Yi Tian secretly calculated the amount of the precious material "Ling Ming Stone" after he came out of the Earl of Yinyue Lake. If the scale of Transmission Formation is matched with the amount of "Ling Ming Stone" to estimate At least he is planning and deploying a 100-person Transmission Formation.

What is the use of arranging such a Formation in the Mansion of the Earl of Silver Moon Lake, and he also needs the same amount of'Void Abyss Stone' as the main ingredient.

It seems that the matter can be verified from different directions. I wanted to take out a copy of the subpoena, Jade Talisman wrote his question on it and sent it out.

As for the shopkeeper of the'Qingfeng Substation' business, he can be regarded as his own. Of course, Yi Tian wants to support it. In the future, I will always know Spirit Realm sect. If I can’t save my life, I’m afraid I’ll face a group of senior and junior brothers. What's more, the shopkeeper of the Qingfeng substation is confronted with the Earl of Silvermoon Lake this time. If he takes the battallion forward, it will definitely cause the Asura clan to overwhelm the people. It is definitely not a good thing for exploring the truth.

After playing with the identity jade token, the entire silhouette disappeared in place. After half a moment, Yi Tian once again entered the foreign trade area in his true form. It's just that the number of cultivators who are walking on the street today has dropped by more than 70%. There are few people walking scattered on the street, and at least 30% of the businesses on both sides of the street have Closed Door Politely Declining Visitors.

It seems that the Imperial Capital City Defense Agency has also tightened a lot of control over its governance in the recent period. In this extraordinary period, it is indeed necessary to re-examine it.

Walking to the front door of the'Qingfeng Substation', Yi Tian glanced over and found that there were almost no guests in the shop, and the staff in the shop were all lazily looking for a place to doze off.

After stepping into the hall, an insider came up to receive him, and Yi Tian directly showed the identity token of the city defense station in his hand without being wordy. The guys looked surprised after seeing them, and then rushed to the backyard elegant room respectfully.

After waiting for a while, the blocking shopkeeper of'Qingfeng Substation' hurriedly rushed over, and saw Yi Tian in front of him for a moment, and then blocked the guys who shut the door and walked into the house. Seeing his look lonely, I am afraid that the recent lawsuit against the'Qingfeng Substation' by the Earl of Silver Moon Lake made him tired to deal with.

Reached out and took out the soundproof Formation. After blocking the shopkeeper, he hurriedly stepped forward to Yi Tian and bowed his head. He shouted: "didn't expect senior is the leader of the Imperial Capital city defense system. Please also be fair to Junior."

Yi Tian face doesn't change, but he asked sternly: "How do you know that I will stand up for you, and I am a member of the Imperial Capital How can the commander's responsibility be at public expense and private, and protect you."

Blocking the shopkeeper hearing this was not shocked and replied in a hurry: "Yi senior, as the commander of the Imperial Capital city defense station, if he wants to find a cheap company If you are in trouble, you only need to bring a team of people to block the door of the store. If you came here alone today and talked in private, naturally you won’t be shielding anyone."

The same is true of this blocking shopkeeper. People who have stayed in the Asura world for a long time have dealt with anybody, and since I came in, I knew Yi Tian in my heart.

As he said, if you want to find the fault, you can bring someone to close the shop, why bother to do that many troubles? After listening, Yi Tian was slightly nodded and motioned: "You are right. I also feel a bit weird. If you can tell the whole sequence of events in detail, maybe I can find a way to help you. It can be regarded as a tribute to the letter of recommendation you gave me last time."

The long-lost smile on the shopkeeper’s face was immediately replied: "Please also seniors to ask questions, I will know that everything is endless."

"Okay, I ask you, Pu When did Chang Hao come to you to buy the'Ling Ming Stone'?" Yi Tian said solemnly.

Blocking the shopkeeper, holding his forehead and thinking about it, he said: "About half a month ago."

"Before half a month, it was almost the Asura army locked in. When the largest tribe of the Barbarian Race in the northern barren ridge was located," Yi Tian compared the time and calculated silently in his heart.

Then asked again: "The time you spend in the foreign trade area should be familiar with the situation of other companies. I ask you if Pu Changhao has looked for other companies to buy'Void Abyss Stone' , You must tell the truth about this matter."

Seeing Yi Tian's face, blocking the shopkeeper, he knew that there must be a problem. I thought about it carefully and said afterwards: "Yes, but not many. Senior must know this'Void Abyss Stone'it is not an ordinary treasure, it is not used in many places, except for the arrangement of Transmission Formation.'

"If'Void Abyss Stone' is not enough to use High Rank Is it possible to arrange the corresponding Transmission Formation when the "Ling Ming Stone" is mixed into it?" Yi Tian suddenly asked.

Blocking the shopkeeper without even thinking about it and replied: "It's completely possible, but it needs the'Void Abyss Stone' to refining the base, and with a sufficient amount of'Ling Ming Stone', this effect can naturally be achieved. .Does the senior suspect that Earl Silvermoon Lake is arranging a large-scale Transmission Formation?"

"It is not a suspicion, but a belief that he must have acquired all the'Void Abyss Stone' in the alien region. "Go," Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "You are well informed and asked if the large and familiar firm has recently sold all the inventory of the'Void Abyss Stone'."

The shopkeeper's expression was moved afterwards. I took out several jade slips and quickly wrote the information on it, and then activated the sending. Less than a cup of tea, I received replies one after another, and the shopkeeper read the information on jade talisman briefly and then passed it over.

Yi Tian received these jade talisman and divine sense scanned it and found that the above was the reply of the major companies in the foreign area. Coincidentally, the "Void Abyss Stone" in their inventory was acquired early, and the time was about A month ago. The purchasers turned out to be the Earl of Silvermoon Lake or any related person.

Seeing here, Yi Tian naturally understood in his heart that the Earl of Silver Moon Lake is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Asura army to encircle and suppress the Barbarian Race tribe, the purpose of arranging a large-scale Transmission Formation in the Imperial Capital itself is very doubtful.

Then asked again: "I heard that the Earl of Silver Moon Lake said that the'Ling Ming Stone' you provided to him was shoddy, but what happened?"

"Easy Senior Mingjian, because this'Ling Ming Stone' is not used in much, so we naturally don't have too much inventory. And in the entire foreign trade area, only our family has this source of goods, and we sell it or not. In a moment. His Pu Changhao was also intimidated and lured last time, and I reluctantly agreed to take half of the existing inventory and sell him. You must know that this item is a strategic material. Without the approval of the Asura Dynasty, it will naturally not be possible to trade in large quantities. ," blocked the shopkeeper.

It seems that the problem lies in this. Yi Tian put away the jade talisman in hand and said: "This is a physical evidence, you are a witness. Your firm still needs to be patient for the time being. , I will find a way to find the crux of the problem for you to solve the current trouble."

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