The abnormality that suddenly appeared at the bottom of Mirror Lake aroused Yi Tian's suspicion. In front of him, there was indeed a team of five Barbarian Race scouts who had discovered the abnormality in this place in advance. In order not to make too much noise, Yi Tian followed behind and intercepted the jade slip that they had sent, and then dived into the bottom of the lake to find out.

Unexpectedly, after diving to seventy-eighty zhang, I found that there was indeed a small array at the bottom of the lake, and the five Barbarian Race cultivators in front of them did not seem to notice that someone was trailing behind them.

So far, Yi Tian is not polite to take out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword to sacrifice the sword wire and quietly moved towards the location where these five people are.

The rays of light in the lake inadvertently flashed through the azure, and then split into five and split the lake into five and moved towards these five Barbarian Race cultivators and swept behind them. Before they could react, they only heard the screams of five people at the same time, and their bodies were directly penetrated by the sword glow. The sword wires shook again and cut their fleshy body and Nascent Soul directly into scum.

After the ten breaths, Yi Tian's silhouette flew by and his lips were twitched and looked at it with disdain. How could the secret of the Mahayana Stage cultivator be peeped by such a low-level cultivator?

After clearing up the all around endgame, the Taiyuan sword silk in Yi Tian's hand condenses again and moved towards the shining small Formation below and sneaks. After the divine sense was spread out and scanned, it was discovered that the array at the bottom of the lake was no more than one foot in size, and the light source was a yellow sapphire inlaid on the Formation node in its center.

Yi Tian thoughts move and took out the Formation plate at will and arranged it according to the all around of the small Formation below. After ten breaths, a thick mist spread out from under the water and covered this area. When the yellow flash in the center of the array shines again, its rays of light are blocked by the mist all around, at most it can only spread out. all around ten zhang range.

If you stand above Mirror Lake, you can still see a faint light source flashing out. This is the maximum extent that Yi Tian can cover.

Slowly fall down to the top of the array, not far from Yi Tian divine sense, after sweeping the array under the feet, the face reveals a clear color. The drawing on this Formation is the appearance of Asura clansman Three Heads Six Arms, with two hands holding a yellow gem in the center. And all around the other four hands are located at the node of the big array.

Needless to say, such a Formation can only be opened after the same Asura clansman casts the body of the law. When Yi Tian sinks, he stretches out his hand and forms the body of the law before his chest. Then adjust the position of the six hands to exactly the same as shown in the portrait of Asura clansman on the Formation, and then lightly touch the pattern with one finger to activate the array.

Six Paths lights up and converges on the central node, and the formation eye slowly opens to reveal a two-foot-sized light gate. Yi Tian's face was overwhelmed with spiritual power and suddenly launched the cast of escape technique and got in from the gap.

After Yi Tian disappeared at the bottom of the lake about one hour, he flew across the road to escape the light, and it happened that the yellow gems at the bottom of the lake lit up again and he stopped abruptly. After that, after the light fell, it dived into the bottom of the water, and within a few moments a spirit light drilled from the bottom of the lake and flew towards the direction of Weihu Island and Daying.

It didn't take a moment for two rays of light to escape from different places, one from the south and the other from the north, to the surface of the lake. The visitor turned out to be Daefu Hong, who had previously fought with Yi Tian, ​​and the other was the Early-Stage cultivator who stayed behind in the old camp.

So the three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators hurriedly dived into the water below and quickly found the small Formation. At the same time, Zaifu Hong took another shot. If Yi Tian was on the scene, he would definitely recognize that the cultivation technique he performed was the orthodox Asura Dharma body. Unexpectedly, Barbarian Race cultivator can also cultivation the secret method of Divine Ability. If this matter is pierced into Asura Imperial Capital, it will inevitably cause a shock to the dynasty.

The Asura Dharma body that was originally proud was cultivated success by a Barbarian Race cultivator. It's just that the body style that Zhefuhong displayed seems to be a bit different from the orthodox dharma idol. He has six arms but no three songs appear on the back of his head and neck. Even so, he can barely use spell to activate the lower array.

The array below was activated in this way and slowly opened the channel in the middle. Compared with Yi Tian, ​​the channel opening was half smaller and only one foot smaller. And when Jae-father Hong activated Formation, it seemed that he couldn't maintain it for a long time, and then he began to shrink back at the speed that naked eye could see.

Zefu Hong screamed at the sight of his face: "Get in quickly, I can't open it a second time," he moved towards this gap after he got out for a flash.

After listening to the two people behind them, they followed closely from behind and passed through the formation gates one by one, but they didn’t expect that the space of the formation gates shrank sharply and finally the person entered the formation gate. Everything below the back of the abdomen was stuck outside the front door.

As the light door continued to shrink, the two jammed legs were cut off. Fortunately, the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator can be reborn with a broken limb as long as the Nascent Soul is immortal, but even this will strengthen great injury.

At this time, Yi Tian came to the secret treasure house in the array one step earlier, but he also encountered a lot of trouble here. After entering, I found myself in a passage, and after walking forward several li, I found myself trapped in a maze. I took out the Pathfinder Bee and wanted to borrow its Innate Divine Ability to find an exit, but the Pathfinder Bee buzzed in front of him for a few laps, and there was no clue.

Then just hovering in the same place and couldn’t find a way forward, Yi Tian had no choice but to take it back first and then moved towards the front again like a headless fly .

When I didn't do it for a long time, I suddenly felt a little shocked in my heart. I was naturally very sensitive to inexplicable feelings when I cultivated to such a realm. Usually, there must be something happening with such a feeling.

After the divine sense extended quickly, it seemed that there were three spiritual pressure fluctuations outside the several li. There was a grave expression on his face, and he secretly regretted that he was eager to enter and didn't cover all the rays of light from the external Formation.

At the same time, there is also a deep incomprehensible color on his face. It is reasonable to say that the outer array needs to use the Asura body method to open the array door. I don’t know who these people come in, is it possible that Qiao Yongjun leads people to feel it. After this idea flashed in his mind, it was directly denied. At this time, it was estimated that the two armies should still be facing each other on Weihu Island. In this way, the identity of the person who came in is very worthy of speculation.

Fortunately, these three places are far apart, Yi Tian sensed that the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the nearest place to him are obviously weaker, at most only Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator.

With great joy in my heart, I put on the concealed cloak again and hurriedly moved towards that direction. Although I can't get out of it, it is very easy to find three spiritual pressure fluctuations in the labyrinth-like passage.

After a while rushing about to shuttle to several li, Yi Tian found a Barbarian Race cultivator sitting on the ground at the end of the passage. It's just that this person's lower body and feet are bare, and the new skin indicates that he is performing a limb regeneration technique. At this time, the spiritual pressure on his body fluctuates sharply and the cultivation base also drops a realm.

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