After exiting from the Monster Realm gate, Yi Tian did not rush to the Thunder Valley. Instead, he flew out of several tens of thousands of li and then found an unmanned place to open up a cave. Mansion has started to close-door cultivation inside.

When I first arrived at Monster Realm, I still had the aura of the Asura world on my body. Normally, low-level and intermediate-level monster cultivators would naturally not be able to see the clues. But now I have to deal with Level 9 demonic beasts, and many of them have incredible Innate Divine Ability. Naturally, they will find their origin from the clues.

In order not to cause any trouble to the Asura world, Yi Tian decided to stay in this world for a while, and at the same time wash away the Other-Realm Aura from his body before dispatching.

In the cave during this period, Yi Tian also took out the messaging jade talisman that Wuye Sect Founder left for him in the past, and tried to contact him after activating it. After being activated, the magic talisman slowly rose up in the air to condense into a human form, which looked like Wuye Sect Founder.

Then Wuye Sect Founder’s illusory shadow opened his eyes and looked at it and then revealed a surprised look on his face, saying: “The kid didn’t expect you to be amazing. You will be cultivated to Integration Stage in less than two thousand years. In contrast, my age has lived in vain."

Yi Tian’s respectful replied: "dísciple can only be achieved by chance and coincidence. Earlier, it was entirely dependent on Sect Founder’s teaching method. The foundation is solid, and the subsequent cultivation progress is also due to the constant survival of adversity in order to make the cultivation progress so quickly."

Wuye’s illusory shadow said with a smile: "I mean Your chances are not small. You can find the fire field cultivation elsewhere and move the cultivation progress to the Integration Stage."

"Now I have successfully crossed the Integration Stage. I wonder if there is still a card related to the Mahayana Stage next? "Yi Tian asked.

"The cultivation technique of Lihuo Palace was originally handed down from the upper realm. Although the Nine Changes of Lihuo is a complete cultivation technique, it is only at the entry level," said Wuye Sect Founder.

"Lihuo Nine Variations is an introductory cultivation technique?" Yi Tian hearing this face was shocked and said: "Then Shilihuo Palace is a Sect cultivation technique from the upper realm?"

"Speaking of which I don't know," Wuye Sect Founder shook his head and replied: "This is also the information I learned from the previous generation of Sect Founder, and Shangling Nine Realms hasn't arrived for True Immortal for a long time, so the attribution of sect is also It’s always been a mystery."

so that's how it is even Wuye Sect Founder can’t tell the origin of sect, but in his heart, Yi Tian is thinking about how Ao Ling recognized himself as Immortal World Southern. Heir to the Bright Trigram Fire faction. After thinking about it, Yi Tian still decided not to tell the information he knew for the time being.

"Now I don't know where Sect Founder is, how can I find you?" Yi Tian asked.

"Because I'm afraid of being noticed by the white clothed Wuye, I have been hiding somewhere in Monster Realm. If you want to find me, it's better to wait until the cultivation progress to the middle of the fit before you act. If you can make the cultivation progress It couldn't be better in the later stage," Wu Ye said.

"I have arrived at Monster Realm now, and Meng Xin once said that I should go to the Fire Phoenix family to find him when the time is right," Yi Tian said.

"In that case, it couldn't be better, but at the moment I am in closed-door cultivation in the Nirvana Holy Land of the Fire Phoenix family, and I will not be able to leave the customs for a while," Wu Ye said.

"Then I will travel this world first, and wait until the right time to go to the gathering place of the Fire Phoenix clan to find Mengxin," Yi Tian replied.

"Three hundred years later, it will be the celebration of the Fire Phoenix clan. At that time, the celebration venue in its habitat will be opened to all the Monster Realm clan. White clothed Wuye also has eyes and ears in this world, you have to avoid him People from all walks of life, try not to attract others' attention," said black clothed Wu Ye.

Every time I think of the same Wuye Sect Founder Yi Tian in Lihuo Palace, there is always an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart. He is already standing in line, so the other party will definitely try to kill himself in the cradle.

So if the conditions are not mature, it is better not to take the lead. Thinking of this, Yi Tian said helplessly on his face: "I don't know what kind of Monster Race the white clothed Sect Founder will have as its trend, and I also ask Sect Founder to explain that I can try to avoid them as much as possible."

"The Fire Jiao clan in Monster Realm is the same as Phoenix Clan in this world, so you have to be careful," Wu Ye said worriedly: "Although the Huo Jiao clan is small in number, its branches are all over Monster. Realm, those Earth Dragon monsters and clansman are its branches."

"Earth Dragon Monster Race," Yi Tian underestimated secretly thought: "is it possible that Earth Dragon daoist That's it. With his Level 9 demonic beast's strength, it is only a branch of the Firefly clan. How strong will the true Firefly clansman be."

Wuye Sect Founder directly ignored Yi Tian's strength. The performance then opened the mouth and said: "Originally, I had two contracted Spirit Pets by my side when I was leaving the Fire Palace in Spirit Realm. After splitting into two people, Meng Xin stayed with me. As for the white clothed Wu Ye, I left a name. It's called'Red Chain' Level 9 Fire Flood Dragon."

"Many thanks to Sect Founder, I will pay attention," Yi Tian replied: "Then I don't know if Sect Founder is against white clothed Sect Founder. How much is it?"

"One-on-one, I am not afraid of him at all, mainly because he still has a lot of helpers on his hands," Wuye sighed: "Mengxin can help me live against the'red Chain’, the remaining Ji Xuanyuan and Lihuo need you to deal with."

In addition to facing Spirit Realm Integration Stage Number One Person, there are two Elders from Lihuo Palace with one enemy three. It is simply an impossible task. Yi Tian's complexion suddenly slumped: "Sect Founder Rong Bing, Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan's cultivation base is far above me, and it is also the Number One Person under the Integration Stage cultivator Spirit Realm Mahayana Stage, which has been famous for many years. Plus Li Huo. The two elders are afraid that I will not be able to do what I want."

"You are too worried about this. The two elders from the fire only have a combined Early-Stage cultivation base. They have been stuck in the bottleneck for five thousand years. As for Ji Xuanyuan," Wuye Sect Founder's eyes were full of loneliness, and he slowly said, "He will be Lihuo Nine Transformations in his life after he refining the 7th floor. It's a great pity that I can't make any further progress."

"Then I don't know which level of Sect Founder cultivation is to the Lihuo Jiubian?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"If I hadn’t been recruited back then, I might have been able to break through to the 9-Layer cultivation technique and achieve Great Perfection Realm for thousands of years," Wu Ye sighed: "But now I am divided into two and weakened. The cultivation base has fallen to the 8-Layer elementary level."

"Then Sect Founder used the cultivation technique to refine the 8-Layer peak when it faced the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu, right?" Yi Tian said.

"You have learned about those old past events from elsewhere," Wuye Sect Founder laughed at himself and said: "If I was really like what you said back then, Qiu Yu would be the master of quitting, and I would definitely not be my opponent. In fact, I used the Mahayana Stage cultivation base, but only refined the 8-Layer cultivation technique."

"How can I be at the peak of the 6-Layer cultivation. Facing Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan," Yi Tian said with a sullen expression.

"6-Layer should not be the peak, I think you have already passed 7-Layer, but you have not noticed that's all," Wuye said with a smile: "I am optimistic that you are not just because of you It’s the aptitude of your press forward, but the motivation and opportunity of your press forward. I believe that in time, when you are in the Integration Stage, you will be able to deal with Ji Xuanyuan and Lihuo after you break through Lihuo Jiubian and refine 8-Layer."

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