With clever tricks, Yi Tian subdued the Earth Dragon daoist in the first battle. I did not expect the defensive power of the Earth Dragon daoist body to be so strong that even his own cultivation came out no stronghold. one cannot overcome Lingyao Hua Qianjiansi can withstand it.

But he will always have weaknesses. If he fails outside, he will break through from the inside. Earth Dragon daoist didn't expect to dream that he would hide in the mouth of gu gu Daxian, and after being swallowed, he would drag it out of it and work directly in his belly.

Later Earth Dragon daoist Divine Soul escaped and wanted to escape directly with the demon pill, but gu gu Daxian had already glare like a tiger watching his prey in his stomach. How could he miss such a good opportunity? Taking advantage of the fact that he had just flew out before leaving the range, he swooped up and swallowed the demon pill into his stomach.

The demon spirit of the Earth Dragon daoist lost the demon Tango, and the spiritual power suddenly disappeared. The source is naturally flustered and exasperated, but it is of no avail. Then an azure light flew out from behind to overtake gu gu and the big fairy queen grabbed the black red demon spirit.

When the azure glow faded to reveal Yi Tian's deity, he grabbed a black red spirit snake in his hand and looked at it and stunned it directly. Faced with these Level 9 demonic beasts, Avatar, of course, dare not make any omissions. Rather than talk too much, it is better to use the soul search mystery to find out the true purpose of his coming to this world.

The big immortal gu behind him got the demon pill and swallowed it into his belly, and then jumped back into the beast bag on his waist. Divine sense probed it and found that he was lying on the Spiritual Artifact at this time. hu hu fell asleep.

Knowing that this was because he was digesting the demon pill Yi Tian, ​​it was inconvenient to bother him, and after reaching out to seal the Yu Beast bag, he ignored him.

Later, I turned around and looked at the red blood and snake meat scattered all over the ground behind me. The meat sauce of the Earth Dragon daoist's body was cut by himself, but the snake skin was still preserved. Although it looks like it has been cut into three sections, it can be used for refining after collecting it.

So far, Yi Tian is not polite to take out a separate Storage Bracelet and install the monster body of the Earth Dragon daoist in it.

After finishing this, Yi Tian found an open space to sit down, and then cast the soul search secret technique to the demon soul of the Earth Dragon daoist. This is the Avatar Divine Soul of Level 9 demonic beast contains a lot of useful information. Most of the fragmented fragments are the battle of Monster Realm.

Yi Tian was fortunate to discover the battle between the Swallowing Heaven Giant Python clan and the Vermilion Bird One clan in this, but it is a pity that these fragments of memory can't get a glimpse of the root cause.

But one thing is certain to be sure that the deity of this Earth Dragon daoist is the Level 9 demon master of the Sky-Swallowing Python clan, and above him there are two demon masters who simultaneously control the whole clan.

This time, the Earth Dragon daoist also contacted the Barbarian Race patriarch, who is in the world of Asura, with the father and son of the Barbarian Race patriarch. The two decided to confuse the Asura dynasty thousands of years ago.

The purpose of Zaifu and Dai is naturally to help the Barbarian Race gain a firm foothold in the Asura world, and to compete with the Asura family for a certain right of speech.

The Earth Dragon daoist wanted to go to the fire source in the Imperial Palace of the Asura clan to find the black flame stone for his personal purpose to get back the Monster Realm to refine the demon chain and specifically deal with the Fire Phoenix clan. .

This black flame stone is the deepest Spirit Treasure in the land of fire source. It is extremely hard after burning with the power of fire source for thousands of years, but it can be refined by mixing it with the essence of water. Shaping.

The refined demon-binding ropes can't escape even those Level 9 demonic beasts, especially for the monster cultivator of the Fire Phoenix family. They are not afraid of the Vermilion Bird magical fire.

Seeing Yi Tian here can be regarded as understanding why Earth Dragon daoist will transfer the Avatar to dive into the place of fire source, didn't expect or for the race dispute.

Yi Tian slowly stood up after reaching out and gently squeezing his Divine Soul to disperse his Divine Soul. Now that the worries behind him have been resolved, he can continue to explore.

According to Wuye Sect Founder's suggestion, if you want to cultivation to the Integration Stage, you must find the fire source Secret Realm to temper yourself and then absorb the power of the fire source before you can try to advance.

After pulling away and leaping into the air, Yi Tian locked onto the isolated island deep in the fire sea and flew straight towards there. But I haven’t flew far enough, I only heard a dull roar from behind. I turned around and looked at the island where the Earth Dragon daoist had been ambushed and started to move slowly. Then there was a stone mountain the size of a hundred zhang in front of the island slowly. Reach into the air after moving.

After the gravel on the front of the stone mountain fell, it turned out to be a dragon head, and the stone forest on the back with four feet in the depths of the island all around cracked and a large amount of seabed lava leaked out.

Obviously this is a giant Dragon Tortoise, and the strength is definitely beyond one's imagination, at least even the Earth Dragon daoist and Mengxin back then can't reach its current realm.

The Dragon Tortoise lifts the head looked at Yi Tian and then asked in a low voice: "Who are you and why did you come here?"

Yi Tian felt it The spiritual pressure on the opponent's body is extremely sharp and directly restrains himself, which is more shocking than seeing the Mahayana Stage cultivator. At the moment it is a respectful replied: "Here is the Deputy Commander of the Asura Imperial Palace, who was ordered to seize and sneak into the Dynasty Monster Race cultivator. It should not be interrupted by the senior's rest."

"You are Asura clansman Should you know Luo Qin?" Dragon Tortoise asked.

"Luo Qin Nai is the first Saint Sovereign of the Asura clan and has disappeared at this time," Yi Tian replied: "It is said that it was a thirty thousand years ago because of tracking down the Immortal World Spirit Treasure of the Upper Realm and disappearing. "

"I don't know where to go, then who can come and let me out," Dragon Tortoise hearing this flustered and exasperated cried. Then he raised his head and roared, and the roar from that mouth directly blew Yi Tian back to three miles away before stabilizing his figure.

Slowly flew forward to Yi Tian and looked at it before tentatively asking: "I don't know what difficulties the senior has, how can junior be able to help senior."

"You don't deserve to know the identity of this seat. If Luo Qin disappears, I would like to come to Shangling Nine Realms and I will not be able to help me," Dragon Tortoise said angrily.

"I wonder if the Wuye Sect Founder of the Spirit Realm Trigram Fire Sect or the Huisheng senior of the Spirit Realm Great Lightning Zen Temple can help the senior?" Yi Tian is also trying to find anyone or anything in a Crisis poured out all the Mahayana Stage cultivator I knew.

Who knows that Dragon Tortoise in front of him disdainfully said: "Their two hairless brats were much worse than Luo Qin back then. It is useless to find them to shoot."

The Sect Founder in his mouth, the senior turned into a hairless brat in this Dragon Tortoise's mouth, and Yi Tian was also secretly shocked in his heart, not knowing how he should talk next.

After thinking about it, I asked: "Then I don't know what senior needs, as long as Junior can help me."

"Your strength is too weak, so I won't help here. What's up. If you really want to help me, find Luo Qin for me and tell him that Ao Ling is waiting for him at the fire source sea," Dragon Tortoise replied in a low voice.

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