In the middle of the night, after sneaking into the dog clan’s resident, Yi Tian instantly found out the number of monster cultivators within the radius of the hundred zhang. The strongest monster cultivator staying here is just as good as the Fox Race patriarch cultivation base at the eighth level.

I'm just afraid of the innate talent of the canine family, Yi Tian has a keen sense of smell, and has to suppress the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to the lowest level. At the same time, after the divine sense has been quietly swept through, suddenly startled in his mind as if he found a sense of déjà vu. It's just that the aura is only as strong as the seventh-level elementary level, and it doesn't look like any monster cultivator he knows well.

After breaking the ban and entering, volleyed across the side of the aisle. After ten breaths, he came to the depths of the inner courtyard of the station. After two more hurdles, you can enter the area where the dog patriarch is located. .

Suddenly, his gaze swept across and found that a group of patrolling kennels walked by, and soon there was a noise coming out of the courtyard on one side. It seems that there are some disputes in the dog clan, all around the dog clan monster cultivators who stayed behind are pouring into the courtyard one after another.

At the same time, in the depths of the courtyard, an old voice rang out: "What's the noise, don't you know that this seat is meditating?"

"Reporting back to patriarch, it's miscellaneous The Golden Retriever was caught by Sir Commander for stealing the flesh, and is now arguing in the other courtyard," a kennel replied loudly on one side.

"Let them go outside to deal with it," after speaking, a spiritual light covered the courtyard again.

Then there were several screams coming from the other courtyard, Yi Tian was shocked in his heart. This voice seemed to be familiar to him, and he came over and secretly said in one's heart "Tianlan continent Golden Retriever King," Thinking of this, he directly turned the direction moved towards the location where the other courtyard was located.

ten breaths Later, I went to the other courtyard and scanned my eyes and found that there was a large group of monster cultivators surrounded by a whole family of monster cultivators within the radius of twenty zhang. In the middle was an armored eighth-level dog monster holding a big bar. The thumb-thin rope wrapped around the neck of a dirty Golden Retriever and reprimanded.

Later, the battallion crowds scattered, leaving only the "miscellaneous golden retriever" tied to the side by the neck alone. Yi Tian stepped forward and scanned his whole body and found that no part of his skin was intact. The golden retrievers all fell sparsely now, looking like the result of a long-term severe beating.

As for his cultivation base, it only looks like a seven-level elementary level, which has not changed at all from the time when he soared from the lower realm. It's hard to believe why he has fallen to such an appearance during this period of time.

After releasing the divine sense, I checked all around the situation, and then Yi Tian walked up and stretched out his hand moved towards Jin Mao Wang Yizhi, causing him to lose consciousness and pass out. Then the left raised hand untied the rope that was wrapped around his neck, took out an imperial beast bag, and took the Golden Retriever King's income directly in. After finishing these, he swaggered out of the canine residence.

After a moment, Yi Tian was already five thousand miles away from Yaojun City. After taking out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword and excavating a temporary Cave Mansion, he went straight in and later opened the restricted Formation to hide the entrance. Up.

Coming to the depths of Cave Mansion, Yi Tian took out the imperial beast sac and released the Golden Retriever King in it, stretched out his hand to lightly tap between his eyebrows, and then sat cross-legged and waited.

It seems that the Golden Retriever King was really injured just now. It took a long time for him to make a few dull noises in his mouth, and then his eyelids trembled a few times before his hands and feet regained consciousness. Suddenly stood up, the Golden Retriever King looked all around and his face suddenly showed a vigilant look. When he saw the face of the person in front of him, he showed incredible eyes and exclaimed: "Is this in the underworld or is my brain confused," Are you a living person or a fantasy?"

"Of course you are a living person. I trust you have been well since we last met, the Golden Retriever King, I trust you have been well since we last met," Yi Tian said indifferently. a smile.

Hearing these words, the surprised look in Golden Retriever King’s eyes did not abate at all, and he opened the mouth and said tremblingly after looking at it, "Sect Master, where is this, why am I here? "

"In the temporary Cave Mansion five thousand miles outside Yaojun city, I had something to find the dog patriarch. I happened to see you being bullied, so I brought you out first afterwards," Yi Tian casually way.

The Golden Retriever King suddenly changed his face: "It is unknown how far the Sect Master cultivation base is. That dog race patriarch has an eighth level of mid-level strength that is almost the same as the mid-level distraction of Human Race. . Sect Master took the big risk to come to rescue and called the old man ashamed."

Extend the hand came to apply a cleaning technique to clean up the whole body of the Golden Retriever King, and then slightly revealed the cultivation base. A trace of it. The King of Golden Retriever has naturally seen the world, and found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Yi Tian's body are several times stronger than that of the dog patriarch. He was surprised and said from ear to ear: "didn't expect that Sect Master has been cultivation in just a thousand years. I'm at the Venerable Lord level. It's really gratifying."

After putting away the spiritual pressure on his body, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said at the empty space beside him: "The Golden Retriever is polite, sit down and say it. "

"Is there a place for me to sit in front of Sect Master," Golden Retriever King modestly said.

"Why is the Golden Retriever King to be polite, when I was in the lower realm sect, I also took more care of you, so I can shock other sects," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I should be called regardless of seniority You say Mr. Jin, not to mention that you are the Adoptive Father of Chi Yanju and take good care of him. Reasonable in every circumstance. Among the four Monster Kings, I have the closest relationship with me."

Golden Retriever King After hearing this, he was proud of his face. Speaking of which took Chi Yanju as a righteous son seemed to be the most wise thing he had done in his life.

When he sat down, Yi Tian curiously asked: "Back then, I saw you and Monster King broke through and soared. I wonder what happened later?"

Golden Retriever King sighed Said: "The problem of speaking of which lies here."

"How do you say this?" Yi Tian's eyes showed a little puzzled expression.

"After ascending to the upper realm, there will be a process of receiving Spiritual Qi infusion, but this stage is not measured by the number of people," said King Golden Retriever.

so that's how it is Yi Tian immediately realized that something went wrong when the two combined Transcending Tribulation soared to Monster Realm and received Monster Qi perfusion. Just listen to the Golden Retriever King then said: "At the time I thought it was Monster Qi infusion, which was divided into half by the two, but didn't expect the second sister to have a slightly higher cultivation base than me, so I was worth 40% of the demon power."

"After that, did you find an opportunity to complete Monster Qi infusion?" Yi Tian asked.

Shook the head Golden Retriever King said with a bitter smile: "Since I separated from my second sister, I have started to look for the same race. The cruelty within the Monster Realm was far beyond the lower realm. I did not expect Monster Realm. It took a lot of hard work to find the same kind and enter the clan."

"But you can also see how the monster cultivators of the same race treat you, they simply don’t treat you as a clansman," Yi Tian said angrily.

"Ai, I also know that others have opinions on me, but I can only be accepted by the patriarch in order to stay in the clan. I am also very pleased with this that I will stay in the clan forever," King Golden Retriever sighed Tao.

"Your patriarch seems to have a vicious look. He should have clearly seen the traces of leaving the Fire Palace in your cultivation technique, and I want to make friends with the Spirit Realm Great Sect through this," Yi Tian said. Said sharply.

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