Following Yao Yu of Heavenly-Peng Race and the others, took the transport ship directly into the hinterland of Heavenly-Peng Race. The transport ship flew for several days before stopping.

After disembarking, he has his own clansman to welcome everyone into the ancestral hall of Heavenly-Peng Race. Under the leadership of Yao Yu and the others, Jiang Liuli and his group of five fox girls have moved elsewhere early.

Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao were directly introduced to the entrance of the ancestral hall, and then Yao Yu turned around and respectfully said: "Two seniors, please come in, the Great Elder of the lower clan has been waiting for a long time. "

"I can wait for the Heavenly-Peng Race Great Elder for a long time, many thanks, little friend Yao Yu reminded me to wait for me to go in," Xiong Erbao was talking, and he was talking now. It's not as carefree as before.

Yi Tian also gave him a wake-up call when he came on this road, he didn't argue more, and it's better to let him come forward for everything. If there is a problem, the two are discussing the sound transmission in private.

When Yi Tian was about to step into the great hall, he heard sound transmission in his ear: "See you at the Acquired Peng Race patrol station warehouse for half a day."

However, there is no expression on it, just slightly nodded, presumably his actions should be seen in the eyes.

After the two walked into the great hall, they saw that the lights in the center were dim. When they swept along the bright light, they saw a 60-year-old man sitting deep in the great hall. There was only an oil lamp in front of him, and the halo on that lamp could only cover all around a square meter of space.

Xiong Erbao first stepped forward and said to the old man sitting on the ground: "Iron-eating animal race Xiong Erbao Association Human Race friend Yi Tian pay respects to Heavenly-Peng Race Great Elder."

"The two guests who came from afar do not need to be courteous. Please take your seat. Old man Heavenly-Peng Race Xia Lingkun is very polite." Heavenly-Peng Race Great Elder said it was a courtesy.

Then the two found an empty seat in front of Xia Lingkun, and Yi Tian glanced over and found that the Monster Race features on this Great Elder had almost disappeared. The whole Monster Qi is also cleverly converged. At first glance, it looks like a Human Race spiritual cultivation.

Being able to cultivation to such a point shows that Xia Lingkun's strength is at least Level 9 high-level and even the top. In contrast, this strength is three points better than the Qilin son he met when he was in Spirit Realm.

It seems that only Spirit Realm's own Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan in the Fire Palace can stabilize him.

"This time, many thanks to the two Fellow Daoist's action, so that Jiang Virtuous nephew will not be trapped in the Thunder Python clan," Xia Lingkun thanked him in advance.

"Fellow Daoist Xia is so strange. This time we also ran into Jiang Virtuous nephew by mistake. And she may promise to ask me to shoot at the price of two drops of'Biyuan Water'. speaking of which can only be regarded as a transaction," Xiong Erbao said with a look of shame.

"It’s okay, Jiang Virtuous nephew is a master of Nine-Immortals Mountain, so he will naturally be spied by clansman. I’m Xie Eryi shot the thunder python and saved Jiang Virtuous nephew. The party is with me in Heavenly-Peng Race," Xia Lingkun turned around and looked at Yi Tian.

Then he asked: "I don't know where the two Fellow Daoists are going next?" The words were addressed to Xiong Erbao, but his eyes were completely locked on Yi Tian, ​​I'm afraid he would have already Find out who the two people in front of you are really talking about.

Don’t wait for Xiong Erbao to open the mouth, Yi Tian gently stretched out his hand and opened the mouth and said: “I’m waiting for something to be done and I need to rush back to the iron-eating beasts, if Fellow Daoist Xia has nothing else to do. I still want to start the journey as soon as possible."

After a few words, he blocked everything he wanted to say next, and Yi Tian faintly sensed something wrong in his heart. Since entering the great hall, Xia Lingkun's gaze has not left her body, could it be that he has been staring at something.

"Fellow Daoist Yi misunderstood, I just feel that you have a breath in your body that is very close to the Huofeng clan. If you want to come to Fellow Daoist, it should be foreseeable," Xia Lingkun explained.

In my heart, startled didn't expect the other party's insight is so strong, I do have the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan made by the tail feathers left by Mengxin. This treasure was brought into the Niwan Palace by myself and raised for hundreds of years, but I didn’t expect to be able to see the details at a glance.

So far, Yi Tian knows that no matter how he distinguishes it, it won't help. The other party must have the Heavenly-Peng Race Divine Ability secret technique to detect. Then he confessed openly: "Zai Xia does have some origins with Feng Clan, but I don't know what Fellow Daoist Xia is thinking about?"

Anyway, it’s better to take advantage of the inevitable and ask questions. See what the other party intends, and at the same time make your own response.

Xia Lingkun did say with a smile: "It was not a big deal, but it coincided with the Great Beast Tide of Monster Realm for thousands of years, so I also want to have a good relationship with each other when I can take care of each other."

"Has the last Great Beast Tide started?" Xiong Erbao, who was sitting on the side, asked puzzledly.

"Look at this bear Fellow Daoist, although he is not young, but he probably hasn't experienced the Great Beast Tide, otherwise it won't look like this," Xia Lingkun said with a smile.

Yi Tian immediately understood that although Xiong Erbao is more than 15,000 years old, but most of his time is locked in the abyss of Demon Realm, it is natural that he does not know the Great Beast Tide, or that there is no real experienced. Xia Lingkun also realized that Neizhongdaodao would have said this, and when he thought about it, he asked: "We don't know much about this. Please Fellow Daoist Xia to explain."

Xia Lingkun nodded responded Said solemnly: "There are still many undiscovered areas in Monster Realm. Among them, the Black Dragon Nest is the most secretive, and it was also the place where the Mahayana Stage Black Dragon King was beheaded thousands of years ago by the Monster God. Land of the Fallen. After the death of the Black Dragon King, the blood flowing out of his body contaminated the ten thousand li around the Black Dragon's nest, and the dead air from his body formed a blood mist area within a thousand miles of the Black Dragon's nest. A large number of Monster Races."

Yi Tian asked after thinking about it: "Then the source of the Great Beast Tide outbreak mentioned by Fellow Daoist Xia should be here."

" Not bad, so this time Fire Phoenix and Azure Phoenix are going to send people to investigate and see if they can find the root cause and eradicate it completely," Xia Lingkun explained.

"So Fellow Daoist wants me to wait for help," Yi Tian asked.

"It is true. I tried Monster Race thousands of years ago. It seems that the blood mist can affect the mentality of the monster cultivator and make them lose themselves, and even attack the same race indiscriminately after going crazy," Xia Lingkun Explained: "But this kind of blood mist has little effect on races other than Monster Race. That's why the old man said it, but we still have to look at the meaning of Fellow Daoist Yi."

" So it seems that Monster Realm is not at peace. It is estimated that this Great Beast Tide has a profound influence on Monster Realm's various races, so I want to try to find out this action," Yi Tian said: "But I don't know who the other big clans are. What do you mean?"

"Nine-Immortals Mountain is naturally fully supporting this matter, and they are also the ones to take the lead. It is said that this time they have specially sought help from other circles to deal with this matter. It's just that. "The Fire Dragon Clan is a bit unpredictable over there," Xia Lingkun said.

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