A stone box was placed in the middle of the platform of the stone steps. Yi Tian walked forward and lifted the lid to find a hexagonal jade token inside.

After taking it out, spread it out on the palm of your hand and look at it carefully, as if this thing should be able to open the forbidden Formation on the passage in front of you.

I haven't waited for Yi Tian to have a movement platform all around the edge of the halo slightly, and after a while the halo became angry and sealed the stone steps platform of the size of hundred zhang. At the same time, the jade token in his hand flew out and fell not far in front of his eyes. After a flash, there appeared a two zhang-sized illusory shadow of the Asura cultivator.

And there is a solid flash on the chest of the illusory shadow, which is the jade token in the stone box just now. The illusory shadow slowly from virtual became real under the action of the jade token, and after ten breaths, a cultivator of Three Heads Six Arms Asura Dharma Body appeared in front of Yi Tian.

Suddenly, the cultivator opened two sharp gazes, then swept across the platform and finally stayed on Yi Tian.

The mouth opened and developed a grumpy voice and asked: "Where are you cultivator who dared to trespass into our Holy Land, and also moved the Heavenspan Token."

"Could it be that Is the block jade token the'Heavenspan Token' you are referring to?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"You cultivator is so rude, come and announce your name. As a ten-story tower guarding Luoqin, I will not kill the unknown," the robust man yelled.

"You said your name is Luo Qin," Yi Tian suddenly showed a little timidity on his face, but after carefully examining the opponent's strength, it is definitely not the Mahayana Stage cultivator, it looks like the top of the Divided Spirit Stage. It is definitely not a fit Early-Stage.

Yi Tian settled down in his heart, and then stretched out his hands and quickly knotted Yinfa and said in his mouth: "Xian". Four arms suddenly appeared under the double ribs, and two heads popped out from the back of the head and neck.

At the same time, a round of red sun slowly appeared behind the head, condensing into a corona about a foot in size. Yi Tian asked with a deep expression: "Since you say you are Luo Qin, as far as I know, the real strength of Luo Qin directly reaches the Mahayana Stage cultivation base. It is the most powerful house in the Asura world. It looks like your cultivation base is compared with him. It’s too far away."

"You dare to look down on me, don’t take advantage of your tongue. After you pick up my three tricks, see if you can stand here and talk." After speaking, Luo Qin stretched out his six hands to seal the two in the air and sacrificed the cultivation technique.

I saw three spiritual power vortex appearing in the void, each spreading around Luoqin and offering a red, yellow and blue wind. With a'swish', Luo Qin waved his hands and then let go of the three winds one by one, and then moved towards the position he occupied not far in front of him.

At this time, Yi Tian's face no longer has any contempt, and it is replaced by a thick jealousy. The red-yellow-blue tri-color wind seems to be only one foot in size, but the formidable power contained in it is not trivial.

Moreover, the three colors represent three attributes. The red wind contains the fire source power, the blue one should be the Ice Element Cultivation Art, and the yellow one should be the Earth Element spiritual power.

Yi Tian didn't dare to drag it out. Facing the first Mahayana Stage cultivator in this world, Avatar had to spare no effort to deal with it. At the same time, Yi Tian measured in his heart that the opponent's strength is definitely higher than his current state, almost stronger than the peak of the Divided Spirit Stage.

He stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, and in an instant, several auras flew out of it. Taiyuan Wooden Sword, Fan Tianjinling, Ziyan Wind-Lightning Fan, and the astrological wheel were all taken out and sacrificed in their hands. After slowly reciting the eight-tone proverb of the sky thunder in his mouth, the sound waves of one after another golden dispersed and swept across the body of the three gang winds that struck.

The invisible golden sound wave forms a sound wave wherever it goes, forming an isolated space the size of a twenty zhang. But those three gang winds were only slightly blocked by the sound wave, and then went straight into the extremity. Yi Tian stared at the back and finally his face was relaxed.

Didn't expect that my own sonic domain still has some effect, reducing the formidable power of Gangfeng by 30%, so that the hand holding the Taiyuan Wooden Sword shakes slightly and then flashes a dazzling azure glow . After three breaths, the azure glow bloomed directly in the air and turned into thousands of filaments to greet the opponent according to the other party's moves.

Under the sound of'Tzzzzzzz', countless azure swords were killed directly by shatter void, which defeated the red and blue gang wind group in one fell swoop, and finally the yellow gang wind canceled out most of the formidable power.

The surplus of the bang of the wind directly hit the protective cover, and Yi Tian's complexion calmly flashed out of the skin of his body with two golden rays of light, which is exactly the Buddhist Sect Great Accomplishment golden sun.

After that Gangfeng flew in through the gap of the protective cover, it passed directly over Yi Tian, ​​leaving one after another wind blade trace on the clothes, but the golden rays of light flashed through those wounds. Suffered substantial harm.

"Didn't expect that you still have a few brushes, it seems I still underestimate you," Luo Qin on the other side suddenly opened the mouth and said.

"Senior is great. The trifling divine sense staying here has such strength. If ordinary Asura cultivator would not be able to deal with it so calmly," Yi Tian said solemnly: "But the combination of senior three types is not a gentleman."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian secretly wrote down Luo Qin's tricks in his heart. This is obviously the ultimate cultivation. Bright King Hand should be called Asura Hand in Asura world. Although I can also use this technique, my decision is one heaven one earth in comparison.

Look at Luo Qin in a blink of an eye, but he was coldly snorted and said: "didn't expect your strength is not weak, you can learn too mixed Buddhist Sect cultivation technique plus Spirit Realm sword cultivator moves want It seems to be a bit too big to pass this level."

Yi Tian hearing this fierce heart startled, but I was wrong. Since this is the back door passage of the ten-story tower on Heavenspan Road, Luo Qin must have been able to do so back then. All kinds of tests are left to those who come to break through. As for the assessment method, it is naturally based on the cultivation technique of the Asura clan. If you blindly use other cultivation technique divine ability, you will naturally not be able to pass the test.

I want to stop and hurriedly reached out to take the Three Spirit Artifacts back to the Niwan Palace, leaving Fan Tianjinling on his head. Later, after the two of the six hands were sealed, they also performed the Asura hand secret technique, but the wind gathered on their hands was blue, red and yellow. And as Luo Qin shot just now, he combined the three-type cultivation technique into one and compressed it into a typhoon that was only half a foot in size.

He said: "Go", the three-color ball of light shot out and greeted Luo Qin. At the same time, the opposite party tried the same trick again, but Yi Tian found that it seemed to be slightly weaker than the formidable power just now.

After the three breaths, the Six Paths wind violently collided in the air. The rising wind spread to the entire platform. If it weren't for the forbidden mask protection, I'm afraid this place would be directly destroyed.

Even so, the entire mask is still buzzing and humming, and the wind is scattered to Yi Tian and found that it is evenly divided, and neither side has taken advantage of it.

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