At the exchange meeting, Yi Tian also didn’t expect that what he brought out would cause the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce to be favored by Feng Zhong, and it is exactly how he would take the lead. Put pressure on Tang Ya, and finally they reached an agreement between the three hosts to allow Yi Tian to get his wish.

In the eyes of others, the exchange of a jar of "Red Candle Blood" made by myself for a copy of "Blood Jade Spirit Glue" is definitely not equal in value. But Yi Tian understands in his heart that people who care about the value are not the value, so when they didn't need to crack the'Golden Seal Script' rune array before, this'Blood Jade Spirit Glue' is naturally a dispensable thing.

But the current situation is better than others. If you can't get the Heaven Grade rune, Mona will definitely delay your next move. Reasonable in every circumstance Yi Tian didn't want to see such a result, so I exchanged it without saying anything at the exchange meeting.

divine sense swept over the treasure in the jade box, Yi Tian converged his satisfaction, and he sat down slowly, pretending to be nonchalant. At this time it was Feng Zhong's turn to be big, although he had gotten his wish to exchange a jar of'Red Candle Blood', but he couldn't swallow it alone under his name.

Many Pill Masters whom he had been close to all talked about sound transmission in private. What's more, the old Pill Masters relied on their identities and walked forward to bargain with Feng Zhong. This matter is no longer under his control, and Yi Tian sits on the side and looks on the side with cold eyes.

Suddenly a sound transmission sounded in my ears: "This Fellow Daoist seems to be very face-to-face. I don't know when he came to Imperial Capital?"

Following the sound transmission sound Yi Tian turned around and looked to find that the speaker was Tang Ya who was sitting on it. At this time, the other party looked at himself with a tired face, as if to stare at some weak spot.

Yi Tian’s face slightly smiled is a slow sound transmission replied: “The next loose cultivator will not come to Imperial Capital very much, it just happens that he will hear that there is a foreign exchange meeting, so he will take the liberty to come. ."

Something said not one drop of water can leak out, anyway, I made up my mind to never reveal any clues so as not to ask for trouble.

Tang Ya was not annoyed after hearing this, but just continued to ask: "As far as I know, only a small number of people can access the royal wine made by the Asura clan, and there has never been one of them called'Chi "Candle blood' top brewing."

There is too much information in this sentence, and Yi Tian feels that the other party is at least someone who is familiar with the internal affairs of the Asura family. After looking at it, he replied: "Maybe Fellow Daoist Tang has never seen this thing before. You must know that the background of the Asura clan is definitely not something that foreign loose cultivators like you and me can understand. Maybe there is something unknown to outsiders. What’s your secret.”

After that, Yi Tian stared at Tang Ya to see how he reacted. Although everyone was testing each other, there was no room for a slight slip. Once the weak spot is exposed and the other party notices it, the conversation behind it will definitely fall into passiveness.

Sure enough, Tang Ya obviously lowered her head in thought after hearing this, her face remained silent, but the suspicion in her eyes became even greater.

So far, Yi Tian can conclude that Tang Ya can say such things. He must be deeply involved with some people in the Asura Imperial court, and they are also very close to the center of power. .

But it’s no wonder that, as his Array Master, he will naturally become a guest of the Asura dynasty. Who is Asura clansman who is good at fighting and fighting but doesn't pay much attention to the four types of side skills of'dan, weapon, formation, and talisman'.

My own words are also to dispel their identities, but also to remind him that everyone here is a foreign cultivator, naturally, it is impossible to simply snoop into the secrets of the Asura clan.

For a moment, Tang Ya was still sighed, and then sound transmission asked again: "It seems that Fellow Daoist is also an Array Master or a rune master, and he has a lot of accomplishments, otherwise he would not want to use the blood jade. "Lingjiao's Heaven Grade treasure."

Sure enough, he still didn’t want to test himself. The corner of Yi Tian’s mouth slightly smiled and looked at the replied: "Understand the talisman a little bit, this time It’s also because the rune spirit ink in hand is exhausted that they will come to exchange for the exchange."

"I don’t think it’s necessary, Fellow Daoist seems to be a little insincere," Tang Ya is hearing this face. With a strange look that believes in you, he continued: "As far as I know,'Blood Jade Spirit Glue' is specially used to write high-level formation marks or rune ingredients. Apart from this also requires High Rank demonic beast blood. It's only right to introduce and deploy."

Heart startled Yi Tian secretly thought'He really is an expert, no wonder he is so indifferent when he speaks.' The relationship is that I have never thought about redeeming it with myself. Fortunately, it was wrong this time. If it weren’t for the fact that Feng Zhong, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, came out halfway, I’m afraid I would really have no choice but to take the other party.

But now that Tang Ya is suspicious, she is always okay, so she rushes to understand and pretends to be confused, at least she can live a good life. Otherwise, who knows that there will be who behind him, if you secretly register yourself and match it with High Rank Monster Beast, this clue will be found in the Commander’s Mansion sooner or later.

"I need to write a Life Source magic talisman below. The required materials have been prepared with rune ink blended with'Blood Jade Spirit Glue' in the past few hundred years," Yi Tian replied.

"Oh in that case, there is still another request, I hope Fellow Daoist will not refuse," Tang Ya said.

To tell the truth, Yi Tian really doesn't want to stay here anymore, but sensibly tells himself that if he leaves like this, he will beat the grass to scare the snake instead. Now since the other party wants to ask for himself, he can only brace oneself. Next, let's take a look at what medicine he sells in the gourd.

"But it doesn't hurt to say?" Yi Tian replied.

"I need a son and a mother to chase Tracking Talisman. If Fellow Daoist is willing to help me today, I can naturally assume that it has never happened," Tang Ya lightly saying.

Yi Tian really feels that the other party's words are still really testing himself, this'child and mother chasing Tracking Talisman' is a high-level Space Rune. No matter where the person holding the'child talisman' is or in an interface, he can sense the existence of the'mother talisman' directly through activation.

Although this is only a one-time consumable, because of the characteristics of rune, it has always been the best choice for the life-saving cultivator of Secret Realm. Although Yi Tian also has a deep understanding of Rune Dao, he has never personally refined such a charm.

Look at Tang Ya’s attitude as if she didn’t want to let her go. Yi Tian thought about it before replied: "Such a high-level magic talisman can’t be drawn casually. If Fellow Daoist wants to It’s not a small cost."

"The cost is not a problem. As long as Fellow Daoist can draw a copy of Tracking Talisman, I can provide a copy of Level 9 demonic beast. Fellow Daoist must have something," Tang Ya didn't care.

Kick the question back again. Yi Tian only feels that his head is as big as a fight. If he doesn't agree, it will definitely cause the other party's suspicion. After thinking about it, he can only nodded and gestured.

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