The arrangement of Yi Tian for this expedition was decided after many considerations. If Qiao Yongjun is the coach, he will definitely be taken part by the Imperial court. As for Dong Kou at this time can fully represent Lou Zhenqiang's line of imperial aristocratic royalists. As for yourself, you can secretly wait for an opportunity to take action without worrying too much.

It is understandable that Lou Zhenqiang is stationed in the old camp. His experience and veteran are suitable for staying at the headquarters.

After flying out, the light warship took hundreds of cultivators and flew towards Weihu Island in Mirror Lake. A few thousand miles is only about half an hour for the Spirit Transformation cultivator.

Before arriving at Yi Tian, ​​I used divine sense to detect the situation there. At this time, the two cultivators are still in a stalemate. You are fighting neither giving way to the other, but the Asura clan. This side has a slight disadvantage. Fortunately, there is a temporary array to rely on defense, and the Barbarian Race side can't eagerly win.

As more and more light spots appeared in the sky, the stalemate over the island of Weihu slowly came to a halt. Many Barbarian Race cultivators hurriedly returned to the northern side and gathered at a place 30 miles away from Weihu Island.

Obviously, they are not going to let it go. They are also waiting for follow-up reinforcements, especially the support of high-rank cultivator.

At the same time, three dazzling lights flew out of the two Barbarian Race tribal settlements in the north, followed by dozens of cultivators behind them, and flew out of the moved towards the battlefield.

Suddenly Yi Tian’s divine sense could perceive that the other party had just dispatched three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators, and at least two of them were Avatar post-cultivators. It seems that the Barbarian Race side is determined to overwhelm others.

After half a moment, the two sides made it clear that the horse and the horse were facing each other over Weihu Island, and the Imperial Guard cultivator below had long been notified to reinforce the temporary Formation. Dozens of people in the air rushed to replace the cultivator that held the Formation in the air. Everyone was waiting to see the development of the situation.

Shaoqiang the opposing faction flew out a spiritual light and fell in front of the formation, a strong spiritual pressure waved away and then a strong wind blew towards the Asura clan. Many soldiers of the three sergeants on the scene swayed involuntarily in the air after being blown by this strong wind. Those with a weaker cultivation base had no choice but to withdraw from several li to avoid the limelight.

The door of the small flying boat in the middle of the sound of'click' opened, and the light flew out to a short distance in front of the formation before thirty zhang opened to stabilize. After the light faded, the coach Qiao Yongjun was revealed. Body shape.

At the same time, the opponent's Barbarian Race cultivator revealed his true appearance as a robust man with three thick and five thick bodies. The fluctuation of his spiritual pressure showed that this person should be a late Avatar cultivator, and his strength is extremely powerful. I saw him looking up and shouting in a nearly torn voice: "I slaughter my father Hong, you guys have fished out of bounds. The ruins below are left by my ancestors of the Barbarian Race. Go."

Qiao Yongjun smiled and said unremittingly: "This seat is the Imperial Guard Deputy Commander, the official prince Zhonglang. Everything in the Asura world is owned by my Asura clan. When will there be You barbarians make irresponsible remarks."

"What do you mean? As far as the aboriginal people are concerned, my Barbarian Race is the aboriginal of this world, and your Asura people came from outside 60,000 years ago. Guest, now it just occupies this world overwhelming majority resource that's all," Zaifu Hong yelled.

But when the words came out of his mouth, it made Yi Tian listen frowned, and didn't expect that this time there was still some unexpected gain. It turns out that these Barbarian Races are the masters of this world. It is estimated that they rushed to Desolate Land after being suppressed by Luo Qin and Luo Yilan, but I don't know what they are doing this time.

I was thinking, suddenly Daefu Hong shouted: "nonsense, my Barbarian Race is about to decide on the following things, and I will leave with sensibility."

"What do you mean? It’s too full. If I bring so many people here, will I be afraid of you? Besides, it’s our land now that we have set up Formation Formation. If you want to go on, you have to ask me if I agree," Qiao Yongjun Leng Sound replied.

"The Defensive Array you arranged is not worth mentioning in my eyes." As soon as he finished speaking, Zaifu stretched out his hands and raised two dark light waves to illuminate the defensive Formation below.

After the two loud bangs, the defensive Formation shook violently under a frontal attack. Although it was not broken after three breaths, the degree of solidity of the mask was greatly reduced. The decisive plan is to stop the next attack.

At the same time, the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, who is responsible for the operation of the large array, was shaken by these two spells. Those with a poorer cultivation base could not help but spits out blood.

Qiao Yongjun turned around and took out the long spear after seeing it. After condensing the spiritual power on his body, he moved towards the father Hong stabbed away. After the two Divine Transformation Stage Cultivators crossed in the air, they each retreated back to their own formation, but after the aftermath of their fight dissipated, the cultivators on both sides were blown back and forth and hurriedly backed away.

Zefu Hong set his mind and looked at his opponent solemnly and said: "Sure enough, but you still have Spiritual Artifact blessing to have this strength."

" Waiting for Barbarian Race is just a natural instinct that's all relying on, how can I be as proficient in the cultivation technique divine ability as my Asura cultivator," Qiao Yongjun replied coldly.

"However, we have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, and this alone can overwhelm you," Zaifu Hong called.

"I'm not here to fight with you. How do you plan to solve the following things? The battle is settled in a word," Qiao Yongjun replied domineeringly.

Zefuhong looked at the light warships in the Asura army in a blink of an eye: "It seems that you have brought all the people who can go to the battle. Not equal to me. There are three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators here. How about ten people get in when you win a game."

"What if you lose?" Qiao Yongjun asked.

"Ten of you, go in," the father Hong immediately replied.

"It seems that this is a bit unfair to us, now that the initiative is in my hands, it seems a bit far-fetched if you want to seizing food from the tiger's mouth," Qiao Yongjun said with disdain.

"If we keep harassing by the side, I'm afraid you will have to cope with the situation where there is no time to investigate the situation below," Zaifuhong threatened.

It seems that in the current situation, it is impossible to want a dominance. Zaifu Hong said that it is right. With their strength, if they want to harass the war, the Asura army is tired to deal with it. If this is the case, even if you send someone to investigate again, I'm afraid that you will be powerless.

For today's plan, everyone takes a step back and it is a compromise choice, but the Barbarian Race cultivator is much stronger than the Asura in the Divine Transformation Stage. If the number of people is quite large, it will definitely suffer.

Qiao Yongjun heard the sound transmission in his ears when he was embarrassed: "The two sides sent ten people to a fixed quota, and the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator won a game to five more people. In this way, the overall strength will not be stretched too much. Many."

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