 9 Demon Sovereign. Hou Yuan is a monster cultivator with white hair and tiger head. Needless to say, it should be the Mountain Tiger of the tiger clan.

As for the gray silhouette standing next to Huotian, the strength of Thunder is the daoist of the Thunder Python clan. didn't expect Huo Tian invited him to come forward to testify with such a big face this time, but what Yi Tian didn't expect was that Qilin didn't come.

I think there is no love daoist to deal with Qilin. I think I can let go of my hands and feet to deal with Huotian, but this time I don’t know what to do with the variable rhyme. Yi Tian didn't dare to show the slightest mood fluctuation for fear that the other party would notice that he was spying on the side.

Soon the two lion clan demon lords took their positions, and the demon powers of both sides rose sharply. In an instant, a large amount of spiritual power surged from all directions, forming two hurricanes of similar intensity directly in the air. As the two hurricanes collided together, the two figures came into close contact with each other and fought against each other.

The sound of'peng~ peng~ peng~' was continuously emitted in the air, and what followed was the sound of spiritual pressure fluctuations and bursts aroused after the fists of the two demon intersected. It can be seen that Hou Yuan didn't reserve the slightest meaning in his hand to fist to the flesh. It was completely wound for injury. The attack methods of the Lion Clan were simple and straightforward.

In contrast, the opponent seems to be using the same tactics, but in terms of the aggressiveness and formidable power of the moves, they are slightly inferior to that of Hou Yuan. Yi Tian also sneered in his heart. It seemed that Old Ancestor was still as insidious as before, looking at him everywhere on the surface. But who knows what back-hands there will be in the dark, it will definitely be able to turn the decline when it is displayed at the critical moment.

I was thinking about it suddenly after the two hurricanes dissipated, Hou Tian stretched out his hand in the air and took out a black chain to sacrifice in his hand. The chain members lashed out at each other and made the sound of'clang dong clang dong', which made the opposing Hou Yuan also look terrified. Then he blurted out: "Tie the demon cable, you actually took out such a shameless Spiritual Artifact, Houtian, you are really a shame to my clan."

Who knows that Houtian, who is not far away, smiles disdainfully. Said: "What is shameless Spiritual Artifact, as long as you can win. Today is only a round of winning or losing, regardless of the means, you should leave the power of the Lion Clan for thousands of years. The times have changed and you can't keep up. The changes of the times will naturally be eliminated."

When I saw the dark chains in the distance, the Mountain Tiger was scolded: "Houtian Fellow Daoist is doing too much. Now, this bundle of monsters is a Spiritual Artifact that specifically restrains my Monster Race. It is unfair to use it in the duel."

The daoist on the opposite side is looking up. said with a big smile: "What fair winner is the king, loser is the villain, but the loser can only go to one side, struggling on whilst at death's door. Facts are often written by the winner, and in Monster Race after today I only know that you have lost Hou Yuan, and who will care how you lose."

Hou Yuan's face was deep and angrily said: "Originally, I would not take your life when we were in the same race, but I didn't. 't expect that you would use such a method, it seems that you didn't want to let me go this time."

"That is natural, you know that I have been exiled for three or four thousand years and have been thinking about it all the time. To regain my position in the clan," Hou Tian said in a face looks sinister: "If it weren’t for accidentally getting this Spirit Treasure designed to restrain you, I’m afraid that the outcome of the fight between you and me is not yet known. But today Your good use is exhausted, wait for me to detain your fleshy body and set a ban on your Divine Soul so that you will always acknowledge allegiance. I can't stand up anymore, so that I can solve the hatred of my heart for thousands of years."

Speaking of this, Houtian couldn't help laughing. The laughter was mixed with the Spiritual pressure fluctuations of Level 9 Demon Lord, which shattered all the clouds within three hundred miles in the air.

But in this laughter, there is another majestic laughter. The two demons who witnessed looked at the sound but saw that it was Hou Yuan who was grinning in agreement. .

If you don’t know it, Houtian is shouted in a deep voice: "You who are old fart are suffering from madness. It seems that if you don’t do the Fa-rectification on the spot this time, it will be cheaper for you. "

"I am laughing at your style of doing things. No wonder that many people will be provoked," said Hou Yuan. He glanced across the direction of Yaojun City and saw a grey aura moving towards the two of them quickly."


" The place to fight against flies. After three breaths, he stopped in the air three miles away in front of the four of them. After the light faded, the spiritual pressure on his body showed that his strength had reached the level of the Level 9 Demon Venerable.

I saw Xiong Erbaofei stepping forward and forming horns with Hou Yuan, pinching Hou Tian in the middle, reaching out and pointing out: "old ghost you are going to deal with this guy, right? There is a big thunder snake and you are here too, what day is it today that you can still meet you as a bad person."

Hun Yun Daoist stared at Xiong Erbao and looked at it before saying: "Why come you too? Wading in this muddy water, it seems that you are not idle, Hou Yuan, you even contacted others to come and help."

After Houtian looked at it, his face showed disdain and said: "Could it be that Is he your trump card? Hou Yuan, you are really getting better and better, and you should find a better helper. Qilin has received a call from me a long time ago, he will leave half a moment later, and now I’m afraid it’s already here. It’s on the way."

Just after the words were finished all around, each one of the rays of light lit up, covering a radius of five hundred miles.

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