Feng Xiangjun was ordered by the emperor to come to support this time, but in fact they are still quite repulsive of Prince Wei's team. As a member of the veteran royalist faction, it is natural to choose to be loyal to the Queen Your Majesty rather than the prince who has gained power for a while.

Yi Tian guessed that they naturally also received a secret order from Luo Ziyan to come, on the surface to assist the Imperial Guard, but to secretly assist themselves that's all. With Feng Xiangjun's help, it would be much easier to search for Luo Yilan's secret treasure.

In the old camp of Fengxiang Army, Yi Tian communicated with Lou Zhenqiang privately after a sentence showed his intention, and there is no need to evade information under the sharing of intelligence. The number of high-level battle strengths of the Barbarian Race cultivator is already overwhelming. If you don't give him a reassurance at this time, it may cause his mood to become unstable.

Fortunately, after he explained the situation one after another, Lou Zhenqiang's face also showed a relaxed color, and then flattered: "Special Envoy Yi is too outspoken. Although I am a martial artist, I am on the battlefield. I won’t shrink back, so I’m responsible for dealing with a distraction late cultivator among the five opposing people. This way, the burden on the envoy can be reduced a lot."

"General Lou can have this. In other words, I can’t be thankful enough," Yi Tian is nodded replied, he didn’t expect that he still knows how to optimize battle strength reasonably. I just talked about that’s all just now, even though I’m really not afraid to start one-on-two. It is inevitable to expose some of the cards. It would be great if you can keep a low profile as much as possible before the trial of the fire source.

This time I have searched around Mirror Lake roughly, but it is not as simple as I imagined to find the entrance to the secret hideout. Moreover, the Barbarian Race forces have taken control of the area near the North Shore and have begun a carpet search. If you sit here and wait for death, I am afraid it is definitely not the best policy.

I looked at the opponent, Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "After the camp is completed, you will send all the scouts in your hand from the south bank of Mirror Lake to search for my Asura clan. Move quickly. Qiao Yongjun will urge him to mobilize quickly."

Lou Zhenqiang hearing this complexion slightly changed and said: "Could this be the real purpose of our coming here?"


"frankly, under this Mirror Lake, there is a secret collection left by the first empress, so how can the legacy of the ancestors flow into the hands of Barbarian Race. This matter is not to be announced, but the search must be fast, otherwise the exposure of the matter will inevitably cause the Imperial Capital to shake The peep of all influence," Yi Tian felt that Lou Zhenqiang who still wanted to tell the hidden feelings inside would not make a full move.

The latter had a gloomy and uncertain look on his face. After thinking about it, he replied: "Is there a sentence that is not worth talking about?"

"General Lou but It’s okay to say," Yi Tian calm and composed said.

"Since the Asura hereditary aristocrats like me have long wanted to work together to support the Queen Your Majesty in regaining power, this time the first queen of Mirror Lake has been secretly hidden. It is a very good opportunity. It is just that Qiao Yongjun is a cadre of Prince Wei. I will definitely be involved in this matter. At that time, the strength of Prince Wei's family will be strengthened. It is not a good thing to return to the court. Please Sir Envoy to think twice." Lou Zhenqiang expressed his concerns and his whole face was solemn. Looked over.

Yi Tian knows that the return of power to the court has always been the heart disease of the royalists, and as long as it involves this matter, it will arouse their attention. If you can't convince the other party on this matter, I am afraid that even if we can continue to cooperate, we will be grudged.

I wanted to stop, but his face was faintly smiled and said: "General Lou's remarks are very bad, and now the court affairs still need Prince Wei's assistance." As soon as this remark came out Lou Zhenqiang complexion slightly changed, it seems to be unwilling. .

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and continued: "Whether we can return to the court is not a matter for us to consider. Nowadays, it is only a matter of time for the queen to regain control of the court, and Prince Wei cannot tolerate repeated obstacles. ."

As he glanced over, Lou Zhenqiang's face showed a trace of joy, which obviously agreed with his remark. In this way, Yi Tian continued: "It is the Prince Wei and not a monolithic one. The Queen has deliberately betrothed Princess Fenglin to Qiao Yongjun. Based on this, General Lou should understand the complexity of the court."

"It's no wonder that the last Imperial Capital Imperial Guard selection ceremony had such a strange combination. The Queen Your Majesty really has deep plans and distant thoughts. It turns out that she wanted to disintegrate Prince Wei's forces from within," Lou Zhenqiang's eyes beamed. Tao.

"I have said everything I can say to you. I hope you don’t want to ruin the Queen’s arrangement. Qiao Yongjun is erratic now, so we have to try to draw him over, so this time Mirror Lake Zhan must work together with him to eliminate his defensive heart towards the empress," Yi Tian explained.

"I understand this in my mind, but there is one more thing I want to ask the special envoy's opinion," Lou Zhenqiang said.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Yi Tian raised his brow.

"In fact, I and the hereditary aristocrats are also watching this war of peace and barbarism, and the Black Flag Army has also written to the Imperial Court to send a partial division to fight," Lou Zhenqiang said here, but stopped. No more words.

The meaning in his words is already very obvious. In this dynasty of the Ping Barbarian War, the Imperial Guard is the main coordinator of the tiger, and the Fengxiang armies are the auxiliary. But there were more than three armies in the entire Asura dynasty, and some armies led by hereditary nobles couldn't find a chance to show up. Maybe this Black Flag Army commander had a close relationship with his Feng Xiang Army commander, otherwise he wouldn't come out to speak for them like this.

It's just that the Black Flag Army's partial division, who was in charge of assisting with the Hu Ben Army last time, did not rush to the battlefield in time, so that he and Cai Chaoqiong were in danger. Although the results proved gratifying afterwards, I still have some opinions about the unpunctual style of the Black Flag Army.

This time Lou Zhenqiang mentioned it again but didn’t know how to deal with it. After thinking about it, he asked: "What is your relationship with the head of the Black Flag Army? How does the other party plan to reinforce?"

Lou Zhenqiang looked happily and said: "The Black Flag Army is the site of the hereditary Marquis Dong Fei. This time he was not allowed to be dispatched. Naturally, there was a lot of complaint. But as long as Master Yi can apply for the Queen Your Majesty to invite the Black Flag Army, I want to come. Dong Fei will naturally be grateful."

When I heard Dong Fei's name Yi Tian face doesn't change, my heart is startled. This person is also a person that Luo Yilan values. Naturally, he should not be underestimated. I lowered my head and pretended to ponder before replied: "I can immediately revise the book and mobilize a partial division of the Black Flag Army to assist in the battle, but I don't know when Dong Fei will arrive."

"The Black Flag Army is located in Qianfengjun in the west. Naturally, Ling couldn't come all the way, and Dong Fei was the coach. "Lou Zhenqiang replied: "But he can send his son Dong Kou to lead a team of teachers to help. This Dong Kou's strength is in the distraction of Early-Stage. He definitely wants to make a contribution. The Lord."

"Yes, we will work separately. The Qianfeng Mountain is seven days away from here. You can send a message to let the Black Flag Army reinforcements arrive at Mirror Lake within five days," Yi The corner of Tian's mouth said with a smile: "Since I want to share a cup, I have to show my strength to be convinced, General Lou, do you think it is."

"Exactly," Lou Zhenqiang His face was joyfully said.

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