In the space at the end of the stone steps, Yi Tian discovered that there was actually an'Asura Blood Vine' planted here, but after thinking about it, he did not directly shoot. Obviously, this'Asura Blood Vine' regards itself as an invader from outside, all around the Vine veins stretch out and attack frequently. Yi Tian didn't dare to do too much without knowing where he was, so he was just continuously resisting the attack.

And in the jade token space, I am talking with Luo Qin, trying to find a chance to crack the crisis.

After the exchange, I saw that the other party raised his head and looked at himself sighed and said: "In fact, even if I teach you how to get out of trouble, it will not help. The core of the'Asura Blood Vine' is indeed stored. A drop of my Life Source True Blood, but there is a way in the periphery that I personally blocked array Formation. Unless you have the key to open the formation, you will not be able to open it with your cultivation base."

"I don’t know that. Where is the key now?" Yi Tian asked.

"Back then, I foresaw that this might happen, so I planted another'Asura Blood Vine' seedling in the crypt at the border of Diluo City, and dispatched Wannian Wood Spirit personally guards the key," Luo Que said: "You can't quench your near thirst even if you tell you it, you can't get it now."

"Does senior mean this token," Yi Tian took out the hexagonal primitive token found under Wannian Ancient Wood and shook it in front of Luo Qin.

The pupils in the latter's eyes condensed and blurted out: "It seems that you are really lucky, and you were able to find it in advance. I don't know how you dealt with that'Asura Blood Vine' in the end?"

"I was also with King's Heir, and the core of the'Asura Blood Vine' was split by the two of us and taken out. As for the remaining branches and leaves, they were burned on the spot," Yi Tian replied.

"You are really reckless waste of natural resources, even if this is something the descendants of the senior kind should enjoy it," Luo Qin replied helplessly.

After thinking about it for a while, he opened his mouth and pointed out: "Do you have a seed with'Asura Blood Vine' on your body?"

"One thing, it’s all my years The bred fine species," Yi Tian replied.

"This will be easy," Luo Qin nodded and said: "The spiritual power of this'Asura Blood Vine' after 30,000 years of growth is gradually increasing with the few requests from younger generations. Withered, it's time to replace the old and the new."

Yi Tian understood in his heart when he heard this, and immediately asked: "Then senior, what do I need to do?"

"You are a flower picker and you must be a flower planter, understand? For my Asura family throughout the ages, you have to cut out the original tree core and plant new seeds there," Luo Qin explained.

"It's that simple," Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"Naturally not. Breaking the tree core will naturally cause the instability of the'Heavenspan Road', so you have to do it quickly so as not to attract the attention of outsiders," Luo Qin said.

"I understand this, but how do I plant new species?" Yi Tian asked.

"Infiltrate a drop of your own True Blood into the seed, and then plant it into the original tree core," Luo Qin said: "Then the new seed will absorb the spirituality of the old tree. power quickly takes root and sprouts instead. This is the fastest and safest way."

"In this case, I will try it. I just don’t know how to take out the drop of True Blood from the senior, otherwise it’s I cannot explain it to Luo Yilan," Yi Tian said.

"The tree core has already assimilated my True Blood. You only need to take a paragraph before you can cross it," Luo Qin replied.

After getting the clear instructions, Yi Tian took back the divine sense. On the other hand, there were continuously'Asura Blood Vine' vine veins stretched out all around the ground and swept towards himself.

The Taiyuan wood sword in the hand is raised, thousands of azure glow sword light moved towards the baring fangs and brandishing claws in front of the trees and vines. After the azure light Daxian, a channel was directly opened up, and Yi Tian took advantage of the momentum to rush towards the location where the root of the main body of the'Asura Blood Vine' was located.

When I arrived at the root of the tree after three breaths, I saw a golden rune flashing past the trunk. After a round in front, a golden light mask was formed to protect the roots of the tree. .

Yi Tian glanced sideways at the center of the rune array which happened to have two holes. Reaching out and taking out the jade token and the other hexagonal token, two spiritual powers flashed out from the rune array and automatically sucked them into it.

After two keys were inserted in the groove, the movement of the whole'Asura Blood Vine' slowly fell, and all around the attacking vine veins also slowly retracted.

Seeing it worked. Yi Tian finally showed a relaxed look on his face. Later, when he heard the sound of'ka-cha', Golden's ban Formation was released. After recovering the two tokens, Yi Tian couldn't wait to rush forward to the root of the tree trunk.

I walked forward and looked at it until I found that the root of this'Asura Blood Vine' was about one zhang in diameter, but it looked obviously insufficiently vigorous, and many new shoots had withered. Now it is only continuously relying on the original thick vine veins to draw the underground spiritual power. It seems that the state of struggling on whilst at death's door will remain that's all for thousands of years at most.

Take out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword and slash it fiercely at the root of the tree. After the azure glow flashed, several traces of one inch wide and two feet deep were left on the root of the tree. After the red rays of light leaked out, Yi Tian split the trunk to reveal the crystal clear and near-transparent blood jade tree core inside.

Remembering Luo Qin’s point of reloading new seeds, Yi Tian reached out and took out a handful of'Ghost Face Flower' seeds, and then selected the most full one. Then squeeze a little blood from the index finger of the right hand to drip onto the seed.

In an instant, the spiritual power on the seed drew on the blood and became extremely full. After finishing these, Yi Tian gathered the Taiyuan Wooden Sword in his hand to illuminate the root of the tree and cut it several times.

After a moment, there were three more blood-colored tree cores with a thickness of three and a half feet thick and three chi long in the hand, and the roots in front of them were taken out about one zhang. The around vines waved weakly and quickly withered.

The original yellow vine veins became darker at this time, and it didn't take long for them to stop their movements and dry out.

So far, Yi Tian's right hand index finger lightly flicked, and the tree species that had been soaked in blood flew directly into the vacant part of the tree core after letting go.

After the tree species landed, it disappeared directly into the core of the red tree. Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that there seemed to be no change. When he was wondering, he suddenly felt a little vibration on the ground. After putting away the Spirit Sword, I hurriedly withdrew and retreated into the air. When I turned around, I saw that the withered "Asura Blood Vine" had collapsed at some point, and another emerald green had grown near its roots. The shoots come.

The emerald green veins grow crazily at the speed that naked eye can see. After absorbing spiritual power and absorbing all the Spiritual Qi from the old tree, the branches begin to grow thicker and longer. . After a moment, it grew to be as tall as the original, but at this time the trunk was full of vitality.

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