Monster Realm's beast races are mostly gathered in Yiyao Mountain all around the nearly three hundred thousand li areas. Among them, the Qilin clan, the head of the beasts, occupies half of the territory. As for the tiger clan among the beast clan at the same time, the lion clan or the iron-eating beast clan have moved to other realms. Only the weaker races remain here.

As for Yi Tian now staying in Yaojun City near Yaojun Mountain, he came here to inquire about the news since he got out of Monster Race Ancient Battlefield. After all, it was imminent that he had to return the bones of the roaring spirit first, and it would be better to deal with such extra matters first.

Although it is not possible to go directly to the lion territory near Yaojun Mountain, you can also inquire about the news before making plans. The Qilin clan who is heard here invites other beast races to come here to meet every millennium. The purpose is to allocate and divide the jade dew that has been induced by the heavens. Such a secret is naturally only circulated in the high-levels of some Monster Race.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he just heard several eighth-level demonic beasts talking about it when passing by the nightmare beast. Looking back, I asked Xiong Erbao, who happened to know something about it. Then he slowly stated the whole sequence of events.

In the Monster Race headed by Qilin, a ceremony will be held every millennium, begging Immortal World senior to be able to send nectar jelly. There are only three to four bottles each time, but there are more than a hundred species of beasts in the entire Monster Realm. Naturally, it is impossible to distribute properly if there are too many monks and porridge.

If the big races are allowed to monopolize the resources for a long time, it will inevitably lead to a dominant situation. Therefore, under the combination of these Monster Races, the descended nectar and chalcedony are required to be distributed proportionally, thereby eliminating the dominant probability. Otherwise, these weak Monster Races will cease to exist in a few years.

Those stronger races can usually be divided into 70% to 80% together, and the remaining ones are left to the remaining races. If there is no Level 9 demonic beast in the family, it can only be excluded automatically. Usually the race of Level 9 Demon Lord will divide up 24 drops of Jade Dew, and each of the remaining drops will be divided into three parts, so that the remaining 18 races of beasts can be evenly covered with rain and dew.

As for the clan, if there is no demonic beast of the eighth level, then basically they are not even qualified to participate.

This kind of heavenly saccharomyces jelly dew excludes birds, snakes, aquariums, and insect races, so there is no trace of them here.

After thinking about it, I brought Xiong Erbao to Yaojun City first to look for traces of lion clan, so I saved myself a lot of trouble.

As for Xiong Erbao, the clansman who can find the iron-eating beasts and let him return to his hometown is better than going there by himself.

I came to understand his plan with Xiong Erbao all the way, and he was often nodded after listening. After returning to Monster Realm, his ultimate goal is to go to the iron-eaters. It would be great if he could meet clansman here.

After walking around Yaojun City, the two met quite a few Monster Race cultivators, but among them, no monster cultivator of the iron-eaters appeared. After careful questioning, I learned that the tiger tribe and the lion tribe’s monster cultivator simply won’t come here. These big tribe monster cultivators all have high self-esteem, and will go directly to the scene of the sacrifice.

After Xiong Erbao returned to his hometown, he asked clearly about the movement of the iron-eater clansman, and he left directly with Yi Tian, ​​and then eagerly went to find clansman.

Being able to handle the matter of Xiong Erbao well, Yi Tian can be regarded as relaxed in his heart. At the moment, he only needs to return the bones of the roaring spirit to the lion cultivator to achieve the purpose of this trip.

I was thinking about suddenly swiping my eyes and finding a familiar silhouette floating in the distance, and I recalled that it should be the fox girl Jiang Liuli's entire group that I had seen before. They didn't expect that they would also come to this Chengtian sacrifice meeting.

But seeing her in a hurry, something should happen, Yi Tian quickly followed forward without thinking. The spiritual pressure fluctuations that converged on the body disappeared out of thin air without causing any Monster Race side effects on the street.

After ten breaths, they followed the road they passed all the way to some remote courtyard outside. Divine sense swept across the front door and found that layers of restrictions were placed outside the door. If there is an offender, they will immediately touch the restrictions and let the people inside find out.

It's just that these prohibitions are completely useless to him. After quietly flashing by the silhouette, Yi Tian broke the prohibitions silently from one side and entered it.

After arriving at the door, Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that this was a big house. At this time, there were a group of fox girls sitting in the main hall, and Jiang Liuli was sitting under the left hand in the main position. And sitting in the middle was a fox girl dressed as a lente-like lady, who seemed to be the owner of this place. The cultivation base of all the fox girls present was only 7th level, and Jiang Liuli was even 7th-level peak. But this lady has reached the eighth intermediate level, and she thinks she has the strength to participate in the 2nd Stage competition.

Just listen to Jiang Liuli's opening and say: "Aunt Lian is about to hold the Chengtian sacrifice this time, but why should I be recalled in a hurry? Is it because the second stage rules have changed?"

The lady called Aunt Lian was sighed and said: "Frankly Liuli, this time it’s from several Elders in the clan who are discussing that they want to marry the lion clan to get a drop of complete nectar and chalcedony. That’s why they are so anxious. You call it back."

Jiang Liuli heard this pale and instantly understood the meaning of the words, and now the complexion sank said: "What is the meaning in the clan? Is it possible that I don’t know my Master. Do you feel like you?"

"Don't use your Master to press me down," Aunt Lian said coldly, "You go to Nine-Immortals Mountain to practice for a thousand years, but the cultivation base has not yet been upgraded to level 8. realm. Now the clan urgently needs that whole drop of Jade Dew to enhance the strength of the younger generations, can’t you give something for your clan. You must know that it took me Fox Race to allow you to visit Nine-Immortals Mountain back then. With great effort, the achievements you have achieved are not the result of you alone. It is the result of my whole family's dedication."

When he heard this, Jiang Liuli was also immediately overwhelmed, and recalled nature. There is no way to argue. At this time, even the few fox female guards she normally brought by her side all spoke to each other, and they were obviously on the side of patriarch.

On the scene, Jiang Liuli fell into a disadvantage in an instant, saying that no one from the opponents stood up to speak for her. At this time, Aunt Lian opened the mouth and said: "speaking of which marriage with the Lion race did not treat you badly. The other party is the grandson of Old Ancestor. As long as you marry, Old Ancestor promises to do Give my clan a drop of complete Nectar Jade."

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing outside the house when he heard the name of Houtian Old Ancestor, suddenly looked bad. Back then, it was only thanks to his gift that he fled into another world in embarrassment. This time I was hit by myself, but I have to calculate the old and new accounts together.

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