To put it plainly, Yi Tian certainly does not want to reveal the true relationship between him and Luo Ziyan. This will definitely cause waves within the Asura clan. So under the balance, I took out the astrological wheel in my hand, using this as an excuse to try and sift it.

After Qiao Yongjun met it, face doesn't change and replied: "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Yi is willing to treat me so sincerely, then I understand it. Our cooperation continues. And I will try my best to cooperate with your actions in the future."

"Since Qiao commander’s knot is untied, we can cooperate sincerely next. The place to meet in the future will be the Piaoxianlou. 'Well, after your noble status is confirmed, you can go in and out there without any scruples," Yi Tian said.

"Okay, I also have many thanks to Fellow Daoist Yi here. I think I will have the opportunity to go to the 9th floor of'Heavenspan Road' soon," Qiao Yongjun said with a smile.

'9th floor' Is this aristocratic identity still not related to'Heavenspan Road', but Yi Tian's suspicious face is pretending to be nonchalant. Later, the two exchanged and agreed on the time and method of the next meeting, then opened the banned Formation and walked out of the two doors of the warehouse.

Going back to the carriage again, Yi Tian can't wait to take out the jade slip, write down the question in his heart and activate it and send it out. It didn't take a moment for the carriage to return to the mansion of the Viscount Hongshan, and the jade talisman had also been sent back. As expected, Luo Ziyan clearly stated on the jade slip that he wanted to go to the 9th floor of the'Heavenspan Road' because of harsh conditions.

In addition to the cultivation Asura family cultivation technique, you also need a noble seal as a guide. As Qiao Yongjun is actually enough early in the morning. It is a pity that because he is a civilian cultivator and a member of Prince Wei's line, Luo Ziyan has been reluctant to give him the seal of nobility for a long time.

I saw Qiao Yongjun on the stone tablet outside the'Heavenspan Road' that he had already passed through twice, presumably he was also very clear in his heart that he had to break through to the 9th floor if he wanted to improve on the cultivation base. Row. Others such as Luo Yao or Shui Cangyue are hereditary nobles themselves, so there is no such restriction at all.

Look at Asura clansman's class Yan Ming Yi Tian, ​​but from the bottom of my heart, I feel sad for them. In the Spirit Realm, they are all able to live. The high-rank cultivator will never deliberately set up levels to limit the promotion of low-rank cultivator.

In this way, we can also see that it is difficult for newcomers to stand out under the continuous suppression of the decadent strategy of the Asura dynasty, and it is the children of the nobles who can stand out. It's a pity that it is rare for these people to have a Heaven Warping Genius for thousands of years, and even if they do, they will be absorbed by the Imperial Family. In the long run, the rule of the Asura dynasty is becoming more and more stable, but gradually less enterprising will soon be surpassed by other realms.

Yi Tian returned to the mansion of Viscount Hongshan and locked himself in the quiet room again. This time, he made a special trip to refine a large number of intermediate talisman urns. Calculating it is also to prevaricate under the Imperial Guard, and after paying enough shares at one time, I hope that Luo Ziyan can let her go and make trouble less.

A few days later, when Yi Tian finished his work and installed a large number of talisman in the storage bag, he then ordered Steward to come forward and hand over the things to the Imperial Guard logistics department for himself. It was considered that the mission for a hundred years was completed.

Later, I received a political report from the court, which clearly stated Luo Ziyan’s new promotion decree. Among them, it is listed that the rank of the Imperial Family Knight of the Level 1 Asura family has been newly established under the noble rank of Grade Five. This can be regarded as an excessive title of commoners and nobles, but there are special cases. This title will follow the new nobles for life, and even after being promoted to Baron, the name of the Imperial Family Knight will remain after the title.

After looking at Yi Tian's face, there are some incomprehensible colors. Luo Ziyan's operation like this is naturally reasonable, but why does it operate like this. After thinking for a while, my heart suddenly became clear. If you want to come to Luo Ziyan, there are talented people who can see through her own suggestions, and then perfect them.

These new Imperial Family Knights are bound to become Luo Ziyan's confidantes. Different from those old nobles, these people will faintly form a new force loyal to the queen in the future.

The entry barrier is for the general public. Even those alien cultivators can be accepted as long as they can pass the assessment and re-cultivation Asura cultivation technique. In this way, Luo Ziyan made such a decision after going back this time, but she didn't know how the nobles of the dynasty would react.

Continue to watch Yi Tian's frowning brows slowly unfolded, and the political newspaper also pointed out that the children of the isolated dynasty aristocrats who could not be hereditary went to participate in the assessment. Taking the Viscount Hongshan as an example, in this way, secret assassinations within the clan for the title and title can be avoided.

The incident of Viscount Hongshan’s backstab also caused a lot of waves in the Asura dynasty. As a result, this decree is bound to be supported by most people, and I want to continue to resist it. It will not be too big.

Next, the political newspapers also proposed that those cultivators who obtained the Asura Imperial Family Knight title would be dispatched to major positions in the dynasty. Those who have outstanding performance in the once-a-hundred-year assessment can be promoted to the Baron title, which is equivalent to giving these cultivators a follow-up promotion path.

At the end of the political report, the Tweet Order for the recruitment was also mentioned. In order to ensure the safety of the Imperial Family members, in addition to the previously dispatched guard cultivator, a batch of Imperial Guard elite cultivators were specially selected to guard the Knight. These selected people will participate in the coronation ceremony held in the next Imperial Court Great Assembly, and the queen herself will preside over the coronation ceremony and introduce the members of the protected Imperial Family one by one.

The rest are the selected Imperial Family guarding Knight's life and one after another corresponding Imperial Family member list.

In the Imperial Family this time, apart from the pro-King level cultivator, it is mainly aimed at the county owners, county kings and dukes whose cultivation base is less than the Divided Spirit Stage. Because it is the first time, the coverage is not too wide. But in general, it has set a good example for the people below, and the implementation of this system will be smoother in the future.

The first on this list is Fenglin County Lord Luo Qingcheng, and her guardian Knight is not only Qiao Yongjun, but also a cultivator named Mao Yongliang. There is also a brief introduction behind this person's name. It is said that he is the deputy capital of a large town outside the Imperial Capital.

After seeing Yi Tian, ​​his face is faintly smiled. It seems that this list has been carefully considered. If it were so easy to let Prince Wei’s person speak of which would be a source of suspicion, arranging a competitor at this time would be understandable and at the same time dispelling others’ suspicions.

After putting away this political report, Yi Tian calmed down and began to meditate. Now that the entire Asura government has a new look, it is bound to touch the interests of some people. It's just that I haven't seen them exerting that's all yet, and I have to be cautiously cautiously in the next period of time so as not to expose unnecessary weak spots.

I was thinking, and suddenly I found that Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace had a message from the illusory shadow of the gu gu Daxian. It is estimated that Hao Ren could not sit still and want to find it after the matter was fermented. Add it up by yourself.

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