Speaking of the understanding of the astrological wheel and the "Asura Destiny Book", I am naturally inferior to Luo Yilan, but after this period of time, Yi Tian is also right in his heart. The former Queen of Asura had some opinions.

At least from Luo Ziyan’s mouth, I know that the real queen should be Luo Ziyan’s mother. As for the Great Ascension cultivator, Luo Yilan is indeed from dozens of generations ago as she said before. Ancestors. And this ancestor disappeared in this world after arranging the political situation in the Asura dynasty ten thousand years ago.

In these ten thousand years, only the three Integration Stage cultivators who were at the peak of the power of the dynasty were lucky enough to contact them. Regarding this matter, Yi Tian always held a relatively wait-and-see attitude, wondering what purpose this ray of Luo Yilan's soul wanted to gather the two Spiritual Artifacts in front of him.

Later, just listen to Luo Yilan’s mouth instructed: "You can control the astrological wheel and swipe the names of my fingers. I want to check whether the fortunes of these people will affect Asura. The luck of the dynasty."

It turned out that she couldn’t directly activate the astrology wheel, Yi Tian hearing this calmly and unchanged, six hands took out the spiritual power after the contact was triggered in pairs, and flew up according to the astrology wheel. go with. Luo Yilan stretched out his hand and pointed to the "Asura Destiny Book" and said: "Starting from Luo Yonghao, Luo Wei Wheel and Yun Lin follow them in sequence."

Then the palm-size wheel was flying fast in the air. When it rotates, its main body keeps getting bigger and turns into a size of ten feet, and then shoots out a white aura from the center of the astrological wheel. Under the lead of Yi Tian, ​​it directly shines on the name at the forefront of Asura's destiny spectrum.

At the same time, I saw Luo Yonghao's name on the Asura's destiny spectrum flashed with a hint of light, and then an imaginary form appeared on the astrology wheel. Then this illusory shadow gradually stared at Human Transformation, but there was a bloody red light on his body, but the rays of light were soft and not very dazzling.

"Next, Luo Wei Wheel," Luo Yilan said again with a cold icy voice.

Yi Tian finally moved the astrological wheel slightly to the next name, and later on the astrological wheel appeared its silhouette imaginary form. After opening his eyes and looking carefully, he found that the halo on Luo Yonghao's body was much more solid than the light on Luo Yonghao's body just now, but his rays of light were extremely overbearing, and it was obvious that his luck was much better than King Xun.

Then he moved to Yunlin, which was much softer than the previous two, but the illusory shadow was much stronger.

Luo Yilan stared at the meeting before opening the mouth and said: "Change to the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator below, starting with Luo Yao." Then he burst out a series of names, most of which are Yi Tian I'm familiar with the cultivators I encountered during this period, including Qiao Yongjun, Duan Xiaolou, Shui Cangyue, and Luo Ziyan.

Two of them are called Lou Zhenqiang and Dong Fei, they are both cultivators of the late stage of distraction. The speaking of which Yi Tian understands the situation of the Asura cultivator is naturally inferior to Luo Yilan, and the person who can make her pay attention must be unique.

Secretly memorize the names of these two people in the heart Yi Tian, ​​and estimate that maybe I will meet them in the trial of fire source in the future.

After Shaoqing inspected the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, Luo Yilan stopped and said: "Okay, these high-rank cultivators are enough to dominate the Asura dynasty for about five thousand years. You did good."

"Senior overpraised, I wonder if Junior can do anything else?" Yi Tian asked casually.

"Heavenspan Road, are you going to the tenth floor to fetch for me a drop of the Asura family secret treasure Saint Sovereign Luoqin?" Luo Yilan opened the mouth and said.

Yi Tian hearing this I don’t see any happiness or anger on my face, but I just looked at it and said: "As I am now, I want to enter the tenth floor, it will definitely cause the dynasty to shake up and down, and The stone tablet outside the'Heavenspan Road' will record my whereabouts. I don’t want to be wanted by the dynasty for this."

"This matter is easy to get. Originally, this place was reserved for the junior dísciple to check the cultivation base. , Naturally there is a back door," Luo Yilan opened the mouth and said disdainfully.

"This happened," Yi Tian looked at the replied with a moving expression on his face, "In that case, it should be no problem for me to sneak in from the back door."

" Don’t be happy too early," Luo Yilan frowned: "It’s not fake to leave the back doorway, but you still need to go through the tenth floor. What I can point you to is the method of the upper ten floors. . If I can’t get through the pass, I can’t get back the things stored at the top of the tenth floor."

"I know this naturally, but what is the matter. I don’t know if I go up the stone outside the'Heavenspan Road'. Will my record appear on the tablet?" Yi Tian asked.

"So you can rest assured that as long as you walk through the back door, you won't be recorded on the stone tablet," Luo Yilan's face was light, and then he said: "But when you pass the ten levels of'Heavenspan Road', Imperial The Asura war drum in the depths of the Palace will automatically sound, and the sound will ring through the entire Asura world."

"Isn't this troublesome?" Yi Tian said with embarrassment: "In this way, the three An Integration Stage cultivator is not a fool and will definitely try to find out the reason. As long as I am still in the Asura circle, I will definitely not escape the pursuit of the three Integration Stage cultivators."

"Neither will you I need to worry," Luo Yilan said with a look of contempt: "The Asura drum is my Asura sacred relic, but unfortunately it hasn't been beaten in thousands of years. I think I don’t even know that I have three Integration Stage cultivators on the'Heavenspan Road'. There will be this setting."

"After all, this is not a free lunch. I took such a big risk to fetch a drop of effort left by Saint Sovereign Rochin for you. You should at least Pay the same price," Yi Tian distinguished.

"After the matter is over, you will give me that drop of Saint Sovereign Luoqin's heart and soul, and I will tell you how to collect the Asura drum," Luo Yilan persuades.

Hearing that it was such a deal, Yi Tian's face suddenly drooped and said: "The Asura drum is the Supreme Treasure of the Asura family. Even if you tell me how to collect it, I still need to do it myself. Go and get it. And the difficulty of getting deep into the Imperial Palace to get the treasure can be imagined. You get a real benefit but you draw a pie for me. Such a transaction is too bad for me."

" Then what benefits do you want?" Luo Yilan asked rhetorically.

"The method of collecting the Asura war drums is only part of it. With the senior's ten thousand years in the Asura world, there must be some private collections. Can you tell me one or two, I can find the "Asura Destiny Book" 'What about the reward for Saint Sovereign's painstaking efforts?" Yi Tian asked. Anyway, it is now that Luo Yilan wants to ask for himself, Yi Tian also thought about how to deal with it, and now he has retrieved the'Asura Destiny Spectrum', plus the follow-up things have to take a big risk to think about it, at least not to treat him badly. Lost myself.

Luo Yilan's face sinking, after thinking about it for a while, she said, "I have another courtyard at the bottom of Mirror Lake. Even if it’s a reward for you, I hope you don’t let me. Disappointed."

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