After the secret meeting in Piaoxianlou, the Viscount Hongshan dressed up by Yi Tian still swaggered away from the main entrance that night, and drove straight to the Viscount Mansion after getting on the carriage.

Those Asura aristocrats in the Piaoxianlou are secretly remembering it in their eyes, regardless of their poor strength, but these people's ability to observe and read color is not shallow.

As for Qiao Yongjun, he had his own way to leave after dressing up, and no one was aware of the whole process. For these impeccable figures of the Imperial Capital, Yi Tian is naturally very clear, they have their own ways.

Stay at home, sit cross-legged and amended for a few days. The Viscount Mansion of Red Mountain received a call-up order from the Imperial Court. What Yi Tian did not expect was that Luo Ziyan also made a move. She first arranged for the Imperial Guard selection meeting to be hosted by Deputy Commander Qiao Yongjun.

This was unexpected by the courtiers. The original hot candidate Luo Yao was dispatched to carry out other urgent matters, so the Queen had no choice but to let Deputy Commander come forward to preside.

In this way, Prince Wei couldn't talk any more, and even the effort that he had originally wanted to make a stumbling block in secret was saved.

The second thing is to let Princess Fenglin preside over this matter on behalf of the queen, which is also a powerful signal to the nobles of the dynasty. In addition, the power was decentralized so that Luo Qingcheng selected good talents among the noble children to fill the position of the team leader of the Imperial Guard.

The imperial palace nobles of the entire dynasty have been exploded. It is difficult for the current queen to revive the nobles and give such an extremely rare opportunity. Everyone wants to get it. At the Imperial Guard selection conference, he played hard to gain a reputation.

Another news is that the Imperial Guard will also select the cultivation base from the Pingming children and incorporate them into the cultivation base. This is also an opportunity for the promotion of clansman who are unexpected by the Asura nobles.

Finally, the commission was given to Viscount Hongshan. In view of the fact that Chuan was able to start with Rune Dao, he specially appointed Viscount Hongshan as a staff member of the Imperial Guard logistics department and counted as a direct subordinate of the queen.

In the eyes of outsiders, Viscount Hongshan was a blessing in disguise. After the assassination and attack, he not only indulged in King's Heir, but was also admitted into the Imperial Guard. All this was because the queen wanted to renew Take advantage of the nobility to take charge of the government that's all.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that Luo Ziyan was creating a channel for the two of them to meet, and she wanted to come up with a lot of suggestions for her and needed help from the side.

But at least one thing about Qiao Yongjun and Luo Qingcheng is mostly done, and at this stage there is nothing we can do too much to let them get in touch first. Until where water flows, a canal is formed, it’s just a matter of nailing Luo Ziyan’s order, and as long as Qiao Yongjun gives the jade slip to Luo Ziyan, he will be able to get the corresponding promise. This is better than from his own mouth. It is much more effective to say it here.

But now Yi Tian feels that there are constant troubles in his hands. This appointment letter requires him to report to the Imperial Guard Logistics Department at noon today, and an officer will come to give a lecture. It was clear in my heart that this officer was afraid that Luo Ziyan had come in a dress, and it seemed that she would have to listen to her complaints by then.

I was thinking that Steward from the Viscount’s mansion came to urge him, and as soon as the frame was ready, he waited for the master to get in the car. After listening to the report, Yi Tian's helpless shrugged was worthy of reluctance to leave the mansion. After boarding the carriage, he moved towards Imperial Guard and the logistics department drove straight.

Although Viscount Hongshan is an influential figure for a while, his on the surface strength and cultivation base are too low. I rushed all the way to the logistics department of the Imperial Capital Imperial Guard after passing through several checkpoints without stopping, and inquired carefully. Yi Tian is also worthy of patience to take out the commissions in hand again and again to prove his true identity.

In the end, it took two hours to arrive at the lobby of the logistics department. As soon as I got off the bus, I saw the doctor Mi Baiji had been waiting here. It seems that she met an acquaintance. It seems that Luo Ziyan is also afraid that she will be troubled by the people in the logistics department because of her identity and inability to show her strength, so she will send someone to respond.

Following Mi Baiji all the way into the lobby, I saw a lot of people in the inner to-and-fro, but most of these people are in groups of three or four led by Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator. What a five-person squad looks like. These people are all dressed in the uniform of the Imperial Guard uniform. It is rare that two alternatives shuttled in the hall and quickly attracted the attention of others.

Fortunately, Mi Boji opened the way. He also deliberately wore an official uniform, so all the people around gave way. After bringing it to the President's Office of the Logistics Department, I saw Luo Xiao standing in front of the door from a distance. It seems that the two came to look at it and then stared at Yi Tian with some differences on their faces for a long time.

Unfortunately, with his strength, he naturally couldn't see any weak spot. Later he sighed Luo said with a smile: "The two are ordered to come, don't let the adults wait in the house for a long time. "

Mi Boji faintly smiled and said: "Your lord's order is to meet Viscount Hongshan alone. I will wait outside the door, please, Lord Viscount."

Yi Tian is free After he clicked nodded, he stepped forward, looked at Saul's faintly smiled face, and then gently pushed the door open and walked in.

There was only a round table in the room, and a man in a cloak was sitting at the table. After closing the door, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the sound-proof Formation, and then slowly walked up and said: "It's too late for the unknown lord to summon the subordinates."

"Your course is not small, you dare to teach me how to do things. "Luo Ziyan took off the cloak and mask on her head to show her true face, then her face showed dissatisfaction.

"How do you teach you to do things?" Yi Tian was replied in a leisurely manner: "You don't want to take the opportunity to separate the forces of Prince Wei, but also try to re-constrain the Imperial Family children. . And then you have to win over the hearts of the noble children, so many things to do. I will help you deal with it. Now that you can get things done with one stone, at least you have to thank me."

" Thank you, the happiness of my cousin's life is so ruined in your hands. Have you ever asked her if she really likes this person Qiao Yongjun?" Luo Ziyan said in an angry voice.

"It turned out to be angry about this," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Actually, don't worry too much, this is just your one-sided thought. No one ever asked Luo Qingcheng if he wanted to come. I don’t think it’s worth seeing Qiao Yongjun, but according to my observation, Princess Fenglin has a tough personality and has to find someone who can eat her."

"So you just clicked the mandarin ducks to compile her. Send it out," Luo Ziyan replied.

"It's definitely not sent out at will," Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "According to my observation, Qiao Yongjun has a cultivation base. If he has ambitions, he will not dare to live under people for a long time. What he lacks is just an identity. .Unless he wants to go out and be a loose cultivator no longer paid attention to dynasty."

"You are very accurate, this person is a member of Prince Wei’s Titans. If he can be drawn to him. Come here, or at least let him remain neutral, it will be of great benefit to returning to the court," Luo Ziyan thought for a while.

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