In the land of Asura fire source, Yi Tian encountered the Earth Dragon daoist's sneak attack, and found that the opponent's strength was incomparably powerful after the fight. Even an Avatar has a top-level cultivation base of Avatar. The most terrible thing is that the Earth Dragon daoist discovered early on that he had been hiding in the mansion of the Earl of Silver Moon Lake.

At that time, since he didn't directly pierce his disguise, he was naturally confident. So far, Yi Tian found that the content he had originally planned was completely overturned. This is also the first time since entering the Asura world that his confidence has been so ruined.

After putting away the Taiyuan Wooden Sword in his hand, Yi Tian took out the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan. After the sacrifice, a trace of thunder flame and purple flame attracted all around the fire source spiritual power.

Watching the power of the fire source on the Ziyan Wind-Lightning Fan gather and transform into a red daoist wind, and then fan fiercely according to the body of the Earth Dragon daoist. Sporadic fire stars shining from the fan rolled rapidly in the air, and then instantly rose up in the naked eye, turning into a ten zhang fireball, hitting the opponent's body.

Earth Dragon daoist was also awe-inspiring when he saw it, and then he turned his head and moved towards the underground hole, his whole body swiftly dived into the ground as if to avoid its sharp edge.

How did Yi Tian make him escape easily after seeing it, stretched out his hand to point to the purple Fireball in the air and instantly shrunk to fist sized, looking for the hole made by the Earth Dragon daoist on the ground and got into it.

After ten breaths, only a slight vibration from the ground was heard, and then the feeling of the vibration became stronger and stronger until the entire ground within a radius of about one mile began to collapse one after another.

Hundred zhang in front of me with a sound of'cock'. In the distance, the ground could not stand the earthquake and it cracked directly. After the purple flame emerged from it, the whole ground was cracked open. Come.

Then a red silhouette came out from it, Yi Tian fixed his eyes to see that it was the body of the Earth Dragon daoist, on which there was still thunder flame purple flame remaining. His own Life Source True Fire is not so easy to deal with, but Yi Tian looked at it with confidence and was ready to wait for the Earth Dragon daoist to be burned by True Fire before going up to clean up the mess.

I only heard a scream from the Earth Dragon daoist, and then the whole body shrank quickly and twisted into a ball of mouth and yelled: "Boy didn't expect you to have such a method, but don’t just do it. I want the life of an old man."

Said that the whole body moved violently, the spiritual power on the Earth Dragon daoist was one of the decadent cultivation bases and dropped a layer to the mid-distraction stage. Like.

Suddenly the whole head leaped forward suddenly, but the skin on the body was bright red, leaving only a piece of snake skin left in place after it flew out and moved towards the crack in the ground I went straight in and disappeared without a trace

"It turned out to be molting," Yi Tian showed a grave expression on his face, whispered in his mouth: "didn't expect you still have such a method, but it is a pity that a molting allows cultivation The base fell to one level. It seems that it will take a while to cause trouble in this fire source place."

The crisis in front of me is temporarily relieved, but Yi Tian's face is happy at all. does not raise. If you solve the Earth Dragon daoist here, then your next actions can naturally rest assured.

Who knows that Snake Monster Beast's Innate Divine Ability can actually help it dodge its own killing blow, so it would take some means to clean up the Earth Dragon daoist.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian raised the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan in his hand and took back the Life Source True Fire, and then stretched out his hand to pat gu gu Daxian summon out. After the latter came to the outside world, he looked at all around and shouted: "Where is this where I can detect the very strong fire source power?"

After speaking, his face suddenly became tight and said: "You and people After fighting, the powerful Monster Race aura left here is my natural enemy."

"This is the fire source Secret Realm in the queen's palace in Asura imperial city," Yi Tian said after he reached out and pointed his finger in front of him. In the distance, the snake skin burned into a dark appearance by the thunder flame purple flames said: "There is an Avatar of a Level 9 snake demon here. I was almost killed by me, but escaped with the molting technique."

"Shedding," gu gu Daxian sniffed his nose and said with a smile: "That snake skin is a good thing, whether it's refining or pill concocting, it is a rare treasure. If you don't want it, leave it to me. It can also grow a lot of cultivation base when swallowed."

"I wanted to leave it to you when I asked you to come out. After being burned by my Life Source True Fire, that snake skin has disappeared. It's intact, and it's cumbersome to use pill concocting," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Then I would be disrespectful," gu gu Daxian flew forward when he was pleased to prepare to put away the sloughed snake skin. Yi Tian suddenly asked: "You know the weakness of this red chain snake. It is always a hidden danger for him to escape here."

"There will always be a period of weakness after snakes shed their skins. At this time, most of them will find a safe place to cultivate for some time," gu gu Daxian replied: "And since this red chain snake also came to the fire source land, it may be a mutant, and need to collect the True Fire here for cultivation. "

"You are right, but what is its weakness? As a natural enemy, you at least know more about snakes," Yi Tian asked.

"Weakness, at most there are seven inches of vital points on the body, and I don’t know the rest," gu gu Daxian replied: "There are also snakes that usually shed their skins. They are extremely hungry and need to prey to recover themselves. Cultivation base ."

"Predation," Yi Tian heard the shining light in his eyes, and then looked up at the gu gu Daxian, his eyes filled with playful gazes.

gu gu Daxian saw that he was shivered all over, and hurriedly put away the snake skin on his hand, preparing to return to the beast bag again.

"Wait, you took that many benefits. Basically, the promotion to the eighth rank is a matter of iron nails. Why is it not appropriate to slap your ass and leave like this," Yi Tian has a bad face. said with a smile.

"You want me to be a bait," gu gu Daxian said in a trembling tone: "That is the demonic beast of the eighth peak, and my natural enemy. Facing it, my strength is natural. It will be greatly reduced, and I can't even play in five cities."

"Since you are my Spirit Pet, naturally I will not let you go to death, but now it is not necessary for you to contribute," Yi Tian step by step Shan lure said: "You see the benefits, you also take it, just barely make it a bait. And I promise to protect you well."

gu gu Daxian smiled more ugly than crying. After looking at the situation below, I am afraid that this matter will not allow him to say disagree. In addition, Yi Tian's pocket is at least safe.

Thinking about it, I had to click nodded with difficulty and replied: "Boss, you have to watch me, my life can be handed over to you."

" Don’t worry, you followed me from the lower realm and I took good care of you all the way," Yi Tian said lightly, said with a smile: "When this matter becomes the demon pill, it will belong to you, it is right. Your reward."

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