Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao one after the other moved towards Startling Thunder Mountain, flew away in the sky three ten thousand li away from Ten Thousand Demon City. After staying in Ten Thousand Demons City half a day later, the two of them also wandered around and saw many foreign customs in the city, and then they bought some treasures unique to the world before they happily set off.

Flying in the air, Yi Tian stretched out the divine sense and explored all the ten thousand li area clearly. However, this behavior also caused a lot of Monster Race cultivator's vigilance in the position again, and then Yi Tian narrowed the scope covered by the divine sense to the scope of one third and continued to move forward.

So it doesn’t stop half a day later. Suddenly, in the divine sense, I noticed that the number beyond a thousand li on the right has sharp spiritual pressure fluctuations. Immediately, Yi Tian divine sense stretched over and probed it, as if there were four cultivators nearby. The fluctuating formidable power of the spiritual pressure shows that their strength is at least as high as Level 9 demonic beast.

The fact that the brows are slightly frowned is that a few big monsters are fighting there, but it is usually not the case in Monster Realm. Such a situation may be an unexpected situation.

The Xiong Erbao behind him is sound transmission and said: "Would you like to see the situation? In this way, there must be a major event."

"The goal is too big for two people to go together. Now, I'll go alone," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"I'd better go with him, and see if there is a lot of movement there, I can help if it really fights," Xiong Erbao said.

Yi Tian felt that there was no other way but to say: "You hide in my imperial beast's bag, you can't come out without my instructions."

Xiong Erbaoman After swiping his gaze, nodded responded, and then the divine light flashed all over his body suddenly turned into ash-gray aura and penetrated directly into the beast bag on Yi Tian's waist.

After changing the direction in an instant, Yi Tian extended the divine sense again and inspected the situation there, but after three breaths, there was a gloomy and uncertain look on his face, and he was extremely hesitant to go there. I thought it was a two-on-two situation, but now it has become a three-on-one.

The other party doesn't seem to be someone who is easy to deal with, and he realized his existence at the same time. At the same time, the besieged person turned the direction moved towards his position and flew straight.

Yi Tian's expression was shocked at once, and instantly realized that he was locked in by the four divine senses. The other party also discovered his position, and the other three auras also flew towards this side after a while.

There was a bit of difficult color on his face. Yi Tian only felt that his mouth was bitter, and the other party really forced himself out of it. After Acquired for three breaths, a spirit light flew towards him, and the purple light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he displayed heavenly demon. The pupil instantly saw that the person from the front turned out to be the fire dragon clan who had seen it at the birthday banquet in Ten Thousand Demons City. Yishun.

At this time, his face was pale, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and a horn on his head was broken. A large amount of blood kept flowing out of it, it is estimated that the situation just now was critical and could not tolerate him to take the time to deal with the wound. During the period when the clothes on his body were damaged in many places, there were still many places that showed a bluish color, which should be highly toxic.

There was a secretly thought in my heart,'Didn't he leave long ago? Those who can blatantly block him in Monster Realm are afraid that their identity is not simple'. In Yi Tian's mind, he immediately thought of Phoenix Clan's Dream Luan, but he rejected it in an instant.

After opening the divine sense, I found that the three people who followed were coming in an instant. Among them, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the two of them turned out to be something that I had encountered. After a little discrimination, it was recognized that they were the Yunyun daoist of the Thunder Python clan and the Earth Dragon daoist of the Earth Dragon clan.

didn't expect that they will join hands to deal with the Yishun of the upper clan, and the fluctuation of the 3rd spiritual pressure will be stronger by three points. Yi Tian complexion slightly changed At this stage, there is such a strong monster cultivator. Needless to say, there is only Master Yan Pei from Ten Thousand Demons City.

At this point, Yi Tian still doesn’t understand that these three people must join forces to plot against the Yishun of the Huojiao clan. Under the siege of the three people, he can even escape the siege. How strong is the strength.

I heard Yi Shun yelling from afar: "Fellow Daoist walk slowly, please help me, I am very grateful to the fire jiao clan."

The voice just fell behind. A powerful imposing manner shook off the other two people and rushed over quickly, shouting loudly: "You can't escape, and that kid is coming to take care of your business, don't you think you are tired of your life."

complexion turned cold Yi Tian found out that Yan Pei's strength is not simple, he may not be his opponent even more how he has two helpers behind him.

I saw him rushing over and took out two black auras with both hands, and at the same time a vague illusory shadow appeared behind him. But even if Yi Tian used the heavenly demon pupil, he couldn't see the appearance of this illusory shadow clearly.

Immediately after Yi Shun looked at him as if he was facing the enemy, he was only less than 30% of his success, and this one must be a hot trick that he couldn't hold back.

The vendetta in Monster Realm is a rare encounter for myself, and today I see it is no less than a spiritual clansman repair.

I originally planned to saw that the situation was far from good and let Xiong Erbao come out to help, but if you look at the situation in front of you, three to three might not be their opponent. Moreover, both Hun Yun and Earth Dragon have suffered losses in their own hands, and they will never miss such a great opportunity.

Now Yi Tian is not thinking about how to make a move, but about how to get out. The silhouette turned abruptly in the air and flew to the left. In the divine sense, it has been found that Hun Yun and Earth Dragon have spread out from the left and right sides. If you let them encircle, it will be difficult for you to want to get out again.

A scream came out from behind, Yi Tian went straight forward without looking back. Suddenly I only heard Yishun’s cry from behind: “You old monster just fell in love with my innate talent bloodline, but don’t be too happy too early. I would rather self-destruct the monster Dan not Let you succeed."

After talking about the red light, all around spiritual power gathers together and then arouses a great spiritual power vortex, and the roar of thunderstorms followed Yi Tian, ​​who only felt that there was a spiritual power behind him. Pressure The air wave instantly overwhelmed where I was.

In the day, the situation of Integration Stage monster cultivator self-destruct monster pill is rarely seen for thousands of years. Now that Yi Tian hits for no reason, I don’t know is it fortune or misfortune.

Suddenly within the scope of self-destruct, there was a red light bursting out of it, Yi Tian noticed that the situation had changed, and looked back at it. It turned out to be a red Flood Dragon demon spirit wrapped in a demon pill toward him. Fly. The speed quickly rushed to a short distance behind him, and at the same time Yi Shun's voice came: "Please also Fellow Daoist to take pity and shelter, there will be re-reports below."

Yi Tian not even think stretch I took out a jade bottle and installed the demon spirit and demon pill of Yishun. After putting away the jade token, the whole person's aura is bright, and now a teleport in the air flashes moved towards the distance.

On the way to escape, I found that the Earth Dragon daoist in front of me seemed to be about to be stopped halfway. The Taiyuan Wooden Sword in his hand took out and turned into thousands of filaments to greet him. Now Yi Tian is also panicking, and naturally, he will not keep his hands anymore. This time, Ling Yaohua Qian's swords lined up and slid straight across the Earth Dragon daoist, forcing him to the hundred zhang alive.

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