The fire source in Queen Asura’s palace. There is a lonely island in the fire sea in the deepest part of the world. The island here is a volcano. For countless years, the volcanic crater has been emitting hot lava without interruption, and the current fire sea is formed after the lava falls.

I don’t know how many things it took to form the territory of ten thousand li fire sea. Until one day, the situation in Secret Realm suddenly changed, and a space gap suddenly appeared in the sky above the isolated island, and the tribulation thunder fell directly after the masterpiece of Nei Zhong Dianguang.

Those falling electric lights hit the lower level and spread out to stir up the islands and all around the sea. Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and even aroused up to three-four in the fire sea lava waves of zhang.

Jieyun lasted for more than a quarter of an hour to slowly converge, and the gap on the most Acquired slowly shrank and disappeared without a trace. On the isolated island, a silhouette fell from the sky after passing through the sky thunder tempering and directly sank into the volcanic crater and then disappeared.

The desert island near the shore of the fire sea a few ten thousand li away shook slightly again, and a giant dragon head came out from the fire sea, moved towards the distant view meeting. In the end, he just raised his head and roared, and then another head dived his head below the sea level.

After the robbery, the volcano in the fire sea never erupted again, such as this fire source Secret Realm, which remained calm for an unknown period of time. Until one day after many years, a shock came from the depths of the fire sea, and then a low roar sounded again in the island volcanic crater, and then the volcanic crater resumed its eruption again.

At the same time, a purple fireball took the lead to fly out of the sky above the sky. That purple light is the Life Source True Fire thunder flame of Yi Tian cultivation. It's just that the Lei Yan Zi Yan at this time didn't want to be able to only take out wisps of it each time, after the wind blew, the Lei Yan Zi Yan was all taken back into Yi Tian's mouth.

After the purple flame faded, the appearance of Yi Tian's deity appeared, and it looked no different from before. The body still showed the appearance of Asura Dharma body, but the six eyes on the three heads showed deep purple.

After a while, the whole body once again offered the spiritual power of azure, and the deep purple in the eyes slowly returned to normal pitch black. Yi Tian shook his head in the air, stretched his lower limbs, and then put the Asura body away, and then flew towards the shore of the fire sea swayingly.

Now that the spiritual power on the body is fully converged, it seems that only the spiritual pressure fluctuation intensity of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator remains. If it is outside, it will definitely be regarded as a low-level cultivator.

This time Yi Tian did not deliberately rush back, but found that his escape speed had more than doubled compared to before, and in contrast he seemed very comfortable.

After flying to the sea area where Dragon Tortoise Ao Ling was before, Yi Tian stopped in the air specially, and then arched his hands towards the deserted island and said: "senior I haven't seen you for many years. I trust you have been well since we last met."

Under Haiti, a deep Dragon's roar came again, and then the huge dragon head rose from the sea level before it slowly stopped in front of Yi Tian. Just listen to Ao Ling said solemnly: "Didn't expect you to be able to use two cultivation techniques to achieve Transcending Tribulation at the same time. It seems that as long as you don't die halfway, your future achievements will definitely be higher than Luo Qin."

"Senior overpraised, I'm just carrying a little better that's all," Yi Tian said with his hands arched back.

"Isn’t luck a symbol of strength? Since ancient times, Heaven Warping Genius are amazing people, but the overwhelming majority of them have not reached your level, or say Some powerhouses are not that strong at your current stage," Ao Ling looked up and said.

"It is the honor of Junior to be able to enter," Yi Tian replied politely: "Then I don't know if I am qualified to talk to senior now?"

"Although you have now entered a stable and integrated Early-Stage state, there is still a long section of the road to go before my request," Ao Ling shook his head and said: "I don't ask much, as long as you can Just send me a drop of spiritual liquid every five thousand years."

"One drop of time for five thousand years is sufficient. Then I don't know how senior can help me?" Yi Tian asked back. .

"Your strength is not the strongest existence in the outside world, at least it is very simple to deal with you with Luo Qin's cultivation base back then," Ao Ling thought for a while and said, "Let's do it. When your cultivation progress reaches Mahayana Stage, come to me again. If you can surprise me again by then, maybe I will follow you."

"Follow me," Now it’s your turn. Yi Tian was shocked. If there really is a demonic beast with a tenth-level cultivation base like Ao Ling by his side, then Shangling Nine Realms wouldn't let himself be stunned. Even the Mahayana Stage cultivator facing the rest of the world is naturally nothing difficult, but the current self still cannot let him stand up and follow him.

I clicked nodded Yi Tian and directly took the remaining two drops of spiritual liquid from the storage ring and gently sent it to Ao Ling, "These two drops are my promise to advance for the next ten thousand years. "

After sniffing the nose, Ao Ling opened his mouth and swallowed it without the slightest hesitation, and then said contentedly: "Well, in that case, I will sign an equal contract with you, and wait until you Cultivation progress to Mahayana Stage, come to me, I will guard you for the next ten thousand years." After speaking, he opened his mouth again and spouted spiritual power and formed a'Golden Seal Script' rune contract in the air.

Yi Tian stared at the'Golden Seal Script' rune contract. After reading the contract for a while, he stretched out his hand and took out spiritual power, and then wrote his name on the contract with Golden Seal Script. Later, the rune contract slowly dispersed in the air and then split into two golden lights, each flying back into the forehead.

Then Ao Ling opened the mouth and said: "I received a drop of spiritual liquid from you before and there is no return. I just told you to come to me after Thunder Tribulation. Now look at you The strength has improved a lot, and what is lacking is defense.” After finishing talking, a ten zhang-sized rock block on the barren hills behind it was automatically lifted up and flew out, shrinking continuously in the air and then turned into a three-inch tortoise shell. The film falls in Yi Tian's hands.

After weighing this thing, Yi Tian's face couldn't help but be moved. This thing is the tortoise shell on Ao Ling's body. I am afraid that the defensive power will be stronger than imagined.

"Many thanks to Senior, this one is worth all the top defense Spirit Treasures in this world," Yi Tian smiled and replied.

"You refine this piece of tortoise shell into a defensive Spiritual Artifact, and in the future, even a Mahayana Stage cultivator with the strength of Luo Qin will be able to resist it," Ao Ling explained.

"I don't know how this senior's tortoise shell needs to be refined into a tool?" Yi Tian asked.

"Life Source True Fire of your cultivation is fine," Ao Ling said with a smile: "You are a member of the Immortal World Southern Bright Trigram Fire sect, naturally there is no problem."

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