Monster Realm Cardinal City is a monster cultivator city located outside the edge of the territory where Thunder Pythons are located, and on the other side is the territory controlled by Heavenly-Peng Race. This can be regarded as a transactional town where the two parties do not interfere with each other, and the two groups have separate stations here, and they have private transactions with each other.

After all, Monster Race is not the era of tyrannical wars like ten thousand years ago. Since Mahayana Stage Monster God was hidden from the world, the entire Monster Realm is the world of Integration Stage demon saints of all races. Up.

These Monster Realm tribes realized after ten thousand years of strife that they could not continue this way, and then all the great monsters gathered together and discussed dividing their respective territories. As a result, Monster Realm has entered a period of relative stability. Although the big clans did not compete on the surface anymore, they made a lot of small actions in the dark.

On the whole, at most, it is controlled by the disputes of the eighth-level demonic beast, and generally will not make trouble in front of the demon saint.

The monster garrisoned in Cardinal City is only an eighth-level monster Wolf. The cultivation base is the same as the Divided Spirit Stage spiritual practice, but the Innate Divine Ability of Monster Race can be added to it. Human Race spiritual cultivation of the same level.

Cardinal City has been in peace under the suppression of this Monster Wolf for nearly a thousand years. Even here, many cultivators from other worlds will start trading here to exchange for this The unique treasure of the world.

Speaking of which is a treasure if you want to cultivate your whole body, it is very good to use it to refine Spiritual Artifact or as a medicine pill concocting. But if you want to directly remove the treasure from the demonic beast, it will naturally violate the Monster Realm taboo, but there will always be a large backlog of materials in each clan.

In addition, some hostile Monster Race will handle it secretly when they reach the opponent, so this Cardinal City has become a paradise for underground black market transactions, allowing those foreign cultivators to trade as long as they don’t provoke them. The giants on Monster Realm are generally fine.

But today, there were two uninvited guests in Cardinal City, a Human Race spiritual practitioner with no cultivation base and a big man in a cloak. This big man was transformed into a humanoid Xiong Erbao after undergoing Thunder Tribulation baptism, but the cloak on his body was put on by Yi Tian's strong request.

With his current cultivation base, if he really wants to release all Monster Qi on his body, I'm afraid that no one in this cardinal city will be his opponent. Yi Tian was also afraid of making a big move. Haosheng discussed with him in the end. In the end, Xiong Erbao agreed to wear the merciful equipment and promised not to cause trouble. The two talents entered the city.

To be honest, Yi Tian didn't want to make any extra effort. Sending this idiot home early is also regarded as completing the task. But didn't expect Xiong Erbao suddenly said that he was hungry after passing by Cardinal City. He also said that he smelled the exclusive ingredients in the city and had a great appetite, so he came in and looked for it.

Although there is no need to eat for many years of practicing Taoism, Yi Tian normally would have a drink or taste the special products of the lower world. After being said by Xiong Erbao, naturally he would not stop him any more and directly followed up.

With the cultivation base profound, the two of them directly skipped the layers of the Cardinal City and entered the city, they were led by Xiong Erbao, and Yi Tian followed his ass for a stroll all the way.

After entering the city, Xiong Erbao unexpectedly said that he could not find any traces of food. The two went around for a few laps. Finally, Xiong Erbao found the restaurant opened by the Human Race Spirits and walked in with a swagger.

Yi Tian followed behind him like a little brother. When the folks at the door saw that there was a high-level monster cultivator coming, they naturally did not dare to neglect to lead the two to the top box. But Xiong Erbao said that he wanted to see the scenery and found a place near the window in the lobby on the top floor and sat down.

After that, I took the menu and ordered a lot of delicacies here. Yi Tian sat aside with divine sense and was slightly surprised after passing the menu. The dishes sold by this Human Race restaurant are all made with demonic beast flesh and blood.

I glanced all around and found that there are many seven-level monster races on the top floor. Most of the dishes they order are made of demonic beast flesh and blood.

Seeing here, Yi Tian was secretly sound transmission and asked: "Erbao Erbao, why are you so familiar with the situation the first time you came here?"

Xiong Erbao is finally After finding the place, he looked at Yi Tian with disdain and said, "You don't understand, right? High-level Monster Race will naturally open up spiritual wisdom after being transformed, and will also imitate and learn the lifestyle of Human Race."

"But don't they still eat Monster Race flesh and blood ingredients?" Yi Tian asked in a puzzled way.

"The difference is big, you don't know the way," Xiong Erbao said proudly: "The spiritual food sold by Human Race has been deeply processed to completely retain the spiritual power in it. It is naturally very popular to remove the original blood evil spirit for high-level monster cultivator, which is easy to extract spiritual power and does not need to expel the useless blood evil energy."

In the original monster cultivator With this way, Yi Tian finally saw it, and after scanning his gaze, he asked: "Then they are not afraid to eat the same kind? This is a monster Race taboo."

"Who said no To eat the same kind, it just depends on the different races," Xiong Erbao said with a gleeful expression: "Some Monster Races will even eat the same kind to improve their cultivation base, but my iron-eaters are not among them. Those are. They are all low-level Monster Races."

Yi Tian looked at a few tables not far from the side where monster cultivators such as bull demon, sheep demon, and deer demon were all very obvious and retained after being transformed. Many original features. Some morphs are not completely demonic beast above the neck.

However, the Banshee sitting by the window on the other side of the floor are completely transformed. After glancing from head to toe, he found that there was not much difference from the Spirit Realm woman, except for the white tail behind the ass.

"That is Qingqiu Fox Race. Legend has it that they are a clan branch left over from Immortal World. The current patriarch also has a Level 9 cultivation base with five tails," Xiong Erbao quietly explained sound transmission.

"The situation of the Fox Race patriarch in Qingqiu you mentioned is also a thing of ten thousand years ago, is it possible that there has been no progress in the cultivation base over the past ten thousand years," Yi Tian said with a smile.

The two were chatting about the restaurant and the waiter slowly put the dishes on the table one after another, but at the end they said to Xiong Erbao: "The senior dishes are all ready, Cheng Hui Er One hundred and thirty thousand high grade Spirit Stone, this shop does not pay for credit."

Xiong Erbao reached out and pointed to Yi Tian and said: "Ask him for money," I don’t care about that many after he said it. The wine glass is just a big mouthful and then reached out to the chopsticks to pick up the table before stuffing it into the mouth.

This look completely lacks the imposing manner that High Rank Monster Beast should have, and it looks like those rascals in Mortal World.

Seeing that the waiter turned his head and looked over, Yi Tian also looked embarrassed. After snorting, he stretched out his hand and took out a storage bag, put the Spirit Stone in it, and handed it over, "Here are two more specialties here. Yes, Bibo brewed."

"Liutan again," Xiong Erbao interrupted.

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