I have been in Asura Imperial Capital for a while, and Yi Tian has almost figured out the many ways in the city. Now if you want to use Immortal World'Golden Seal Script' to write an array rune, you have to prepare at least a mid-level formation cone and array of Heaven Grade.

The raw materials for refining such a Spiritual Artifact and the rune ink for writing the inscription must be of the same matching level. Checked the storage bag, I still have many Heaven Grade Devil Crystal Stones brought from the abyss of Demon Realm that I can use.

But rune ink can only be formulated with the corresponding Level 9 demonic beast blood. Nowadays, there are not a few who can have stock in Imperial Capital. Luo Ziyan, Duan Xiaolou, Hao Renzhi are the masters who will not lack such materials in terms of status and value.

But Yi Tian absolutely didn't want to disturb them. After all, such treasures are not a common thing. It will be a trouble to ask for the favor that he owes for no reason.

When I think about it, I should search the Imperial Capital first, so that I can no longer use the identity of Viscount Hongshan, and at the same time I can’t show it in person. Wanting to stop, Yi Tian changed to use the Thousand Faces technique to disguise as a distracted Early-Stage alien loose cultivator and searched in the major Commerce District domains of the Imperial Capital.

The largest business in the city is naturally the Asura Palace backed by the Asura dynasty. This is a special business with the Imperial Family as the background. The goods sold inside are basically the most Peak treasures in this world, Spiritual Artifact or medicine pill.

But there is an unwritten rule in this place to give priority to Asura noble cultivators, so even those foreign loose cultivators can only be purchased without Asura clansman competition even if they have a fancy. .

Yi Tian turned around the door of Asura Palace and found that most of the cultivators entering and leaving within a quarter of an hour were Asura clansman. If you are dressed like a foreign race, you will become a target of public criticism. When the time comes, you will be targeted by someone who wants to buy the blood of Level 9 demonic beast.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and turned and walked away, and walked towards the alien gathering area on the street. Half a moment later, I entered the prosperous alien area and looked up and saw a huge signboard. Below the letter "Qingfeng Substation" there was a string of small characters embroidered with Spirit Realm Qing Wind City.

Needless to say, this should be the staging point of the Taiqing Pavilion in the Asura world. I had no opinion at the time when I escaped from the Celestial Grotto in Langhuan and was abducted by the Integration Stage cultivator Houtian Old Ancestor. Jie Xiang think it has been three-four hundred years. During this period, his cultivation base also jumped from the Deity Transformation Late Stage to the late stage of distraction, a full stage.

I don't know what happened to the best friends who stayed in Sect after I disappeared. I can't help but feel in a daze when I think of this. After a while, Yi Tian settled down and moved towards Qingfeng Substation.

After entering the inner middle, I found that many people in the lobby were choosing, but the cultivation base like myself was naturally targeted by those clever guys early on. After coming up to say hello, he was directly led to the elegant room box upstairs and received by the shopkeeper here.

When I didn’t sit in the room for a long time, a Spirit Realm cultivator knocked on the door and came in. Yi Tian looked at the Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator. But looking at his dress as a shopkeeper, it seems that the cultivator sitting here is at most the same as his own cultivation base. Yi Tian paused and opened the mouth and said: "I don't know how to call shopkeeper?"

"Junior is the second shopkeeper of Qingfeng substation here. I don't know what senior wants to buy here. ?" asked the shopkeeper.

"I want to buy some treasures, some of which are unique to Spirit Realm. Please take a look at this list first. If you have any questions, please tell me directly." After saying that Yi Tian reached out and took out a copy of the jade slip. Past.

The shopkeeper took the jade slip and quickly checked it over in his hand. After a while, there was a slightly gloomy and uncertain look on his face and said: "The senior needs a wide variety of treasures and materials. There are a lot of quantities, and there are several kinds of them that cannot be provided by the company, please forgive me."

"Which kinds of treasures do you have here?" Yi Tian had anticipated this situation early on, so naturally there is no need to be too persistent Up.

"Level 9 demonic beast spirit blood, Heaven Grade treasure Zhu Yanlei, Spirit Realm star diamonds, I don’t have any in my shop," the shopkeeper said after he looked at the following Yi Tian and asked: "Also, the Qingfeng Red Sun Ginseng is a specialty medicine ingredient of Taiqing Pavilion. It is a popular item in Spirit Realm Qing Wind City. It is simply impossible to supply it to Asura Imperial Capital."

"Oh , It seems that the shopkeeper should be the Taiqing Pavilion who is very familiar with Spirit Realm Three Great Sects. I wonder if it is the Dao Sect person?" Yi Tian asked.

"It seems that senior knows a lot about Spirit Realm, and Junior is the Chief-In-Charge of Dao Sect here," the shopkeeper replied.

"In the early years, I had a good relationship with the Taiqing Pavilion cultivator, so I knew that there was a medicine ingredient such as red sun ginseng. Using it to refine medicine pill can not only increase the rate of pill but also improve the quality of the First Rank. It's a pity that it's still out of reach now," Yi Tian sighed for a while.

"It is true. It is said that the amount of Western Mountain spirit plant that produces red sun ginseng in the Taiqing Pavilion has doubled every 100 years, and the quality has also improved. But even so, the Qingfeng red sun ginseng The price is still rising continuously, senior is really sorry," blocked shopkeeper replied.

Hearing the mention of Taiqing Pavilion Western Mountain spirit plant Yi Tian's thoughts, he couldn't help but lose his mind. Later, he lightly coughed and concealed the embarrassment on his face: "If this is the case, then forget it. Among these missing treasures, only Level 9 demonic beast blood is what I need urgently. I don’t know if there is any way to block shopkeeper?"

After thinking about blocking shopkeeper, I tentatively asked: "I don’t know senior. But Pill Master or Refiner Master?"

"Refiner Master, how come it has something to do with this?" Yi Tian puzzled.

"Senior knows something. If you want a demonic beast, the blood must first have a demonic beast." Block shopkeeper said with a smile: "I heard that the imperial guard great commander Luo Yao sat down with the moonlight leopard Level 9 demonic beast."

"Moonlight Remnant Leopard," Yi Tian said with astonishment: "Can the Level 9 demonic beast be tamed into the mounted of the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator?"


"That is the Level 9 demonic beast tamed by Luo Yao's ancestors. It is said that it has been completely controlled and left in the clan to support it as a town clan Spirit Beast for thousands of years," the shopkeeper said in a low voice.

"The shopkeeper means that I should go to Luoyao Great Commander's house to ask for a little Spirit Beast blood," Yi Tian said indifferently, and to be honest, he and Luo Yao couldn't urinate. In the pot. If he asks to come again, he will be ridiculed many times. During the last escort mission, he was intercepted by him at the gate of Imperial Capital and competed with him. Although he faintly won a round, if he went to ask Luo Yao, he couldn't hold down the air.

Just listen to the shopkeeper introduced: "Luo Yao Great Commander seems to have encountered some trouble recently, which is related to the Level 9 demonic beast moonlit leopard. Right now, I am asking people to find a way, senior if If you have confidence in your own craftsmanship, you can go to his house to try one's luck. If you can solve the troubles of Luoyao Great Commander, you will naturally get some demonic beast blood."

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