The thunderbird clan in the Startling Thunder Mountain vein originally occupied the outer territory in a relatively safe corner, and the spirit vein blessed land in the depths of the mountain range all fell into the hands of the thunder lizard. Although the Thunderbirds made several representations, they were all rejected or the news throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea disappeared.

It's not that the Thunderbird clan is inferior to the opponent, but because there is no Level 9 demonic beast to come forward, it has been unbearable. This time, a Level 9 demonic beast Venerable Lord of the iron-eating beasts suddenly appeared to protect the thunderbird clan. As a result, the thunder lizard clan in the veins of Startling Thunder Mountain could not calm down.

Moreover, Lei Aotian, the Old Patriarch of the thunderbird clan, personally invited the thunder lizard clan for the Battle of Supremacy. This news immediately aroused the attention of all parties.

As the Fire Phoenix host, neither opposed nor clearly supported this matter, but sent an eighth-level demonic beast as a notary to watch the battle. As for the thunder lizard clan on the opposite side, it was natural to notify the upper clan as early as possible, and no one would come to supervise the battle afterwards.

Although the two families of Fire Phoenix and Fire Jiao ended their hostility for the time being, small frictions continued in private. Sending people to watch the battle inspector is also to keep things under control and try not to cause a melee between these two races monster cultivator and destroy the big situation.

It was the thunderbirds who wanted to cultivate in groups and flew out in the thunderbird clan territory. The whole clan sent out to see Old Patriarch Lei Aotian off. Then Lei Aotian, accompanied by more than ten seven-level thunderbirds, followed Xiong Erbao's moved towards the agreed location, and Lei Fuhong had to sit in the clan to prevent accidents.

A group of monster cultivators hurriedly rushed to five thousand miles away. After falling into the thunder stream, they watched from a distance, only to see a thick Monster Qi on the side of the other side of the cliff. I thought that the thunder lizard clan had arrived long ago, and the demons hadn't stopped before they noticed that an incomparably powerful force had actually risen from the opponent's camp.

The spiritual pressure of hiding the sky and covering the earth is falling from the head seems to give thunderbird a clansman to disarm. Xiong Erbao was coldly snorted, and his spiritual pressure fluctuated suddenly and moved towards the other party to greet him.

At this time, the Level 9 demonic beasts of both parties are tested first, and if they are persuaded, they will naturally fall into a disadvantage, and the following things will be difficult to handle.

Xiong Erbao is worthy of the old monster who has lived for more than ten thousand years. Although it is still shallow to enter Level 9, there is enough precipitation in his body. The spiritual power on his body showed no sign of being suppressed once the confrontation was in the air, but it was evenly divided and then faintly counter-pressured.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to be only testing, and after contact, he took it back. Immediately a sharp laugh came from the thunder lizards: "Which Fellow Daoist is on the other side, looks pretty face-to-face. The monster cultivator in Monster Realm can be counted on one's fingers, old man They all know each other, but have never seen the breath of Fellow Daoist. I don’t know the name of the driver Gao?"

It is reasonable to say that I assisted the group of fox demons in Nine-Immortals Mountain last time at Heavenly-Peng Race. Shi Xiong Erbao had already revealed his face. At that time, the person who came was a daoist of the Thunderman clan, but he would not tell the story of this incident after he was defeated and fleeing. It seems that the Level 9 demonic beast found by the thunder lizard clan today is someone else, while Xiong Erbao was secretly lucky with his mouth open and roared: "This seat is the second treasure of the iron-eating beast. I don’t know who you are. Who?"

"Isn’t the iron-eater beasts always indifferent to world affairs, how can they take care of the nosy here," the voice sounded again: "This is the Earth Dragon daoist of the Earth Dragon clan. "

Yi Tian, ​​who is hiding in the sky, naturally heard the dialogue between the two below clearly, thinking that Earth Dragon daoist is not the first time he has dealt with each other. In Asura Jieluo Ziyan's bedroom, she had already fought against her Avatar, and killed her in the land of the fire source.

I want to come to Avatar after being destroyed, the strength of the deity should also be affected, but when I shot the Earth Dragon daoist, I also tried my best and showed my real skill. Now that he is facing his deity, although he is not afraid at all, in order not to reveal his identity, he still tries not to make a move easily.

Immediately hiding in the sky, concealing oneself in the void, and watching the development of the situation below.

Don't wait until the two Integration Stages' confrontational temptation is over, each of the two camps flew out and flew out until not far from the battlefield. These two are the protagonists of the Battle of Supremacy in today's territory. The former patriarch of the thunderbird clan is Lei Aotian, and the other big guy is naturally the thunder lizard patriarch.

I saw Lei Aotian flying forward and said: "Didn't expect you really played, Ning Xuanting old ghost."

The big man shouted coldly: "When you first came here, I should take the initiative to drive you to Startling Thunder Mountain. Didn't expect that you are now crawling on top of us."

"Quick us out, Startling Thunder Mountain Mai is the ancestral land of my thunderbird clan, speaking of which you are the outsiders, today I will just and honourable recover the ancestral property that my thunderbird clan deserves, why not?" Lei Aotian said with disdain.

"What thunderbird ancestral land, here is ten thousand li has been under the rule of my clan for three thousand years, the ancestral land you call is nothing more than an old thing," Ning Xuanting distinguished.

"What an old thing, then you still admit that we occupied our ancestral property three thousand years ago, and it is natural for me to come back now," Lei Aotian said confidently and confidently.

"I'm not going to fight with you, see the real chapter under your hand. Today, the winner will all win and the loser will leave. There will never be a third ending." After finishing Ning Xuanting's whole body Under the flash, both hands took out and took out two blue electric lights.

Lei Aotian also showed no signs of weakness. Under the coldly snorted, a vague illusory shadow slowly appeared behind him. A white arc was raised up and protected himself in the center.

The two electric lights in the dark night sky are particularly conspicuous. In an instant, only the sound of "Zila" is heard, and the arcs are violently intertwined after piercing the night sky.

Thunderbird and thunder lizards are both born with a strong affinity for strength of Thunder, and the tricks they use are naturally very offensive. Obviously, the two team leaders have in-depth understanding of their opponents, and there is no need to spare no effort to get into the topic immediately.

After the two demon fists intersected in the air, several sparks were immediately opened up, and the two strands of strength of Thunder were intertwined with each other and then suddenly splashed out. After falling to the lower boundary, it exploded like a giant thunderstorm technique covering the mountains and plains.

The two of them were both uncomfortable after all shots. Obviously, their strength of Thunder is almost the same. The cultivation base is very close to the level of the eighth mid-level peak.

After a stagger in the air, Ning Xuanting's body once again sacrificed the blue electric light, and at the same time, his face was twisted and flashed out of the seven orifices of the face. The flashing arcs converged in front of him. Beware of the deep blue thunderball.

Lei Aotian's complexion didn't dare to be careless, and he stared at it and shouted: "Didn't expect you to integrate Power of Thunder into Primordial Spirit. This trick has also helped thousands of people. The thunderbolt of the thunder and lightning deposit this year."

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